Maria also said at this time: “Although we don’t know what Spencer looks like, we should also go and see his wooden house, right?” ”

“It’s better not to look, I think he is a murderer, it must have been called by him who called himself ‘Trojan Horse of Troy’…”

“Nope! Watson, I don’t think this man Spencer is a murderer. ”

Fuyuma said something in Arthur’s ear, and then categorically dismissed his guess.

“Huh? Why? You haven’t seen him at all, why are you so sure? Watson asked Dongma unconvinced.

“It’s because I haven’t seen him!”

“What? What do you mean? Stone asked.

Both Mary and Arthur also stared blankly at the winter horse.

“I haven’t met this guy named Spencer, but so do everyone. So, assuming he’s the murderer, even if he achieves his ‘purpose,’ based on the fact that he hasn’t appeared so far, I guess he has no intention of joining you at all.” If Spencer were the murderer, there would be no need for him to change his voice and call us later, because… We haven’t heard Spencer’s voice at all, and we won’t have the opportunity to confirm it in the future! ”

Dongma’s orderly reasoning made Watson’s four mystery novel fans speechless.

“But having said that, let’s go to Spencer’s cabin by the way.”

With that, he left the lounge with the two of them.

“Hey! Suzuki, Uejo-kun is amazing! In the lounge, Arthur said to Ayako.

“Well, really! It was so touching to be able to hear God’s reasoning about the devil purifying! Mary also marveled.

“If you have time, you can always go to the Metropolitan Police Department, or my family’s temporary villa, we can chat more…” Ayako invited, unlike ordinary noble ladies, Miss Suzuki prefers to make civilian friends, just like the bandage weirdo incident, many of her friends are not prominent figures.

And when the three women in the house were chatting about winter horses,

“Ugh!” A scream that was almost muffled by the howling of the wind and snow reached Dongma’s ears.

Fuyuma turned without hesitation, and then soon saw something very familiar…

Red jacket!

The chaotic steps that had broken up not long ago seemed to be buried in a snowdrift, exhausted against the wall of the log cabin.

“Random steps!”

There was still black blood flowing from the side of his mouth, and the big scarf woven by red was also stained tan with blood…

His eyes were closed, and the flashlight in the cabin and Fuyuma’s hand shone grimly on his pale, paper-like face.

“Dead… Dead…” Watson muttered as he fell to his knees.

And Dongma didn’t care about Watson, because Random Step was still alive: “Random Step! Make a point! Tell me who did it? ”

The frozen and hardened lips suddenly twitched, and the mouth that had long lost its blood color spit out a sentence with difficulty: “Ma…”

After that, there was no more sound …

After taking photos of the scene again, Fuyuma, Ayako, Maria, Arthur, Watson, and Stone gathered in the lounge again.

“What now? The phone lines are broken…,” Stone said in a panic.

“…… Could it be because of this blizzard? Watson muttered to himself in a trance.

“Nope! It was cut off by someone…” This point, Dongma found when he went to call again just now, the cut was very neat, obviously artificially cut off.

“It must have been done by the murderer! Damn bastards! Stone couldn’t help but curse.

“Ugh!” Watson shouted as he paced back and forth in the room.

“What to do? What are we going to do? Arthur covered his face with his hands and cried.

“Oh my God! Why should this happen to me? How could I be so unlucky! Mary screamed, then cried along with her.

At this moment, only Fuyuma calmly observed all the expressions of those present, and he was afraid that he had missed any detail.

Fuyuma is convinced that one of the people here is the murderer.

One of these four timid men and women must be lying.

“Then let me find you, you self-righteous fellow!” Fuyuma sneered excitedly.

However, before Fuyuma could find a starting point, the rest of the room had begun to attack each other, trying to find the murderer, or the murderer they identified, as if this would make them feel more settled.

And the first to be attacked by everyone was Maria.

“I’m not a murderer!”

Maria’s hysterical screams resounded throughout the lounge.

“I obviously heard Mary’s name say before she died, and Stone and Uejo also heard it.”

Watson said with a stiff expression, deliberately emphasizing the identity of East Malaysia.

“Nope! I heard only the word ‘Mary’ and not the word Mary. Dongma shook his head and came to Maria’s side.

And Maria smiled at him gratefully, although this smile was really ugly.

Stone also nodded and said, “Me too, it should be said that I didn’t hear it clearly, but it was very similar to ‘Ma’…”

“But who else is the name that begins with the word ‘Mary’ besides Mary? And the ones who called us… Yes! By the way, didn’t Maria bring a ‘voice changer’? If she doesn’t know, she just used that…”

Watson was so excited that his nostrils widened.

“You can’t say this nonsense! That kind of kid’s stuff is everywhere, and I have an alibi. ”

Maria nervously rushed to Watson’s front to defend herself.

“Okay!” Fuyuma drank flatly, stopping this groundless malicious slander, and this senseless quarrel did not help the progress of the case at all.

“When Maria showed up in the lounge, it was two or three minutes after Ayako and I arrived, and she was stabbed several times, and I think she had caused serious injuries to her kidneys and spleen, plus a lot of bleeding, and it could have died in a matter of minutes. And Maria, on the other hand, had appeared in the lounge twenty minutes earlier. ”

“So Kamijo is on the look, who is the murderer?” Watson asked disappointedly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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