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The six great demons shouted at the air, an invisible terror coercion, immediately covering the surrounding ten miles. Those fierce and distorted monsters must be in a certain shape, as if they saw the superior, they bowed their heads and bowed down to pay tribute to Ye Chen, and even the Yuanying monster did not dare to pretend to Ye Chen.

"This evil spirit has this effect."

Ye Chen was very happy.

He simply did not converge on the magical appearance, so he controlled the black escape light, and the swaying flying escape was above the fairy land. Originally, even those great gods and goddesses could hardly move in the fairy land and had to fight against those top monsters at all times. But Ye Chen is like a king returning to his own territory. Wherever he goes, countless monsters bow their heads respectfully.

And as the more weird energy in the absorbed magic energy, the more powerful the body of the six major demons is, the speed of Ye Chen's flight will increase accordingly. In the end, it turned into a thunderbolt like a black sun, arrogantly crossed the sky, thundered with thunder, spreading around for dozens of miles.

"Who is so overbearing? Dare to be so rampant in this demon realm, know that although this place is the outermost of the demon realm, there are also monsters in the early Yuanying."

A group of monks riding on a cyan flying boat saw it and looked up very surprised to the arrogant black escape in the distance.

"Looking like this, it seems to be a Yuanying-class monk, and it's still a magic cultivation. However, our galaxy's sect, which specializes in the magic road, is the three or two.

An old monk frowned, and his expression was obviously taboo.

Moxiu dances with the demon. Over time, even if his consciousness is not affected, he will become cruel and murderous, and no one dares to speak even if they are small people like them.

At this moment, Ye Chen also found this group of people, turned around and came to them with a bang.


Ye Chen appeared in the dark, black hair in black, swallowing the black magic light in his eyes, plus the roar of the six demon repair monsters behind him, it was like a peerless demon.

"I don't know which Demon Sect Taoist is coming. The old man is the long-wind Taoist in the Valley of the Four Winds. He brought the seven disciples under his door to practice and meet the world."

The old monk bowed his hand slightly, and the word guard was almost written on his face.

Moxiu's reputation is already embarrassed. In this "fairy earth" full of magical energy, it is like a fish, and its strength has soared a layer. Everyone is afraid of Ye Chen's thoughts of killing more people.

Ye Chen's eyes swept and saw that the cyan flying boat was extremely long and narrow, with a length of tens of feet, like a green cyan leaf, with the light of countless blue runes shining on it, mostly the second series of Fengmu, obviously fast. A group of seven or eight people, men and women, men are tall, women are handsome, they are all good, and they are not weaker than they have ever seen.

"Oh, I am Gu Changsheng.

Ye Chen said casually that he had seen too few Xinghai monks, and the only thing he could use was Gu Changsheng's name.

Unexpectedly, the seven or eight disciples who were originally curious all looked horrified, but the girl disciple's eyes still showed horror. Even the long-wind Daoist who took the lead suddenly looked stiff.

"It turns out that Daoyou is the **** son of Gu Changsheng who is taught by Changsheng. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful." Changfeng Daoren's face was stiff and he grudgingly smiled.

"Why, my name is very big?" Ye Chen looked curious.

"Gu, Gu Daoyou is a long-lived and educated contemporary son of God, and he is powerful. I have long heard of it."

The Changfeng Taoists bowed again and again, but they were bitter in their hearts. Although Changsheng Education did not deliberately publicize it, they all overheard what happened to the Frost Leaf School in order to take care of Changsheng’s revenge.

It is said that because Gu Changsheng's son was in the infernal purgatory, the master of the Frost Leaf School fell into account and fell, so the Changsheng Education invaded and slaughtered the Frost Leaf School.

But now, Gu Changsheng, who had already fallen, suddenly appeared here, followed by the six magic repairs behind him, and he couldn't help but think about it.

What appears most in Infernal Purgatory? Li Mozu, Gu Changsheng's talent is undoubtedly, if he was secretly calculated by the Lord of Frost Leaf at the time, dying, and had to turn to Li Mozu for his life...

This is a major crime for apostasy, I am afraid that it will directly lead the Li Mo clan and the longevity education to start a full-scale war!

This kind of thing, is it possible for them to participate in a Valley of the Four Winds? Even if it is accidentally rubbed to the side, it will be wiped out!

"Gu, Gu Daoyou, I'll leave before I have anything else."

The Changfeng Daoren were all cold and sweaty, and hurriedly wanted to turn the bow to leave. But after brushing it, Ye Chen escaped the light and directly stopped the way of Qingye Feizhou.

"Come on, come on, there are some things in this Divine Son, I want to ask you clearly."

Ye Chen smiled.

But with the six roaring demon gods behind him, coupled with Gu Changsheng's character of hiding a sword in his smile and pulling a sword if he doesn't agree, who dares to ignore him?

"Divine Son, may I know that old decay knows all words and words." Changfeng Taoist smiled bitterly.

What Ye Chen asked was nothing more than Changshengjiao, Jinwumen and other related things. With the explanation of Changfeng Taoist, he gradually became aware of the situation.

Although the Changsheng Divine Son and the Jinwu Divine Son seem to be the strongest, they are not the strongest among the younger generations they teach. In fact, there are far more than one God Son of the True True Immortals. For example, Changsheng, including Gu Changsheng, has three gods. The stronger the sect, the more the Son of God.

"So, these so-called "sons of God" on earth are not really gods at all?" Ye Chen frowned.

"Of course, they also have the title of Divine Son, but the Divine Son is just a title. It means that you have a position to compete for the leader. It should be the weakest, the youngest, and the lateest Divine Son among the major religions."

Changfeng Daoren squinted while answering.

Aren’t you the last son of Changsheng? What are you doing?

But this sentence, he said that he dare not say anything in front of Ye Chen.

There are many **** sons in the major Xinghai great churches, and now the weakest **** son enters the earth. This news makes Ye Chen's heart sink slightly. He wasn't afraid, true fairy didn't show up, and few people in the whole earth could make Ye Chen afraid. But this news means that it is only the vanguard that came to Xiantu at this moment, and the true main force of the Xinghai Architects has not yet arrived.

"Find the group of people at once, and then solve these so-called ‘God Sons’ in the fairy soil and return to the earth.’ Ye Chen’s heart was determined.

He asked a few more words to explore the real situation in Qingxiantu. The whole fairy land is immense. Although there are monsters everywhere, but also the Dongfu battlefield where the ancient saint sage was buried, from time to time you can find some treasures in a corner.

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