The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 881: Wind Chime's Revenge Plan

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Mo Luo nodded slightly, and his eyes showed what he could teach.

"In this way, this temple might not have been created by the ancient immortals, but it was left by the great immortals in those days to store the magical essence after refining. But how can the immortals use the characters of the Guangming people? ?Be aware that those who will use the gods, but the pure blood and bright clan, are far from comparable to the little ones I killed on earth."

"There is also the word Qi Qi..."

Ye Chen didn't put Moro's shallow knowledge on her heart at all, but thought about herself.

But in any case, if the fairy is really stored in it, it is a great opportunity, even Ye Chen is tempted. If countless immortals converge together, the crystal of the gods will condense. Even one piece is far more powerful than 10,000 pieces of spirit stones. The high-level energy, even if Ye Chen is difficult to absorb at the moment, has infinite value.

"With such a piece of God's crystallization, I broke through Yuanying's tenth and nineth stabilization. I can even take this opportunity to change the Jiuqiao Linglong baby to the last time and combine it with Jiuqiao God baby!"

Ye Chen's heart was hot.

But Mo Luo spoke again. According to him, the major religions had blocked the entrance to the shrine, such as the Changsheng Divine Son, Jinwu Divine Son, etc., and had already entered the shrine. These ordinary sect monks can only look outside and wait for these great gods to search before they can enter.

"Alas, Gu Shenzi, you come alone at this time, but you can't help those great teachers. If you can bring a few more demon masters from the Demon Clan, the Divine Son will be able to enter."

Mo Luo sighed with emotion, and really thought that the "Gu Changsheng" in front of him had entered the Li Mo clan.

Ye Chen glanced a little, and really saw several of the largest treasure ships, hiding the main entrance, and confronting the other monks. On those treasure ships, one Yuanying monk breathed up and took the lead, even reaching the middle and even Yuanying period, shrouded in a divine glory, extremely powerful. According to Moro, that is the gods sent by the major gods.

The so-called **** general is the strongest among Yuanying, at least in the middle period of Yuanying to get this title. Each theologian has a number of gods, which follow around the power of doctrine. The top gods, even half-steps, are extremely powerful and terrifying.

"The Profound God of the Promise Sect, the gilt golden **** of the Jinwumen, the thousand mortal **** of the eternal life, the extinct **** of the ten thousand demon gate... there will be a total of six great gods, only the strongest bright god, Follow the immortal God Son into the temple."

"These five gods will block the entire temple, which is where the top-level Yuanying monks are here, and it is difficult to enter." Mo Luo shook his head and sighed.

He didn't notice that Ye Chen suddenly heard a mad killing in his eyes when he heard the bright name!

But as Ye Chen swept the corners of his eyes, he let out a little, and the murderousness gradually converged.

His gaze fell on the genius of the Thousand Peerless Gods, and he really saw a beautiful peerless person, wearing a white long dress, like a woman swaying from a snow lotus, she was as cold as snow, even compared with those outside the nuns, It is no less than half a point, but adds a three-point cold fairy.

This woman is actually a wind chime!

Ye Chen's eyes flickered, and the wind chime disappeared inexplicably since he wiped out the eight aliens. For this reason, Yang Lin remembered not to eat for three days. Finally, Ye Chen agreed to her and used the power of the entire Frost Leaf School to find it. Bringing the wind chimes back brought her peace of mind.

The previous wind chimes had obviously been hiding. She was abolished by her fellow clan, and even Jin Dan and Ning Dan were no match, so she deliberately covered up her beauty.

But now she has obtained the complete exercises taught by Ye Chen, and her cultivation base has broken through Jin Dan, so she will show her beauty without hesitation. Ye Chen certainly knows the purpose of her appearance here.

"It's the **** son of the Wanxianmen! That was when he personally ordered that with the Wanxian door **** general and several Yuanying infants, the Venerable Peng was besieged!"

And her way of revenge, Ye Chen also imagined, was nothing more than to betray her body and even her dignity, to please the eternal god, and to use the power of eternal life to revenge.

"Stupid girl."

Ye Chen was disdainful. If he said that the **** of eternal life would fight against Wan Wanmen for a woman, he would not be able to do this position today.

Although the wind chimes have matured a lot under the squeeze of hatred, after all, after being spoiled for a long time, they were easily stunned and boarded the thief ship.

"The **** son could not have looked at the woman beside Thousand Peerless Gods? That would not provoke her. It is said that she was the concubine personally selected by the longevity **** son. She will bring back the longevity religion in the future and hope to reach the top." Mo Luo quipped with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Ye Chen smiled and turned his head: "You can let these sects block the gates. They are strong, but they can't stop the hundreds of Yuanying monks who live here."

"Of course, although the True Immortal Confucianism is strong, it is not without a force for me to join the small and middle ancestors. In fact, before the light **** will wait for people to enter, he has already waited for three chapters with me. At most three days in advance, three days later, just No more blocking, let me wait for free entry and seize the opportunity in this heavenly palace." Mo Luo smiled.

Ye Chen nodded slightly and nodded. His eyes fell on the wind chimes again. Although he was disdainful in his heart, he still had to bring the wind chimes back, whether in the face of Venerable Peng or Yang Lin's feelings.

"It's just... what do you think?"

Ye Chen sighed in his heart.


In front of the magnificent ancient temple, the wind chime stood on the ninety-ninth longevity imperial ship. Her temperament seemed more and more calm and quiet, which was completely different from the surrounding longevity teaching disciples.

Many longevity disciples are too lazy to take care of her. Although the wind chime is named Shenfei, everyone knows that she is just an abandonment of the Demon Gate. There is no background, and he is just Jindan himself, which is far from the disciples of many Jindan peaks or half-step Yuanying, let alone compared with several elder gods.

So even the elders of Yuanying were slightly neglected and casual in tone.

The wind chime didn't say anything, just stood on the bow of the ship, and the white clothes fluttered with the wind like snow.

"Why, dissatisfaction with the God will force you back?"

Qian Jue Shen will come over and stand on his side with his hands on his back, overlooking the earth infested by the magic energy through countless layers of precious light.

He hit the gold armor and robe, dyed a golden light between his eyebrows, his pupils were as bright as swords, he looked like marbles, and he was extremely beautiful. Not to mention that Qian Jue Shen's horrible mana is so powerful and incredible, even if he doesn't stand there, all the disciples on the ship are respected to the extreme.

Even though the wind chimes are not happy in their hearts, they must not secretly admire that no one can compare with the graceful look of the gods on the earth. It is that many of the strongmen in the Demon Gate are far inferior.

Not only the longevity Yutian ship, but also the female disciples on many flying treasures around him, couldn't help but look over with their eyes full of love.

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