The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0343: The Farewell to the Dream and the Change


Just as Xiao Lori emerged from the water, Ye Hongchen held the star sword's hand on her waist and quickly pulled it out!


In Ye Hongchen, the sea water between Little Loli directly rose up inexplicably, and a jet of water rose!


Little Lolita was completely blocked, and she couldn't break away from this blockade. It seemed that if she dared to move one step, she would die directly!

"Since I won't let me hide, let's see who is great!" Little Lolita's eyes were full of anger.

Seeing a sword glow appeared in front of her, the golden armor on Little Lori suddenly slipped, revealing a white-pink dress!

"Unparalleled swordsmanship!" The two daggers in Little Lori's hand were crossed by her, and a dazzling white light suddenly appeared!


In the next second, a bloody sword aura flew forward out of thin air!


There was almost nothing, that sword aura shattered in an instant, and a strong pressure directly pressed on the double short swords that Little Lori was blocking in front of him!

It seems that she is about to crush her whole body, passing through her body!

"I won't lose!" Little Lori bit her lip slightly, her face turned pale.


As if feeling the thoughts of Little Lori, the two short swords she was holding suddenly burst out with a burst of blood-red light!

The previous pressure on Little Lolita was directly reduced by half, and Ye Hongchen, dressed in white, also slowly appeared in front of Little Lolita.

He was holding a blue long sword in his hand, and five five-pointed stars were recessed on the body of the long sword.

"Unexpectedly, you would be able to block my sword-drawing skills in the early stage of your cultivation."

Ye Hongchen looked at the little Lolita who was much shorter in front of him and said lightly.

"There are many things you can't think of, such as..." Little Lori smiled contemptuously, and a pink light appeared again in her bright eyes!

It's a pity that Ye Hongchen didn't lose sight of his eyes as before, but was still as lifeless as before.

"It's impossible to use the same technique a second time on me." Ye Hongchen smiled faintly, and the strength in his hand increased!

Little Lolita's hand holding the double-edged blade was trembling, this is the reason why Ye Hongchen's offensive was almost unable to withstand Ye Hongchen's offensive!

"Then you can't beat me in this trick?" Little Lolita looked a little ugly, obviously she didn't expect that in the confrontation with Ye Hongchen, she would fall into a disadvantage!

"You forgot, I am not alone." Ye Hongchen turned his head slightly.

Hearing Ye Hongchen's words and the direction of her eyes, Xiao Lori immediately followed her gaze.

There, Mengbye Li raised his long sword with his forehand and pointed it at the sky, as if something was brewing.

"You people in Dongzhou will only do this kind of bullying!"

Little Lolita’s big eyes were full of anger. At this moment, she couldn’t do without this position at all!

Once she has some action, after being defeated by Ye Hongchen, I am afraid that she will receive the sword of Ye Hongchen first!

With this sword, Little Lori had no guarantee in her heart that she would not get hurt.


At this moment, a purple thunder and lightning suddenly slid down from the sky, hitting the long sword raised by Meng Farewell!


A purple lightning circled her long sword, and a purple electric flower appeared from time to time.

A thunderous wave also appeared in Meng Farewell, giving her a feeling of the Thunder God in charge of Thunder.

"Go." Meng Farewell glanced at Ye Hongchen and the little girl, and suddenly pierced out with a sword!

Purple lightning appeared instantly, rushing directly to the little girl and Ye Hongchen!

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