The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0313: The Change of Ye Hongchen

"Ye Hongchen!" At this moment, a somewhat excited voice suddenly came from Ye Hongchen's ear.

Ye Hongchen subconsciously looked at the place where the sound came from, and what caught his eye was a white shadow.

The next second, White Qianying plunged directly into his arms, sobbing in a low voice.

"I, I thought you were really going to... I'm sorry, I, I shouldn't..."

The white figure that plunged into Ye Hongchen's arms was Ning Xueyi!

At this moment, Ning Xueyi's eyes were red, leaning against Ye Hongchen's fierce mouth, her hands tightly holding Ye Hongchen.

Ye Tian on the side saw nothing. Although he was a little worried about Ye Hongchen's body, he did not disturb the two young people.

"Fall." Ye Tianjue looked at the ground. After a group of blood sects had fled, his hands were slightly scratched in the sky!


Whirring whirring!

In the next second, the dense flying swords that were originally suspended in the sky flew towards the people of the blood sect below!



The people of the blood sect simply couldn't resist Ye Tianjue's flying swords, they were all passed through the body by the flying swords, and they gradually lost consciousness.

"It's okay, don't blame you, I'm a bit far-fetched, thinking that I can be alone..." Ye Hongchen slowly pulled off Ning Xueyi's hands, and said helplessly.


When the words were over, Ye Hongchen suddenly snorted, and only felt that the heart in his body was beginning to age!

It was also at this time that Ye Hongchen's long black hair gradually turned white.

Its speed is visible to the naked eye!

Ning Xueyi, who was standing in front of Ye Hongchen, couldn't help but shrink when she saw this.

Ye Tianjue also just turned his head, seeing Ye Hongchen's whitening hair, his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

When Ye Hongchen saw that the two people in front of him looked exactly the same, he smiled reluctantly, and said, "What are you doing looking at me like this? Are there flowers on my face?"

"Chen'er, you, are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

Ye Tian never answered Ye Hongchen's words, and looked at Ye Hongchen with concern, putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Why do you ask?" Ye Hongchen was somewhat puzzled when he heard this.

In the next second, I only felt that the line of sight in front of me went black, and even my ears could not hear the sound, and the whole person fell straight back!

You know, Ye Hongchen at this moment is still above the sky! If you fall like this, you are hitting the ground!

But Ye Tianjue was right in front of Ye Hongchen, so he caught Ye Hongchen at once, so that he wouldn't fall to the ground.


By the time Ye Hongchen opened his eyes again, he was already lying on the bed, with the two daughters of Biyu Xiuhua beside him.

Suddenly, a pair of big eyes came directly to Ye Hongchen's eyes, and he blinked slightly! !

Ye Hongchen slapped it subconsciously, and a small green body flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

This little green body and those big eyes are naturally Xiaoqing!

"Wake up! Ye Great God, he is awake!" Although Xiaoqing was fanned by Ye Hongchen, she was so surprised that she didn't even complain about Ye Hongchen.

When the second daughter of Biyu Xiuhua heard Xiaoqing's words, she hurriedly looked at Ye Hongchen who was lying on the bed. Sure enough, Ye Hongchen was opening her eyes at the moment!

It's just that the eyes that were as bright as stars in the past are a bit gloomy at the moment.

"The son is awake! The son is awake!" Upon seeing this, Biyu was ashamed and surprised.

"Where am I?" Ye Hongchen asked, looking at the two daughters of Biyu Xiuhua with some doubts.

"My son, this is your room."

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