The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0470: The Devil's Battle

"Although Yan Yan's words are not very pleasing, they are not unreasonable." Yu Tianheng thought a little, and also agreed with Dugu Yan's words.

When the others heard Yu Tianheng also speaking, they fell silent and no one spoke.

"What's the matter? Are we not students of Tiandou Royal Academy? Why is there no arrogance at all?"

Seeing this, Ye Hongchen gave a chuckle, the chair leaned on the sofa, his legs were actually raised.

"If you don't even have the courage to grind your guns in battle, then what is the second team of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy? Just forget it with those ordinary Spirit Master academies."

After Ye Hongchen finished speaking, he shook his head, as if a little disappointed, but he was really disappointed.

The dignified Royal Academy even cowered because it didn't cooperate, or played for an extra day.

This kind of team, is it really useful for Ye Hongchen to come?

Hearing Ye Hongchen's words, Oslo and Ye Lingling suddenly lowered their heads in shame.

"Hong Chen is right. Since we belong to the Royal Academy, we are naturally different!"

"Yes! How about grind the gun? Let's show it to the audience who support us!"

The two brothers, graphite and stone mill, did not speak, but at this moment they suddenly supported Ye Hongchen.

The words of the two brothers seemed to have opened the door to being a genius soul master of the Tian Dou Imperial Academy, and the other members of the Tian Dou Second Team raised their heads.

"Yes, I agree with Teacher Qin's proposal." Yufeng stood up from the chair, smiled at Ye Hongchen, and whispered.

Yu Tianheng, Dugu Goose, Ye Lingling, and Oslo also agreed.

"Well, if that's the case, let's go to Soto's Arena of Souls now, now it's almost time." Qin Ming nodded and said.


Soto's battlefield, team battle is waiting for the battle zone!

Ye Hongchen, Yu Tianheng and other members of the Tiandou Royal Second Team were all sitting in a separate box, watching the contest on the Soul Fighting Platform below, while listening to what Qin Ming said.

"Next, we will fight a silver fighting spirit card called the Crazy Team. Do you have any confidence?"

Ye Hongchen, Yu Tianheng, and Dugu Yan did not speak after seeing the opponent's information that Qin Ming had brought over.

"Everyone, the mad clan that we are playing against is a bit interesting, the captain mad rhinoceros, as the name suggests, Wuhun is a rhino, attacking a war spirit master.

The deputy captain Spider-woman, just like her name, is a poisonous spider and a control spirit master. "

Ye Hongchen closed the data book and faced the members of the Tiandou Royal Second Team, his face calm.

"As for the others, although the spirit power levels are all at level 35 and 36, they are not to be feared. There is only one person, so you can pay attention to it."

"Oh? Hong Chen, who are you talking about?" Yu Tianheng was a little confused when he heard the words.

He also read the other party's information just now. According to his thoughts, Mad Rhinoceros and Spider-Woman are worth noting.

"Their auxiliary soul master, wishful pan." Ye Hongchen's mouth raised slightly, and said lightly.

Unexpectedly, he would actually be against the mad clan! However, the mad team is calculated according to the current time period, isn't it just the iron fighting spirit?

Why is it suddenly Silver Fighting Spirit? Could it be that because of his arrival, the so-called butterfly effect was produced?

"Why? This auxiliary soul master, looking at the introduction, doesn't have any outstanding actions."

"You don't need to ask, just listen to me. This time, it is also a candidate for the lone goose. I will go up and the others will remain the same."

Ye Hongchen shook his head, he didn't know how to explain to Yu Tianheng and the others.

You know, that Ruyi Pan has a spirit ability, which can make people's power and speed increase by 15%!

"The next soul fight, Tiandou Second Team VS Crazy Team!"

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