The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 366: Do you want to die?

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At this time, a loud noise came from the door, and Kong Jiaming finally came.

"Boom--! Boom--! Boom--!''

The sound of leather shoes hitting the ground, like the death knell of death, made everyone in the East China Chamber of Commerce shudder, and even some people's eyes shifted, seeming to be preparing to jump back.

Soon, an elegant young man came among the crowd, and even if he didn't say a word, he seemed to be the center of the audience. Everyone's eyes were focused on him, and even Wei Xiuwen, the head of the Wei family, seemed to be short before him.

The young man walked step by step, glancing at Wei Yalong and Kong Yuanwei, his face pale, as if he were not his own brother. In this scene alone, Ye Chen nodded secretly.

Kong Jiaming's city of nourishing qi is obviously better than Wei Xiuwen. And he is at least 20 years younger than Wei Xiuwen!

"Below is Kong Jiaming, don't know who this gentleman is?"

Kong Jiaming saw Ye Chen at a glance. After all, only Ye Chen could sit there and play with the little girl. Others, even the always calm blue color, saw Kong Jiaming, and there was a trace of tension in his eyes.

At this time, Wei Xiuwen, who was standing next to him, sneered: "This is the famous Ye Chen, you may not know Jiaming, he has conquered the Shen Family, the Sunan Cheng Family, and the North Jiangsu Cao Family in the past six months. …So some arrogance is overdone, and dare to provoke the Kong family.”

Hearing Wei Xiuwen's words, Kong Jiaming was suddenly overshadowed. He never thought that at such a junior exchange meeting, he would actually see Ye Xianshi himself!

In his impressions, most of the Aoba clubs are also senior executives of the East China United Chamber of Commerce. Ye Chen's status, even if he attends the banquet, he has to be accompanied by everyone!

"By the way, Jiaming, he still has a name, what is Ye Xianshi. It is said that he is still a martial saint. It is estimated that he has a little skill in his own hands, so don't take the Confucian family in his eyes.

Wei Xiuwen laughed, looking at Ye Chen with gloating eyes. However, he did not find that Kong Jiaming, who had just calmed down and had a calm mind, had changed his face wildly and blurted out:

"You are Master Ye Xian?"

All around for a moment, how to look at Kong Jiaming, seems to be very surprised by Ye Chen's name? Is there anything special about this Ye Xianshi? But everyone knows Ye Chen's identity.

What is the chairman of the East China United Chamber of Commerce, Wufa Shuangsheng, who killed Cheng Boxuan... This kind of thing, many families in Hedong and Hexi may be afraid, but how can the dreadful Yanjing Kong family be afraid?

Only Feng Shanhe moved his heart and seemed to feel the situation was wrong.

But the next scene shocked everyone.

I saw Kong Jiaming briskly stepping forward and bowed ninety degrees: "Jia Ming visited Master Ye Xian, just did not know your old identity, and hope to forgive sins!"

As he spoke, there was a trace of respect and fear on his face.

Everyone at the scene didn't know, even his younger brother Kong Yuanwei, but how could Kong Jiaming not know Ye Chen's identity?

The young man, who witnessed the duel with his own eyes, thought of Ye Chen's ability to destroy the world that day, even Kong Jiaming, could not restrain his horror.

Until now, when he thinks about Xiao Yi's being arrested that second, he still feels muddled, as if listening to myth. But now the myth is right in front of me, the space just feels cold and sweating behind him, and even breathing is not smooth.

"I came to East China this time to make friends with Ye Xianshi. With his support, I replaced the Qin family with the Confucius family, just around the corner. As a result, I didn't expect to let Yuan Wei's **** mix up!"

Kong Jiaming sighed in his heart, but the more respectful he was, he no longer wished to make good relations with each other. He just hoped not to anger the **** of killing, otherwise the other party would destroy the Confucian family, which is a matter of thought.

Others were completely at a loss. Wei Xiuwen was on the side, his smile stiffened on his face, his finger was still pointing to Ye Chen, and his eyes jumped straight: "Jiaming, you are..."

Kong Jiaming ignored him, but continued to look at Ye Chen respectfully, just like Ban Xiaoyu, waiting for the other party's order.

At this time, Ye Chen raised her eyelids, glanced at Kong Jiaming, and said lightly: "Do you know me?"

Ye Chen's sentence, if it was said before, everyone would laugh at the big teeth. Throughout East China, who doesn't know your Ye Chenye's name? Know your ability to destroy the Cheng family and subdue the Cao family. But if you Ye Xianshi is arrogant, can you step on Yanjing's clan?

But now, everyone feels wrong.

Wu Sheng will definitely not scare Kong Jiaming, the top young man of Yanjing. There are more than one martial saints enshrined in the family, such as the Confucius family. A martial **** is noble and can rampage in East China, but taking it to Yanjing is not enough.

"Does he have any identity that we don't know?" A sigh in the hearts of everyone began to secretly say bad things.

Feng Shanhe, Chu Yuxuan, Chen Qian and others all looked at Ye Chen with a startled look.

But what identity can make Yan Jing's youngest Kong Jiaming so respectful? You know, when meeting those patriarchs of the Yanjing family, Kong Jiaming may not be so respectful or even afraid!

Everyone is puzzled, especially with Wei Xiuwen, who feels extremely confused. I thought that it was Ace Kong Dashao, who actually...respected Ye Chen so much?

But at this time, Kong Jiaming did not care about everyone, and Bi Gong replied respectfully: "Whoever knows your name, the entire Yanjing, the Qin family did not know the heights of the land, and they were provocative with you before they came to an end today. Jiaming would like to charge for you and let them Know how small you are."

The cloud cover of Yunshan said by Kong Jiaming, but everyone can still understand clearly. But I just understood it, so everyone became more confused.

"Ye Chen's name was widely circulated throughout Yanjing, and the Qin family didn't end well because they offended him?"

Many people feel like they are listening to the story, even Feng Shanhe is confused. A pair of eyes looked at Ye Chen, looking at this ordinary ordinary teenager.

What did he do to make Yanjing famous, so that the Qin family is not an opponent, and let Kong Jiaming respect him more?

"You know, but your brother doesn't seem to understand well." A meaningful smile appeared on Chen's face, pointing to Kong Yuanwei who was kneeling on the ground.

Kong Yuanwei at this time, even if half of his face was swollen by Ye Chen, he was still rebellious, but after seeing Kong Jiaming, he still shouted wildly:

"Brother, you must avenge me. I want to crush the kid named Ye. I stepped on the entire East China United Chamber of Commerce under my feet and let this leaf dust kneel down and lick my shoes..."

Kong Yuanwei's words have not been finished yet, Kong Jiaming has changed his face wildly.

The young man who looked at Rua Siwen suddenly changed his temperament, and the arrow rushed in front of Kong Yuanwei, kicking him heavily, kicking Kong Yuanwei several times in a row, kicking and screaming angrily:

"Can you call Ye Xianshi's name? Don't shut me up yet, do you want to die!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

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