The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0753: The third round of competition

Then, one after another, the heavenly soldiers returned, each holding a short dagger in their hands, and the word "Fu Yao" was engraved on the daggers.


Two hours passed.

At this moment, the Heavenly Soldiers in front of Ye Hongchen already had a total of five hundred and fifty-two people, and with just three people, he could make up five hundred and fifty-five people.

"There are the last three daggers left. Those who get the daggers don't need to hide them. You don't have to waste time."

Ye Hongchen didn't bother to wait any longer, opened his mouth directly, and said slowly.

It was even like using a loudspeaker. It was extremely loud, and almost all the heavenly soldiers in the Tianxian Mountain could hear Ye Hongchen's words.

Suddenly, the three heavenly soldiers who finally got the dagger gritted their teeth and looked at the heavenly soldiers who were still looking for the dagger in front of them, colleagues.

Can't care about so much, just run away! Run towards the location of Ye Hongchen!

Among the three, two of them turned out to be the deputy generals of the Fu Yao Army, Ouyang Kexiu, and Mu Yuncheng!

After seeing Ouyang Kexiu Muyun City, there was also a trio of Heavenly Soldiers and ran to the place where Ye Hongchen was.

Almost all the Heavenly Soldiers of the Fu Yao Army have seen it, more than 40,000 people!

"Found it! The dagger is in the hands of Vice Admiral Ouyang, Vice Admiral Mu Yuncheng, and Mo Jiang!"

A heavenly soldier knew that he would not be able to stop the three of them alone, and suddenly shouted to the surrounding area.

But in my heart secretly prayed: Two lieutenants, I hope you don't settle accounts after Autumn, I just want a dagger.

Today's Ouyang Kexiu, Muyuncheng, and Mojiang simply walked side by side, rushing towards the location of Ye Hongchen.

Although the other members of the Demon Army didn't know where they were, they knew one thing.

If you want to find Ye Hongchen, you have to pass through a forest. The forest is not big, but it just happens to be able to block the three of you!

"Ouyang, the three of us brothers who are you sure you can fight for more than 40,000?"

Mu Yuncheng ran next to Ouyang Kexiu, his expression a little embarrassed as he watched the people chasing him no less than five hundred heavenly soldiers.

At this moment, he only felt that the dagger in his hand was extremely hot. He wanted to throw it away, but he couldn't bear it.

"What else can I do? According to the general, this time there will be no lieutenant, only a captain! As a lieutenant, I have not been able to become a ten thousand captain.

So, what use is there for me to stay in the Fu Yao Army? It is better to tell the general directly, I am not suitable to stay in the Demon Army, I am a trash! "

Although Ouyang Kexiu's complexion is a bit ugly, he understands a truth, he seeks wealth and wealth!

He was able to get such a managerial position as a lieutenant, not by luck, but by actual deeds.

Muyun City? That's just luck! Therefore, his relationship with Mu Yuncheng was not very good before.

"Vice-General Ouyang is right, you have to try whatever you don't want." The Mo Jiang nodded in incomparable approval when he heard the words.

Seeing that both of them had the same attitude, Mu Yuncheng couldn't help but slowly change his mentality.

"That's right! Brothers won't kill us anyway, let's go back desperately!"


It was almost an hour later, Ye Hongchen, and five hundred and fifty-two heavenly soldiers had been resting in the same place, waiting for the last three to return.


At this time, Ouyang Kexiu, Mu Yuncheng, and Mo Jiang came here and said in unison.

At this moment, the armors on their bodies are a bit crooked, and even their faces are bruised and swollen.

Obviously, they were beaten up just now along the way.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Fu Yao Army had done their best, which made them come back here with their lives.

If not, I am afraid they would have died a long time ago, let alone a breakthrough among the 40,000-plus, nearly 50,000-strong Demon Army Heavenly Soldiers.

"Yeah, that's good." Ye Hongchen nodded, looked at Rexiu like a pig, and said with a smile in his heart.

"The five hundred and fifty-five captains have confirmed that, please return to the Demon Army Heavenly Soldiers."

As Ye Hongchen said this sentence, Ouyang Kexiu, Mu Yuncheng, and Mo Jiang just relaxed.


Three illusory long swords suddenly appeared, pierced into the bodies of the three of them at once, and their cultivation base was immediately unblocked!

"The three of you will heal your injuries first, and you will elect fifty-five, and you will be promoted to the second round."

Ye Hongchen looked at the three of them, intending to recover the injuries in their bodies for the three of them.

"General Xie." The three of Ouyang Kexiu said respectfully. After speaking, they sat down quickly and started to heal their injuries.

But after Ye Hongchen's words just spread out, the more than 40,000 soldiers of the Demon Army's Heavenly Soldiers could only return with all their heart, not looking for daggers.

Because they knew that they might only be regarded as subordinates by those 555 heavenly soldiers and colleagues.

Some people were even a little unconvinced in their hearts, especially the heavenly soldier who found the dagger at the bottom of the lake.

After being sold by a brother he knew very well, his dagger had already been robbed. Looking back at that brother, among the five hundred and fifty-five people who were being promoted at this moment.

"Don't be discouraged. Every month, you can challenge the Centurion. If you win, then you will be the Centurion.

In the same way, the centurion can challenge the commander, and the commander can challenge the commander. "

Ye Hongchen seemed to see the injustice in some people's hearts, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose and smiled.

As soon as these words came out, the entire Fu Yao army revealed the intent to fight, especially the heavenly soldiers who had not been promoted. At this moment, they looked at the 555 people who were promoted.

They are full of fighting spirit!

And what Ye Hongchen wanted was this result!

After Ouyang Kexiu, Mu Yuncheng, and Mo Jiang were almost healed, Ye Hongchen began to announce the start of the second round.

This time, it was a direct melee. Five hundred and fifty-five people were in a direct melee. Only the fifty-five people who were able to stay in this melee could enter the third round.

Ouyang Kexiu, Mu Yuncheng, and Mo Jiang, who were healed, united directly.

It is worth mentioning that Mojiang's cultivation base also has the strength of the early days of the Earth Immortal! It is this month that he has stepped from the real fairy to the earth fairy.

The melee between the five hundred and fifty-five heaven soldiers was extremely fierce, especially after being able to use the cultivation base this time, the fight was even more dizzy.

Tianxian Mountain, the original cave of the Golden Feather Fish was razed to the ground in this melee!

And fifty-five people were elected at this moment, all with injuries, but not too serious.

On the other hand, the five hundred people who were eliminated have some serious injuries at this moment.

"Congratulations, you have successfully advanced to the third round, which is the position of the ten thousand chief.

There are a lot of people that Captain Wan will lead, so the next step must be extremely fierce, so this general wants to say that those who feel that they are not strong can choose not to participate in the third round.

Be a commander of thousands. "Ye Hongchen reminded him when he looked at the fifty-five heavenly soldiers in front of him.

It's a pity that no one takes Ye Hongchen's reminder to heart. After all, they are all capable of reaching the third round, so how can they be willing to be a commander of thousands?

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