The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0624: You are my woman

After Qian Xueying jumped behind her, her toes lightly touched the ground and suddenly rose into the sky.

"Dust, can I call you that?"

Qian Xueying leaned on Ye Hongchen's back, looked at Ye Hongchen's profile, and said softly.

Hearing that, Ye Hongchen nodded slightly, and said lightly: "You can call it whatever you like."

"Okay, Chen, where are we going now?"

Hearing Ye Hongchen's words, Qian Xueying only felt a burst of sweetness in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face.

Ye Hongchen heard the words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and continued: "Of course it is to fulfill the previous words and destroy the Raksha Gate."

"Huh? Really?"

"Really, do you really think I'm joking?" Ye Hongchen turned his head and looked at Qian Xueying.

The speed of flying in the air slowly slowed down.

"Dust... Suddenly someone treats me so nicely, and I am a little uncomfortable."

Looking at Ye Hongchen's lifeless gray-white eyes, Qian Xueying's eyes flickered slightly, tears bursting into tears.

Although she is one of the four great arrogances of the Rakshasa girl, murderousness is the most prosperous one.

But she, she made all of this with her hands!

Before meeting Ye Hongchen, she was still very strong, but after meeting Ye Hongchen, her heart was inexplicably soft.

No longer the heart of Raksha!

If it is said that the most important thing in her previous heart is her respected master, then now, the most important thing to her is undoubtedly Ye Hongchen.

Starting from drinking last night, from Ye Hongchen's words, whoever hurts her, he will kill him.

Has become the most important person.

She didn't know since when she fell in love with him, maybe it was the moment when she was kissed by Ye Hongchen in Wolongyuan.

Perhaps it was in the year when Ye Hongchen disappeared that she always thought of him from time to time, and only then did she like it.

"Not very comfortable? Don't worry, you are my Ye Hongchen woman now, and you will get used to it."

Ye Hongchen smiled lightly, like a cold noble son, suddenly turned into a gentle noble son.

When Qian Xueying heard the words, she couldn't help but smiled, and pulled her hands around Ye Hongchen's neck slightly.

The whole person approached Ye Hongchen directly and slowly moved towards Ye Hongchen's lips.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hongchen directly reduced his speed to the extreme, slowly closing his eyes, and the whole person slowly approaching Qian Xueying.

The lips merge.

For a long time, just like Ye Hongchen of a pair of lovers, Qian Xueying separated and looked at each other.

"Dust, it's nice to have you."

"Tsk tsk, the Raksha girl's ability to talk love is not bad."

"Why, I'm telling the truth, okay? Then I won't tell it anymore."

"Don't, I like what you said."

"Then I will say, I like the earthly son, Ye Hongchen!"

Qian Xueying's voice echoed in the sky, and Ye Hongchen smiled slightly.

"I also like the Raksha girl Qianxueying."

Ye Hongchen looked up at the sky, the sun emitting extremely bright sunshine, using his spiritual power, he smiled faintly.

With the spread of spiritual power, the voice just spread Ye Hongchen's words all over five li.

Having said that, Ye Hongchen thought of a person in his heart.

Dressed in white, with an extremely beautiful face, standing above the clouds, with a cold expression on his face.

She has a fluttering temperament, which makes her look like a fairy.

Can't be expected!

No words all the way.

Raksha Gate, located on the west side of Dongzhou, is a sunset march, killing, but here will never stop.

However, it is precisely because of the killing that the people here, even ordinary people, are stronger than the east of Juechen Palace, the north of Tianxian Pavilion, and the south of Qin Yuezong!

Unlike Juechen Palace, Tianxian Pavilion is built on a magnificent peak, and Luosha Gate is built on the sea, on an island.

Ye Hongchen carried Qianxueying on his back, standing on the shore of the so-called Rakshasa, looking at the island with a dark shadow faintly ahead.

"Xueying, what kind of attitude do you want to go back in?"

Ye Hongchen turned her head slightly, looking at Qian Xueying who was lying on her back, as if she had already fallen asleep and whispered.

"Dust, me, I'm a little scared."

Qian Xueying narrowed her eyes, drew circles with her fingers on Ye Hongchen's back, and said slowly.

"What are you afraid of? I will support you."

Ye Hongchen suddenly smiled with great ease when he heard the words.

"I'm not afraid of that, I am afraid, my master, after all, she has raised me for so many years, I..."

Qian Xueying hesitated for a while, then hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'm just destroying the Rakshasa gate. As for your master, if you want her to die, then she will die. If you don't want to, she won't die."

Ye Hongchen raised his hand, held Qian Xueying's hand with one hand, and said softly.

Hearing this, Qian Xueying fell silent for a while, suddenly she got off Ye Hongchen's back, and her mouth was printed on Ye Hongchen's side face.

It's like a dragonfly tapping the water, and it will be divided at the touch of a touch.

"Dust, you are so kind to me."

Qian Xueying hugged Ye Hongchen's arm, leaned on Ye Hongchen's shoulder, and smiled.

Ye Hongchen and Qian Xueying walked towards the Rakshasa Sea slowly after a period of sweet greasiness.

Unbelievably, the seawater that the two of them stepped on was as solid as the ground.

The two were talking and laughing along the way, and they were walking towards the island on the sea level.

"Huh? What's over there?"

Rakshasa Island, located on the island in the south direction, a man from Raksha Gate saw two black spots suddenly appeared on the sea, and he couldn't help but wonder.

His words immediately aroused the curiosity of other people, and they gathered around, trying to see what was over there.


Suddenly, a few bursts of sound came into their ears!

puff! puff! puff!

The sound of three weapon blades piercing into the body sounded, and the three Rakshasa men who wanted to see clearly before immediately fell to the ground quickly.

His eyes were still open, and they were not closed.

"not good!"

Seeing his companion unexpectedly fell to the ground, the others on the side were taken aback for a moment, and then directly raised their vigilance.


However, it was also at this time that a strong oppressive force came directly from the Raksha Sea outside the Raksha Gate.

Compressed on almost the entire Raksha Gate!

The Raksha Gate that was originally a seascape turned grayish white at this moment.

Full of lifelessness!


Over the island where the Raksha Gate was located, the space was distorted, and illusory long swords appeared in the sky!

In addition, at this moment, all the scenery is gray and white, and even my skin color and clothing are not spared.

All the people of Rakshasa were directly panicked in their hearts.

"What's going on? Is it possible that an enemy has come to attack?"

"Fart! In the whole East Continent, who would dare to come to our Rakshasa gate? Still attacking? It has always been our Rakshasa gate to kill!"

"Then tell me what is going on in this situation now."

"Yes, it's a natural weather phenomenon."


The master of the Rakshasa Gate, Qianying, dressed in black, with his hands hanging on his legs, looking at the illusory sword in the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Isn't this the method of the Young Palace Master of Juechen Palace?"

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