The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0484: Strong Contrast

"The Shrek Seven Devils actually met the Second Team of Heaven Dou? Then their winning streak is about to be broken?"

"Haha, it is estimated that I have won consecutively in the Iron Fighting Soul Arena to the Silver Fighting Soul Arena. I thought I could fight the Soul Fighting Second Team."

"Oh, but since Soto's Arena of Souls is arranged like this, it doesn't matter to us."

"Yes, yes, right, anyway, my Golden Soul Coins have been voted for the Second Team of Heaven Dou, as long as I can earn them."


Seeing the words on the big screen and what the host said, there was a steady stream of discussions in the audience.

When Oscar listened to those unbearable words, his angry face was violent.

Just about to go back, Tang San directly stopped him and shook his head at him.

"Xiao Ao, all of this is to be proved by strength, with the mouth to prove, have you ever said so many mouths?"

"But, listening to what they said, I really couldn't help it." Oscar clenched his fists and looked a little low.

"Look at the Tiandou Second Team, why do they get so much praise? That's because they use their strength to prove it!

If our seven Shrek monsters also use their strength to prove it, then they will shut their mouths by themselves. "

After Tang San finished speaking, his eyes looked at the waiting area where the Tian Dou Second Team was located, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

It just so happened that Ye Hongchen had just looked at Tang San's side, and immediately met Tang San's eyes.

In the next second, Ye Hongchen nodded slowly, and stood up first, leading Yu Tianheng and others to the soul fighting platform.

"You have to pay more attention to Tang San, who is from Wuhun Lan Yincao, he is not simple."

Ye Hongchen reminded Yu Tianheng behind him, Dugu Yan and other six people.

"Well, don't worry, Hong Chen, I will definitely help you find a place to prove that Shrek Academy is inferior to our Tiandou Royal Academy."

Yu Tianheng nodded, extremely confident, this was the confidence that belonged to his Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit.

Soon, the Heaven Dou Second Team and the Seven Shrek Monsters all entered the passage of the Soul Fighting Platform.

"Okay, here is our new Silver Fighting Spirit team, the Shrek Seven Devils!"

The hostess moved her hand horizontally, pointed to the right side of the fighting platform, and said loudly.


In the next second, the right passage door of the Soul Fighting Platform slowly opened, revealing the figures of seven people.

As the team leader, Dai Mubai naturally stood in the middle of the seven, with Tang San on the left and Ma Hongjun on the right.

Next to Tang San is Xiao Wu, finally Ning Rongrong, next to Ma Hongjun is Zhu Zhuping, and finally Oscar.

"Okay, brothers show their momentum and let these dogs look at the lowly people."

Dai Mubai's face was unusually confident, carrying Tang San. Ma Hongjun and the others walked towards the soul fighting platform with their heads high.

It's just that almost none of them cheer for them...

"Look at them, you still have this look? I'm afraid you don't know who they met this time."

"Haha, I don't know why, I always feel like an ugly duckling."

"Hey, don't talk about it, they have worked very hard for 52 consecutive victories, and they are about to be broken, and they said, isn't this sprinkling salt on other people's wounds?"

Hearing those voices in the audience, the Shrek Seven Devils, who were still holding their heads tall, suddenly became a little low at this moment.

As if being suppressed by something in the heart, this is fundamentally different from being in the Iron Fighting Arena.

The strong contrast made Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhu invite, and Oscar Dai Mubai almost unbearable.

"Okay, let's welcome the second team of Tiandou with a warm call!"

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