The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0867: The Demon King

In the sea water below Meng Fei, a black shadow slowly appeared in Ye Hongchen's eyes!

Ye Hongchen's movements suddenly accelerated, and he slammed Meng Fei with a heavy sword!

However, Meng Fei's reaction speed was extremely fast, and the golden sledgehammer was directly raised in front of him to block Ye Hongchen's sword.


The sound of metal collision was rolled up, and the sword force with a violent wind forced Meng Fei to smash into the sea with a hammer.


Seeing this, the third child hurriedly waved his forehead chain and threw it in the direction of his boss.

"I'm fine, with this attack level, I won't die!"

Meng Fei, the one-eyed scarred man, didn't care. After all, he didn't think he could die. Coupled with the sea water underneath, he was not afraid of injury at all.

Ye Hongchen heard the words, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose, the black ice crystal wings behind him shook, and the whole person flew into the sky.


At this moment, in the sea, below Meng Fei's body, that black shadow suddenly emerged from the water, rolling up a huge splash of water.

An extremely huge undersea monster beast, it looks like a turtle, but its head is like a triangle.

Compared with the tortoise shell on the back, its head is extremely small, but there are four sharp horns on the tortoise shell, and the whole body is blue.


The sea monster beast erupted with a cry like a beast, opened its mouth, and a sharp white tooth appeared in the eyes of Ye Hongchen and the others.

In the next second, Meng Fei, who was crushed by Ye Hongchen's momentum, was directly bitten into pieces by it!

The bloody scene appeared in the eyes of everyone, and this was the fall of a late-fit cultivator.

With the physical strength of such a strong man, he was actually bitten to pieces by this submarine monster, and Yao Hongchen was also a little bit stunned at this moment.

"This is, Qing Xuan tortoise!"

At this moment, the youngest drank suddenly, and the scene just now stunned him all at once, causing him to come back to his senses now.

The green black tortoise has four horns on its back shell and controllable elements. Its defensive power is second only to that of the Xuanwu, which is known as one of the four great beasts.

However, the round of attack power, and even the means of attack, this Qing Xuan tortoise is stronger than Xuan Wu!

It's just that it is a carnivorous monster. It is defined as one of the top ten fierce beasts on the human side, and it is directly ranked in the fifth place!


At this time, after eating poor Meng Fei in one bite, Qing Xuan Turtle roared again and floated above the water, but the first corner of his body suddenly lit up with blue light.


In the next instant, the originally sunny sky became dimmed at this moment, with dark clouds.

"No! It's trying to activate the thunderstorm, my God, it won't be its opponent at all at sea, hurry back to the boat and turn around!"

Seeing the sky turn black and lightning flashes from time to time, the second child suddenly yelled.

After that, he took the lead and flew to his own ship, and the third and fifth hurriedly flew to their own ships.

At this moment, all the bosses are buried in clouds, and their survival is the most important thing.

When Ye Hongchen saw this, the wings behind him shook quickly. At this moment, he didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to do it.

Although his hands are itchy, he is not mindless, and fighting such a fierce beast is not a waste of his own strength.

So Ye Hongchen flew directly to his ship not far from the five big ships.


The downpour began to fall, and Ye Hongchen hadn't even rushed back to his boat, the sky began to rain heavily, and the storm rolled up on the waves.

Even lightning flashes in the sky from time to time!

The entire sea area in this area is full of darkness, and it is difficult to see the line of sight ahead.

This is, the green black tortoise is like the lord of the ocean, its huge body churning back and forth in the sea area, and the sea surface is surging crazily.

The four big ships closest to Qing Xuan Tortoise were swaying at this moment and couldn't get out at all.

The surging sea is like a mountain, blocking their progress.


At this time, a member of the ship was accidentally swayed directly by the ship and fell into the sea.


In the next second, Qing Xuan tortoise did not know when he appeared beside the ship, suddenly surfaced and opened his mouth.


That member directly followed Meng Fei's footsteps, but Green Black Tortoise dived into the sea again.

Originally, it was not enough to see it at dawn, but now, the members of the ship are a little desperate to find that nowadays, the blue black tortoise can't be seen at all in this kind of weather!

They turned out to be the lambs to be slaughtered by the Qing Xuan Turtle!

"Quick, quick, quick! Whatever you don't want, you have to get the boat out for me too!"

The second child's complexion began to be a little distorted, and the identity of Qing Xuangui didn't make him have the courage to fight.


At this time, there was a sound of broken things under the ship where the second child was.

In the next second, the huge ship broke apart slowly at this moment, and a sharp cyan big horn passed through the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the big ship suddenly ascended and crossed the surface of the sea.

Ye Hongchen, who was about to rush back to the ship just now, couldn't help turning his head and taking a look after hearing the sound.

This glance directly caused Ye Hongchen to see a scene, which shocked his heart.

The big ship where the second child was, was directly pierced by a corner on the tortoise shell!

The Green Black Tortoise had already surfaced, and he just stared at the ship on his back.

Every time it shook its tortoise shell, the ship anchored above it also shook.

Some people were thrown off the boat directly, either directly eating in the mouth of the Qing Xuan tortoise, or falling into the sea.

It is probably not dead or dead. After all, this is an endless sea. Without a boat, you can fly as long as you can't fly out of the endless sea in one breath.

There is always a time when the aura in the body is exhausted, because the aura in the endless sea is very thin, and it is not ideal to want to recover in a short time.

"Is this the submarine monster beast?" Ye Hongchen murmured, not daring to stay any longer, for fear that he would attract the Green Black Tortoise because of him, and cause his ship to suffer.

Soon, Ye Hongchen returned to his ship, because when he left, Long Xing had already lowered the ship to the lowest speed, plus the direction he had rushed towards the five ships.

Therefore, Ye Hongchen was not thrown away, but returned faster than when he left.

"How about the son? Those people are pirates? And just now I heard two roars, a pressure is also suppressed."

As soon as Ye Hongchen flew back, Long Xing hurriedly came out to ask Ye Hongchen in spite of the heavy rain.

"Not much to say, I'll go to the core and adjust the direction of the ship first. It's hard to get past the front."

Ye Hongchen shook his head without wasting time, and went directly into a large room at the core of the ship.

All the spirit stones in the storage ring were stuffed in a brainstorm, and the direction was changed to the northwest direction first, and then moved forward at full speed!

Suddenly, with the support of the spirit stone that Ye Hongchen had just put in, the entire ship left the sea at a flying speed.

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