The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0886: Fighting against Bai Dachun

"Hey? Who are these two people? Does anyone know them? How do I feel, the kind of very temperament?"

Some viewers noticed Ye Hongchen and Qian Xueying, and suddenly became puzzled because they had never seen the two of them.

"I haven't met these two people, nor do I seem to have heard of them, wait, that man is a little familiar...I rely on! Isn't this the arrogant man of Dongzhou!"

"When you said that, I also remembered that it was really the arrogant man of Dongzhou! Good guy, looking at his plain walking posture, does this not put the genius of Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm in my eyes?"

Suddenly, after recognizing Ye Hongchen's identity, he originally thought that the two of them walked with great temperament, but now they have directly risen to the point of not putting geniuses in their eyes.

Sure enough, black fans are like this, even if everything is good, they will infinitely magnify the black spots of things, guess, and then send them out, causing passers-by to turn black.

Ye Hongchen and Qian Xueying came to the arena under everyone's gaze, and looked at each other with a dozen people on the arena without speaking.

"Oh, sure enough, even if the people from Dongzhou are still good at cultivation, their level of life has fallen to a low level."

Bai Dachun, the master of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, sighed, and did not control his voice at all, causing everyone on the ring to listen.

"Well, since no one continues to come up, then I assume that there is no genius to participate. Now, the genius in each ring starts to draw lots. There is only one person on the ring playing against each other. You can change the ring now."

After seeing that no one came up again, General Weihai reminded the people on the ring.

This means that the arena where Ye Hongchen is located, then the next challenge can only be in this arena.

"If there is anything fun to do with the people in the spirit realm, if you want to play, come and play with Dongzhou geniuses."

At this time, a genius on the other ring shouted loudly, and flew to the ring where Ye Hongchen was.

"Haha, I, Mr. Mo, also come to join in the fun of Anta." A man holding a white son's fan also came to the ring where Ye Hongchen was.

"Go to other arenas, lest I and you can't advance." Ye Hongchen looked at Qian Xueying, his face still extremely calm.

Even if he knew that several powerful geniuses had come to the ring where he was, he still had no fear.

Qian Xueying nodded, moving her feet, and immediately flew to the other ring.

Although other people had seen Qian Xueying, they hadn't targeted her in the past. After all, she was a girl. In addition, her cultivation was only in the early stage of the fit, and anyone who faced it would lose.

That's right, Qian Xueying's cultivation base last night, has successfully broken through the late Yuan Ying stage, reaching the stage of Infant Melting in the early stage of merging.

"Well, since there is no one who wants to continue to change the ring, now, the draw begins."

General Weihai nodded, and after speaking, clapped his hands directly, and the five men with tokens walked directly into the five arenas.

It is worth mentioning that on the ring where Ye Hongchen is located, there are a total of thirty-two people, including Ye Hongchen.

As for the other arenas, apart from the one where Qian Xueying is located, there are more than ten people. There are only a few people in the other arenas, and there are not even ten people at all.

Soon, Ye Hongchen took out a token from those tokens held by the man. The token was unremarkable, except that a word was engraved on it.

When Ye Hongchen picked up the token, almost all the geniuses on the ring looked at him curiously. After seeing the word, they hurriedly picked up the token.

Almost everyone wanted to face Ye Hongchen in the first game and let Ye Hongchen be eliminated directly.

The draw is over.

"Well, now everyone has a token in their hands, and the same number on the token belongs to the same field.

Now, we invite our number one player to come on stage, and the others will go down first. "

Upon seeing this, General Weihai first announced the rules of the game, and then directly announced the start of the game.

"Boy, lucky you, if you are really capable, just support me."

Holding the Young Master's fan in his hand, Jun Mo arrogantly said to Ye Hongchen, and walked directly off the ring.

The others also stared at Ye Hongchen one after another before turning and leaving.

Ye Hongchen drew the No. 1 token. Naturally, he was the first game. Those who didn't draw the same No. 1 token were very sorry.

"Hahaha, all of you go down, this genius from Dongzhou, leave it to me Bai Dachun."

The Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Valley triumphantly waved the No. 1 token in his hand, causing several people who had walked off the ring to grit their teeth.

At this moment, why did they suddenly have an idea in their hearts to let Ye Hongchen repair and turn Bai Dachun?

Soon, there were only Ye Hongchen and Bai Dachun above the entire arena, and there were also two people standing on the other four arenas.

It is worth mentioning that Qian Xueying turned out to be the first one! Her opponent was a fat, fat man.

"Okay, now, the first game of genius competition, start!"

General Weihai clenched his fist, and the four thunder beams above the ring directly emitted a burst of white light, one after another one after another.

In the end, a white light screen was formed, enclosing the entire arena.

"Hey, kid, you're unlucky when you meet me."

Standing in front of Ye Hongchen, Bai Dachun grinned at Ye Hongchen and smiled with his hands. A bag suddenly floated in the air and opened suddenly.


In the next second, a huge water buffalo suddenly appeared in front of Bai Dachun, with terrifying blue light shining all over his body!

"This is, Aoki Horn Bull!" The audience in the auditorium was obviously paying more attention to the game of Ye Hongchen.

When he saw the monster beast that suddenly appeared in front of Ye Hongchen, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

As soon as the Aoki Horn Niu came out, he stepped heavily on the ground.


In the next second, a burst of Guteng suddenly appeared around Ye Hongchen's body, which immediately surrounded Ye Hongchen.

"Hahaha, what kind of genius from Dongzhou, has been recruited so quickly? You are really going to laugh at me."

When Bai Dachun saw that Ye Hongchen was trapped in this way, he burst out laughing.

"Horn Niu, weed him out." Bai Dachun raised his finger, pointed at Ye Hongchen, and said to Qingmu Horn Niu.


The green wood horns roared, and their limbs swiftly ran on the ground. The double horns on the head burst out with a burst of blue light, and the pair of blue big horns suddenly condensed and slammed into Ye Hongchen!

"Isn't it? If this Dongzhou genius is eliminated like this, it would be too bad, right?"

Underneath, the spiritual genius who was disappointed by not being able to fight Ye Hongchen said with some disappointment.

"A beast, what can I do."

At this time, Ye Hongchen, who had not spoken all the time, spoke, and the corner of his mouth raised, and a black sword energy began to be rolled up on his body!


The vines that originally trapped Ye Hongchen turned into sawdust under the attack of the black lotus sword energy.

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