The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0876: Unstoppable

In the next second, in front of Ye Hongchen and Qian Xueying, a corpse suddenly appeared. It turned out to be the lion that was caught in the sky by the dragon!

The only difference is that the male lion's body is not flaming again at this moment.

The man's attack was completely blocked by the lion's body. When he was about to go around, the long red and blue dragon had already rushed to him.


A dragon roar sounded, and the long dragon slapped him in the slap. The man couldn't avoid it and was directly slapped straight by the slap.

When Changlong raised his hand to grasp, the man was already lying on the ground, blood flowing in his mouth.

He originally looked tough, but now he looks soft, without any skinny feeling at all.


A blue light flashed in Ye Hongchen's eyes, his lips lightened, and a word "Mie" came out of his mouth.

In the next second, the dragon who had just eliminated the man, once again slammed the eight guards, and swept them all in threes or twos.

Finally, he stretched out his sharp claws and directly eliminated the eight people, turning them into a burst of red, and the blue mist disappeared into the sky.

The poor eight people, if they were against other people, they wouldn't be defeated. They died so thoroughly, but it was a pity that they were against the current Ye Hongchen.

After the long dragon dispersed, Ye Hongchen and Qian Xueying withdrew their swords directly, red light appeared above the sword, and the blue light also dissipated.

"This time it only consumed about 50% of the spiritual power. It seems that the higher the cultivation base, the less it consumes."

Qian Xueying suddenly laughed when she felt that she had a full 50% spiritual power in her body.

Ye Hongchen didn't consume much. After that sword was used, his body had been absorbing the evil force floating in the air.

This is Ye Hongchen's advantage. After all, there is probably only Ye Hongchen alone in this world who was born out of evil powers by human evil thoughts.

"Let's go." Ye Hongchen put the Xingchen sword into the scabbard and started walking towards the car that was no longer being pulled by the monster.

"My son, there are no monsters to pull, what should I do?"

Long Xing walked over, looked at the completely dead lion, and asked suspiciously.

"Hey, it's not easy? It's up to you to pull it! You turned into your real body and pulled this car into the city. It is estimated that the entire city will know your name!"

Standing on Long Xing's shoulder, Xiaoqing smiled at the others, feeling very applicable to his proposal.

"This... I am too big."

"Easy, put the car on your back."

"But I can only fly. Will I be wanted when flying into the city with a car? Wanted along with all of us."

"Ah? This..." Although Xiaoqing knew that Long Xing was purely trying to excuse himself, this was not unreasonable, and he suddenly hesitated.

"Don't worry, I've thought of this a long time ago."

At this time, Ye Hongchen smiled faintly, not at all entangled in this matter.

As soon as he said this, all three pairs of eyes, including Qian Xueying, looked at Ye Hongchen, wondering what he could do.

Ye Hongchen looked at Xiaoqing, a smile appeared on his face, and Xiaoqing's heart was hairy when he looked at it.

"Why, what's the matter? Look at me like this..." Xiaoqing tilted her head and moved her head to the back of Long Xing's neck.

"When you were destroying the sword gate before, I remember that you suddenly became bigger, and there was a pair of small cyan wings behind you, I don't know..."

"No, no! No such thing at all! Tell you, no matter what, my Xiaoqing will definitely not pull a car! It's the car you took!"


Unparalleled city gate.

A group of soldiers in blue armor stood outside the city wall with spears in hand.

Several men in long gowns stood in front of the door, charging fees for those who came out and went in.

"My god, what kind of monster is this? It was actually used to pull a cart, the first time I saw it."

"It looks a little scary, look at its green skin, you can see my goose bumps."

"Yes, I don't know that it was the young lady with a serious cleanliness who was sitting in the car, and her taste... is really unique!"

At this moment, the people who lined up to enter Wushuang City suddenly began to talk, and everyone looked out of the city!

There was a car coming slowly, of course, it was not the car that attracted the attention of others the most, but the monster pulling the car!

The monster beast was the same size as a car, but its appearance was really disdainful, and it looked unusually like a frog.

Especially its head, that pair of enlarged eyes, makes it easy for people to play.

It's just that it is a frog, there is a pair of cyan wings behind it!

This monster was surprisingly changed by Xiaoqing. As for the people in the car, it was naturally Ye Hongchen and Qianxueying.

Long Xing followed the car, looking at the scenery from time to time, blowing a whistle, but didn't look at Xiaoqing.

"Too bullying the frog, now it's okay, you see, we were ridiculed before we got there."

Xiaoqing's big eyes blinked, and there seemed to be tears flying out of his eyes. At this moment, he only felt very wronged and embarrassed.

When Long Xing heard Xiaoqing's words, he wanted to laugh, but he was afraid of hitting Xiaoqing's last dignity. He couldn't help holding it back. His whole expression looked very unnatural.

"Well, you, after going in later, my son will invite you to a big meal. Don't talk now. If it causes trouble, you won't have to eat."

At this time, Ye Hongchen's voice came from the car, and no matter how much dissatisfaction was in Xiaoqing's heart, he did not say anything at this moment.

He could only pull the car and slowly walk towards Wushuang City. The people in line all gave way, and didn't dare to stop it.

After all, Xiaoqing, a monster beast that he had never seen before, was drawn to be a monster beast that pulled a cart. Naturally, the person sitting in that cart was not something they could offend.

Of course, the consequence of this situation is that all of them don't accumulate virtue, and everyone has lost no less than ten sentences to Xiaoqing.


When Xiao Qing pulled the cart to the front of the city wall, more than a dozen guards armed with spears rushed over, for fear that Xiao Qing, a monster beast that he had never seen before, would suddenly attack.

"Everyone, this is my son, the young master of the Chen family, Chen Hongye, please let him go."

When Long Xing came to Xiaoqing, the cultivation base of the initial stage of the fit broke out, and said lightly.

Although everyone in this so-called Chen family has never heard of it, it doesn't hinder anything. After all, Zhongzhou is so big, how can they remember it?

"It turns out that it is the young master of the Chen family. Presumably, Young Master Chen should also be the genius contest of our Wushuang City, right?"

The man who didn't wear the battle armor, but only wore a long shirt, said to the car with a fist.

"Since you know, don't waste my time."

Ye Hongchen's voice came from the car, extremely cold, and somewhat indisputable, and the man suddenly nodded.

"Since I am a genius participating in the competition, I don't need to pay the travel expenses. It is a good bond between the city lord of my Wushuang city and the genius, let it go."

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