The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0749: I will die if you don't surrender

A blue light, a golden light lit up! A horrible remnant of prestige directly blasted Fu Yaojun out!

But this is not the case for the fairies with low demon power, and they are directly killed to death by this surplus of power!

"You can't beat me, give up." Ye Hongchen couldn't help but reminded him looking at the golden feather fish that was still struggling to support it.

"Give up? Are you making me wait to die?" Jin Yuyu said coldly.

Ye Hongchen shook his head and continued: "No, you will not die if you submit to me."

"Follow? Hahaha! My dignified golden feather fish, almost jumped over the dragon gate and became a real dragon. You let me follow? It's ridiculous!"

Jin Yuyu was stunned when he heard Ye Hongchen's words, and then laughed, as if he had heard some joke.

"You are not a real dragon, and even if you are a real dragon, you have already returned to the heaven at this moment, guarding the world."

Ye Hongchen's complexion remained unchanged, thinking of the real dragon, couldn't help but say.

"Shit! I'm different from them, they want to be the lackeys of Heaven, I don't want to do it! Ah!"

Although the Golden Feather Fish knew that what Ye Hongchen said was the truth, it became annoyed.


As the golden feather fish drank, a burst of golden light appeared on his body, and the golden light instantly turned him golden.

Chongran became a golden man.


A golden sledgehammer appeared above Ye Hongchen's head, smashing it down quickly.

Since he couldn't compete with strength, he had no choice but to fight.

"Oh, naive." Ye Hongchen let out a cold voice when he saw the falling golden sledgehammer.

The words fell, and the sword pierced fiercely. The golden feather fish couldn't keep up with the magic at this moment, and was directly pushed out by Ye Hongchen with a sword.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Hongchen kicked out his right leg and hit Jin Yu Yu fiercely.


A crack appeared on the ground instantly! A golden feather fish in a golden robe is lying on the ground at the center of the crack.

"Tiangang's thirty-six reforms have shaken the mountains and the earth."

Ye Hongchen held the Star Sword in his hand, and directly pierced the golden sledgehammer that was falling towards him, and a burst of light red light surrounded Ye Hongchen's body.


The sword of the stars stabbed on the golden sledgehammer, and a roar suddenly sounded. The golden sledgehammer that was falling was suddenly stuck by the sword.

Can't fall!

Immediately, Ye Hongchen stretched out his hand and pressed his palms together on the golden sledgehammer, and a light red light emerged from the sledgehammer.


In the next second, the golden sledgehammer above Ye Hongchen's head disappeared out of thin air, without any trace at all!

And above the golden feather fish, a golden light suddenly appeared, and the golden sledgehammer appeared again!

Only this time, it did not appear above Ye Hongchen's head, but above Golden Feather's head!

Without any support, fall directly and quickly!

The Golden Feather, who was originally lying on the ground watching a play, never expected that his golden sledgehammer would be moved by Ye Hongchen.

And, at this moment, still coming down to him, he couldn't help being panicked, and quickly rolled on the ground in spite of his image.


The golden sledgehammer hit the golden feather fish's original position heavily, which was just the cracked ground, and it sank directly into it at this moment.

If the golden feather fish had not left that position, Ye Hongchen estimated that it had been crushed into meatloaf at this moment.

"Moving the stars and changing the fighting method is really easy to use." Upon seeing this, Ye Hongchen couldn't help but smiled.

"Is this the general's power? It's so strong! Even the monsters in the middle of the heavenly immortal stage can't go through three rounds in the general's hands!"

When Mu Yuncheng saw Ye Hongchen's strength with his own eyes, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"So, can the future of General Fu Yao be comparable to General Shenwei?"

A smile appeared on Ouyang Kexiu's face, and he rarely ridiculed Mu Yuncheng.

"Maybe, it's possible..." Mu Yuncheng's expression was a little excited.

If Ye Hongchen really became an existence like General Shenwei, then as Ye Hongchen's first group of generals, they would only have huge benefits!

Not to mention Tianxian, it is estimated that Jinxian can reach it!

This is the resources of the Heavenly Court, the magical pill made by Taishang Laojun.


At this time, the golden sledgehammer pressing on the ground slowly dissipated, turning into a cloud of golden smoke and disappeared.

A man in a golden robe crawled out of a small hole that was smashed out of the ground, panting for breath.

It was the golden feather fish that escaped a catastrophe and recovered a life.

Ye Hongchen slowly flew to the golden feather fish, looking at him condescendingly.

"I'll give you another chance, do you surrender or die?" Ye Hongchen said lightly, looking at the extremely embarrassed Golden Feather.

Expressionless, a pair of gray eyes stared at him, and a dead air seemed to be eroding the golden feather fish's body.

"Oh, hahaha, I said, even if you die, you won't submit to the heavens and be the lackeys of the heavens."

Jin Yuyu glanced at Ye Hongchen, then averted his gaze, lying on the ground, without the slightest idea of ​​counterattack.

Ye Hongchen: Fantasy: My son is invincible! Read it for free at Tomato.

At this moment, he had already seen clearly that although Ye Hongchen's cultivation was a little lower than his, his combat power was far superior to him, and he had no chance of winning against Shang Ye Hongchen.

"I mean, go with me." Ye Hongchen squatted down slightly, looked at the golden feather fish's eyes, and moved his lips slightly.

Suddenly, a voice that only Golden Feather Fish could hear appeared, and Golden Feather Fish's expression suddenly changed.

He understood the meaning of Ye Hongchen's words, and because he understood it, his face changed.

"Follow you? The combat power is good, but how can you escape the control of the heavenly court? Hahaha.",

Jin Yuyu laughed, and still did not agree with Ye Hongchen's submission.

In his opinion, after returning to Ye Hongchen, if Ye Hongchen did anything, he would definitely be worse than the one who died in Ye Hongchen's hands.

"Now let's go, then you can go on the road." Ye Hongchen stood up, his complexion calmed again.

On the golden feather fish's neck, a sword mark had appeared on his throat somehow.

I didn't see Ye Hongchen making a sword at all!

"General Fu Yao! General Fu Yao!"

As soon as they saw a monster such a strong Golden Feather Fish, who had already died after being unable to perform three moves in the hands of their generals, a sense of admiration arose in the hearts of every soldier of the Demon Army.

At this moment, they accepted Ye Hongchen in their hearts. The previous acceptance was entirely because of the Demon Order in Ye Hongchen's hands.

"Take out his demon pill, Ouyang Kexiu, bring a few heavenly soldiers, and come in with this general."

Ye Hongchen put away the Star Sword, and the spirit ring that appeared under his feet disappeared suddenly, raising his right hand, making a fist, the shouting ceased, and then he said.

After speaking, after holding both hands, he walked directly to the demon cave built by the golden feather fish. Ouyang Kexiu casually called two heavenly soldiers and hurriedly followed Ye Hongchen.

After passing through black caves one after another, a bright light appeared in front of him.

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