"Wow...I, I don't have one!"

Inexplicably, Jasmine let out a scream, and then she pushed me fiercely. The strength even pushed the distance between us far.

"Jasmine...what's wrong with you..."

Looking at her suddenly a little excited and hugging her body with both hands, I can only cast a faint look at her.

"I... I don't..."

She is like a mental patient with relapsed trauma, shaking her arms around her arms, her tight pupils disturbing.


The incredible sight seemed to happen, so much so that I wondered if the look in my eyes was bad.

Saliva overflowed from the corner of Jasmine's mouth, and the transparent thread flowed down in such a drag, but fortunately, she quickly realized her loss and swallowed the saliva quickly.

"Jasmine... who was that just now?"

"No, it's not what you think... Ziyou..."

While she anxiously denied it, she swallowed again from her mouth.

Hey? I always feel something is wrong.

"Jasmine, are you really okay?"


She covered her mouth with her hands and shook her head as if she didn't admit it to death.

Since I have said so, I can only accept what she said.

Besides, I don't want to grow out of the blue now. After all, Shion is coming. If I do extra work to cause Jasmine to run away, Shion will come over and expect another tragedy.

"Well, then, while we are waiting, let's read the book for a while. After all, I don't think you will really become a succubus who can't control yourself. It is said that people are creatures that are good at thinking of ways. There are many in history. People have experienced even more difficult despair..."

"Stop talking nonsense... ooh..."

She reprimanded me vaguely, her eyes becoming more and more erratic.


Having said that, I naturally could only shut up in shock, and then focused on the book.

Although I feel that according to my agreement with Bletilla striata, as long as I mobilize the power of allies that can exert influence on her, I don’t have to make up lessons in the summer vacation, but now this thing can still become a target for me to divert attention, which is very good. .

Flicking through a few books absent-mindedly, I tried not to let myself secretly observe Jasmine sitting next to me.


But even though I had been very restrained, the fragrant breath from Jasmine's mouth still made me feel compelled.

She, what is she doing? Why is the voice so sensational?

I was really tossed and unwilling to study, so I turned my head tentatively and asked Jasmine:

"Jasmine, you..."


Before I could react, she actually collapsed on my thigh like a puppet with no silk thread.

Let alone the gravity that my thighs sensed, but Jasmine’s appearance made me panic to the extreme, so facing Jasmine who seemed to have fainted on my thighs, I had no idea at all, so I could only wave my arms in the void in vain. .

How to do how to do? Did Jasmine fainted? What should I do to deal with a fainted patient? Is it the police? Still hit 120? Anyway, I, a guilty conscience person, don't want to see the police, let's 120!

Oh, that's not right, you should check her physical condition first, maybe she hasn't fainted yet!

So I squeezed her cheek anxiously.

"Jasmine... Jasmine... wake up! Are you okay? Do you have a fever?"


As my hand stroked her forehead to confirm if she had a fever, Jasmine snorted vaguely again.

It's strange... She doesn't have a fever, but her face is very hot.

When I felt overwhelmed, I was shocked by the damp feeling in my crotch.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

What and what is this!

Jasmine's saliva actually dripped on my library! !

"Ahhh Jasmine, what's wrong with you, you, you!"

Facing Jasmine, who buried her face in the dangerous part, I asked in an almost hoarse voice.

And she seemed to be in pain, and she didn't reply to my question at all, but occasionally made a whining sound that represented pain.

I suddenly became confused.

What can I do, Jasmine is obviously covered by my tail, so she should be normal and sober now, and I haven’t done anything indescribable with her for several days. How could she be here? She ran away while awake, and even if she wanted to retaliate against me because she was angry, what kind of revenge is to spit on her crotch?

At this critical moment--

Ding dong.

Doorbell rang.

"Ayu, I'm here."

Shion's brisk voice came from outside the door.

It was a sound that I was quite familiar with, and her voice was well controlled, so as not to be too loud and noisy others, but it was just enough for me in the room to hear her subtle voice.

Why does Shion come here at this time! ! ! !

I was frightened suddenly.

Mingming had promised her to maintain a pure relationship with Jasmine as an ordinary high school student, and would not be able to do decent things and show affection in front of her. I am now maintaining such a terrible physical condition with Jasmine. What? Are you looking for death?

"Ah, Shion, I'm here!"


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