The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0717: Happy Bodhi Patriarch

"Disciple Ye Hongchen, I have seen Master." Ye Hongchen knelt down towards the ancestor of Bodhi, bowed slightly, and said slowly.

"What? He is also a disciple of the master? Then why have I never seen it?"

"Did you not hear what Senior Brother Four said? Senior Brother! Senior Brother Ye Hongchen!"

"Unexpectedly, I have been in the Xieyue Sanxingdong for so long, the master has seen it, and I only saw the big brother today!"

"Since he is a senior brother, that woman should be the second senior sister, right? Look good."

Upon hearing what Ye Hongchen said, the disciple behind suddenly whispered.

After all, after entering the Xianyue Sanxingdong, it is easy to see the master, but it is very difficult to see Ye Hongchen!

There is no comparison, where's the harm.

After seeing Ye Hongchen's salute, Qingxia also hurriedly let go of Zixia.

Under the gaze of Zixia, Guangtian and other disciples, she also came to Ye Hongchen's side, learning how to kneel down with Ye Hongchen.

"Disciple Qingxia, I have seen the master." Qingxia's expression is extremely respectful.

After Qing Xia's voice fell, the disciples who had been talking to each other in Hainan did not calm down.

All of them looked at Ye Hongchen, Qingxia, and then at Bodhi Patriarch. Curious about what will happen next.

"Qingxia, why did you leave Xieyue Sanxingdong without permission? Is it because you can't teach you anything for your teacher?"

At this time, the ancestor Bodhi opened his eyes, did not look at Ye Hongchen, but at the Qingxia next to him, and said slowly.

Qingxia was startled when she heard this, she hadn't thought of this level before.

He couldn't help but bit his red lips and glanced at Ye Hongchen, who was still looking plain.

"Going back to the master is because, because some things are very important to the disciple.

Therefore, if it was too late to ask Master Bingming, he had already left without authorization, and the disciple pleaded guilty. "

After finishing speaking, Qingxia directly lowered her head, acting like a yard accepting punishment.

"The important thing? What is it? Is it convenient to tell the teacher?" Bodhi ancestor frowned and continued to ask.

"This..." Qingxia was in trouble immediately. Originally, she was just trying to shirk her words, and she avoided the problem of Bodhi ancestor by fishing in troubled waters.

Wherever she came to think, Bodhi Patriarch didn't punish her, but continued to ask questions.

"Back to Master, I contacted the second younger sister, so she hurried over."

At this moment, Ye Hongchen, who hadn't said a word, suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out, Qingxia, Zixia, and Bodhi Patriarch all looked at Ye Hongchen.

Ye Hongchen's handsome and extraordinary face was extremely plain, and even a pair of gray-white eyes did not roll up a single wave.

"All lies are the same as the truth..." Zixia couldn't help but murmur when she saw this.

As the person Qingxia is closest to, she naturally knows why Qingxia went out.

But this is something, and you can't say it freely.

"Oh, well, get up, let's talk about today's Dao Fa first, Ye Hongchen, and you will come as a teacher."

After watching Ye Hongchen for ten seconds, Bodhi Patriarch sighed and stood up and left.

Hearing this, Ye Hongchen stood up without any hesitation, followed behind Bodhi Patriarch, and left together.

Leaving a group of disciples of Xianyue Sanxingdong in doubt, Qingxia bit her red lips lightly, and wanted to follow.

"Sister Qing, can't you hear what the master said? Just let the big brother go, you may go wrong if you go!"

However, as soon as Qingxia stood up, Zixia seemed to know her thoughts and held Qingxia's hand with one hand.

"But, if the master is embarrassed..." Qing Xia's cyan eyes were full of worry.

After all, even Ye Hongchen probably wouldn't know her purpose. If Bodhi Patriarch asks the reason for this, it might be directly exposed.

"Don't worry, Sister Qing, if you care about it, it will be messy. Senior brother is the only disciple who enters the room here."

On the contrary, Zixia didn't have much to worry about, and instead came to relieve Qingxia.


Ye Hongchen didn't know the situation of Qingxia and Zixia after he left.

Now, he followed Bodhi Patriarch and went directly to the room where Bodhi Patriarch was.

As soon as he entered the door, the door closed automatically. Ye Hongchen looked at the Bodhi Patriarch with his back facing him, and slowly said, "Master."

"You killed the Fuhu of Buddhism?"

The ancestor of Bodhi turned his head slightly, looked towards Ye Hongchen, and said lightly.

The plain tone made Ye Hongchen unable to feel the mood and purpose of the Bodhi ancestor.

"Yes." Ye Hongchen said without hesitation.

But in his heart, the ancestor Bodhi was even more horrified. He was clearly not on the scene, but he could know what he did.

The ancestor of Bodhi must have the monstrous strength that can affect the way of heaven a little bit!

"You kill Fuhu, the people of Buddhism will not let it go, so that's the end of your experience."

The ancestor of Bodhi slowly turned around and looked at Ye Hongchen, with unparalleled dignity in his eyes.

"Yes." Ye Hongchen nodded, indicating that he knew, otherwise he would not return to Xieyue Sanxingdong so fast now.

After explaining this matter, Bodhi Patriarch's expression eased, walked to Ye Hongchen's side, and circled around.

Ling Ye Hongchen was a little confused, and didn't understand what Bodhi Patriarch was doing.

"Yes, you have already cultivated at the peak of the Mortal Immortal later stage. If you can kill the Golden Immortal's Fuhu with this kind of cultivation, I am afraid that your foundation is also solid."

Fortunately, the ancestor Bodhi didn't turn around a few more times, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Ye Hongchen's ability to kill Jinxian's Fuhu with the cultivation base of the mortal immortal made Bodhi extremely happy.

As for Buddhism's revenge, this is not a serious matter for Bodhi.

It just so happened that Ye Hongchen did this, and it could be regarded as an indirect revenge for the incident he was commissioned by Buddhism.

It's too late to be happy in my heart. How could I blame Ye Hongchen? I was just afraid that Ye Hongchen would be in chaos.

"Master, please also clarify that the disciple is stupid and failed to guess what the master meant."

Ye Hongchen was confused and turned a few times just for his cultivation? This seems to be impossible, right?

"Okay! Chen'er, do you know why Master created the three-star cave of the oblique moon in this remote place?"

The ancestor of Bodhi nodded, and said directly into the subject without selling any more.

Hearing this, even though Ye Hongchen had his own guesses in his heart, and he stayed true to one another, he still pretended to think for a while.

"The disciple doesn't know it, but the disciple only knows that the presence of the master is a chance for the disciple."

When the ancestor Bodhi heard Ye Hongchen's words, he was startled, and he didn't even know that Ye Hongchen had suddenly come.

"Hahaha, good! This is your chance, and also my chance! As for why you created the three-star hole of the oblique moon here, it is not so important."

When the ancestor Bodhi finished speaking, he flipped his hand and two ancient parchment scrolls appeared on the palm of his hand.

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