"The difference is that they will make more mistakes in the second half. At the end of the first half, they have shown fatigue and have a problem with their mentality. In the second half, if they still can't break our goal, their mentality will only be more impatient!"

"We have already counterattacked and broken the opponent's goal. It's an offside, but it's not a big problem. At least it shows that we have the ability to do it. Since we did it once, we have a chance to do it a second time!"

Wei Le was passionate, while next door, there was a dead silence. Head coach Pierre stood in the middle of the room with a frown on his face. He was silent, and so were the others sitting around the room - a silence.

In this silence, there were imperceptible emotions spreading.


Why can't we break through their defense? Why is their goalkeeper so strong? Why is our own goal so easily broken?

The players looked at each other, and they couldn't get an answer.

Head coach Pierre also had such doubts, and he couldn't figure it out. He thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out why they had besieged Wolves for so long, but couldn't break through the Wolves' defense. From the data, Pierre's team has the advantage, but why can't they score?

"We still need to continue to attack." Pierre said. The translator translated his French into English.

"But what if we still can't attack?" Someone whispered.

Pierre heard his words, but he didn't quite understand what he meant. The translator thought about it and still didn't translate this sentence.

"Keep attacking. The closer we are to their goal, the more likely we are to score. As long as we score a goal, they will have very few chances." Pierre's words are correct. The players agreed with him. At least they must continue to attack. They have no other way but to attack.

At the beginning of the second half, Southampton launched an offensive again as expected. However, this time, the Wolves' defensive players launched a siege against them in the midfield.

"There is a difference." Lineker keenly discovered the difference between the first and second half of the Wolves. "The Wolves' defensive strategy in the first half was passive. They preferred to see how Southampton made a move and then make targeted defense."

"But in the second half, they began to take the initiative. Now they firmly 'control' the ball in the middle. Although it was Southampton players who took the ball, it seemed that they chose to fight in the middle, but in fact, it was because of the Wolves' mid-position defense that they had to get into a fight."

Under this intensity of targeting, the front midfielder Tadic basically couldn't get any particularly good opportunities. The back line and the midfield line formed an encirclement, surrounding Tadic. They were not close to Tadic, and it seemed that they let Tadic go to receive the ball.

But in fact, this is a trap!

As soon as Tadic got the ball, two or three people would quickly rush to his vicinity to restrict him. The return pass was more in line with the Wolves players' wishes!

They will deploy defense in front of the players who may receive the ball, and try to get the ball first.

It seems that as long as the ball is passed to the front midfielder, Wolves can always get the ball. Tadic, who found the problem, didn't know how to solve it. And head coach Pierre didn't know whether he didn't see the situation at all or didn't know how to solve it, and he didn't make any adjustments.

The gap between coaches...

Tadic sighed.

Now, Southampton can only attack around Tadic's position, which is reflected in the frequent long passes of Southampton players on the field, trying to hang behind the defensive players.

But Coady and Ruben Dias are not slow "squatting" central defenders, and they are not easy to be hit behind. Similarly, the success rate of the forced pass from the wing is also very low.

Therefore, although the ball flew in the Wolves' half, Southampton players found it difficult to really break through the Wolves' defense. In the second half, Wolves' pressing became more urgent, the distance between the midfield line and the back line was shortened, and the space left for Southampton players to handle the ball was also smaller.

Walter Prowse's cross was directly hugged by the goalkeeper, and Martinez threw the ball to Doherty on the right.

Doherty took the ball to the middle, he looked up at the time on the big screen, the game had passed 59 minutes, and now there were only 30 minutes left before the end of regular time!

Doherty lowered his head and passed the ball to the defensive midfielder Rodri. Rodri turned around and cooperated with David Edwards. He first passed the ball to Edwards, then bypassed Edwards from behind, and came from Edwards' right rear to the left front.

Edwards pushed the ball and passed it to Rodri again. The speed of the attack suddenly accelerated!Rodri passed the ball to the no-man's land on the left.

Is it really a no-man's land?

A flash of yellow lightning flashed by! Godfrey met the ball and pushed it forward, then strode after it!

"Godfrey received the ball from the wing, and then pushed it forward along the wing! His speed is very fast, which almost reminds me of Bale! He was also a left-back when he debuted!" Martin Taylor watched Godfrey pass the half-court and run towards the bottom line.

Godfrey was running, he saw the figure flashing in the middle, there seemed to be one or two yellow figures in the penalty area, and there should be another one outside the penalty area!

Godfrey lowered his head and pushed the ball forward one step, he wanted to choose to cross the ball from the bottom!

Walter Prowse chased after two steps and stopped, staring blankly at Godfrey's back, he really couldn't catch up. Cedric ran desperately, but he was constantly distanced from Godfrey.

Godfrey's speed slowed down, and Cedric almost hit Godfrey. He hurriedly braked, but Godfrey had already flown past him on the other side!

Using the change in rhythm, Cedric was shaken off!

Godfrey swung his left foot, almost using the strength of shooting. He had to do this if he wanted to pursue the speed of the ball! His cross flew into the penalty area by rubbing the ground!

"Jota!!!" Fraser Forster stared at the Portuguese striker in front of him. He believed that Jota would not give up this opportunity. He saw Jota made a shooting gesture and raised his leg!

Fraser Forster was ready to save, but the ball did not fly in his direction! Instead, it passed between Jota's legs!

Did he lose the pass? Fraser Forster turned his head and saw a tall and thin guy with a flat head pushing the ball into the goal behind him!

"Almiron's shot - the ball went in!!!!" Martin Taylor took a deep breath, "Finally got the lead, there's nothing wrong with this goal!"

The cheers of Wolves fans at Wembley Stadium resounded in every corner of the stadium! Almiron stood there, and after he confirmed that the ball had hit the goal, he was really stunned!

"I scored a goal?"

Jota rushed over and hugged Almiron, "Yes, you scored a goal!!!"

"At Wembley?"

"At Wembley!!!" Godfrey rushed up and hugged both of them!

When Wei Le saw Almiron score the goal, his heart almost stopped! He excitedly ran around the technical area until Celars "caught" him. Then, his assistants "ravaged" his hair together.

"We are ahead!"

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