The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0034: Attacked Halfway

"Okay, Yihu, we should go now, don't scare others." Ye Hongchen couldn't help laughing when he saw Yihu who was extremely irritable, and said slowly.

When Ye Hongchen spoke, Yihu finally stopped, which also secretly relieved the other Yun Family members.

Ye Hongchen saw Yun Qingshui stumbled over, and stretched out his hand: "Let's go."

Upon seeing this, Yun Qingshui put his hand in Ye Hongchen's hand slightly hesitantly.

Ye Hongchen squeezed her hand directly, and when she moved her feet, a light blue light appeared on her body, and she flew Yun Qingshui onto Yihu's back.

"Excuse me, please tell Patriarch Yun, Yun Qingshui, the second lady of the Yun family, I have accepted it in Juechen Palace."

After Ye Hongchen spoke to the Yun family below, Yihu immediately waved its pair of white wings and rose into the sky!

Even if Yihu had deliberately controlled its power, the wind generated by it still knocked the people below against the wall!

As soon as he flew into the sky, Yun Qingshui suddenly stretched out his hands from behind Ye Hongchen, hugged him tightly, and couldn't help feeling a little excited as he watched the smaller and smaller scenery underneath.

She is finally leaving this Luoyang City! She had been thinking about it since she saw her sister leave.


Yihu's huge body flew high above Luoyang City, causing Luoyang City's people to look sideways.

"Oh my god, this is the monster beast from nearly a week ago! It, it actually left at this moment!"

"You don't understand, right? This monster beast is a nobleman's mount. He came here with the eldest lady of the Yun family."

Hearing the confusion and envy of the people around, a person in the know suddenly became pretentious.

"Dare to ask this Xiongtai, why this expert came to our Luoyang City?"

"It's easy to talk, it's said that I went to the Ye family to help the young lady of the Yun family to divorce! At that time, Ye Bufan's face was green with anger, haha."

"What happened then?"

"It seems that the second elder Ye's son couldn't understand the noble man and invited him to fight!"

"and then?"

"What else, Elder Ye's son, was beaten to lie down for five or six days!"


Ye family.

Ye Bufan was practicing boxing in his yard and was taken aback when he saw a monster beast flying above the sky.

"When will I have such a monster..." It is undeniable that Ye Bufan is a little envious now, but soon, he withdrew his mind again and continued to practice his fists.


Nearly twenty minutes later, Yihu had already flown into a desert. There was no living person in the desert, including the monster.

And Ye Hongchen, who was standing on Yihu's back, suddenly opened his eyes, and the blue eyes were full of coldness.


As Ye Hongchen who had already practiced Shura's evil qigong, he could naturally sense the murderous aura easily.

"Yun Qingshui, you will sit on Yihu later, and Yihu will protect you." Ye Hongchen reminded Yun Qingshui.

The next moment, the toes touched Yihu's back lightly, and a light blue wave suddenly appeared under his feet.

Ye Hongchen walked slowly above the void! And Yihu, at this time, has already gone.

"Can't let go of any creatures! Even monsters!"

Yihu had just left Ye Hongchen's range of nearly 30 meters, and Ye Hongchen heard such a sentence in his ears.

In the next moment, sixteen desert sand pillars rose! A group of people in black flew out of it!

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