After Zhen Hong heard what she said, a disappointed expression appeared on her face for a while, but she still smiled at me and Shion.

"I see, there is no way in this case, but two sisters, we will meet again."


I waved at Zhen Hong in a daze, only to see her smile indifferently, her beautiful ruby-like eyes twinkling, then she took out the key and opened the iron door and walked back to her room.

(I can only find other people, it's a pity...)

When I looked back, I seemed to hear her rattle.

Is it an illusion? No, it's normal for children to complain.

After that, the three of us walked back together.

Out of curiosity, I asked why they met me in that place. The answer was that Shion insisted on letting Jasmine go around with her while she was able to walk out of the hotel.

An enthusiastic childhood sweetheart can be very tired sometimes. I don't know if Jasmine has realized my difficulties.

In short, I still fully realized Jasmine's difficulties as a woman, although it is a bit shy to say that.


"Ah, Ziyuan and Jasmine, where have you been?"

When she returned to the room, Sunflower was already sitting on the table. She folded her fleshy legs orthogonally and greeted us with a smile. From the video that was suspended halfway through her hand, she seemed to be doing it. What girls usually do at this age is to watch the various dramas of Mary Su who starred in the little fresh meat.

"Ah, we went for a walk."

I was halfway through, but I was a bit stuck.

I want to ask why, of course Sunflower’s current appearance is a bit unruly...

Although I know that the boys’ dormitory in summer is mostly like this: boys **** and wearing only a pair of underwear, sitting on chairs and pulling their feet.

And now the guest room is a girl’s summer dormitory, so Sunflower appears unsuspecting——

Her bed was piled up in a mess of coats and skirts that had just been taken off. White stockings were hung from a chair and hung casually. A bare foot with Erlang's legs hung beautifully in the air. The neatly arranged toes were even lovely .

To make matters worse, she put down her double ponytails and draped her long wavy hair behind her head, making her baby face look like a mature woman.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff

Oh oh oh, take a closer look, the sunflower seems to be cuter than usual, is it an illusion?

Because such sunflowers make it difficult for me to hold on to myself, I can only look at the ground without knowing where to put my sight.

Shion didn't notice my strangeness at all, but walked to his bed with a light pace.

"Let me tell you, today Ayu looks super cold and perfunctory. I thought I did something that made him unhappy, but if you think about it carefully, it must still be your problem, Jasmine, right?"

While complaining to me, she unsuspectingly pulled the hem of the T-shirt with her hands, and then stretched her arms to take off the only protection of the body.

Wow, there is going to be a tragedy! ! !

The childhood sweetheart's body in underwear is about to appear in front of his eyes! !


After undergoing the double test of sunflower and asters, I was so scared that I immediately jumped onto the bed, and then covered my face with a pillow.

What's the situation? I just want to experience entering a women’s bath for the first time in my life. I just saw that my girlfriends and childhood sweethearts were so nervous about the daily life of girls? Takezawayu, this is too bad!

I always feel that Jasmine's face buried in the pillow has become a bit wretched, but of course I don't care about the face of my girlfriend.

In the darkness, Shion nagged even more dissatisfiedly.

"Hmph, you still love to answer, you actually buried your head directly, wanting to say that you are already a noble girlfriend, and you don't need to talk to other women, right?"

"certainly not!"

It's decided, I don't want to avoid it!

So when Shion said that, I raised my head with great momentum.


As if shocked by my sudden call, Shion took a step back.

And my long hair played a role at this moment.

Chances are that my hair crooked across my face. Although it looks like a female ghost, it still adds a mosaic to my world.

That's fine.

"I told you, Darling, he is in a good mood."

"You... how do you know."

Seeing Shion as if returning to normal, I took my words naturally while reaching out behind my head to untie my ponytail, and I patted my chest confidently.

"This is... my instinct as a girlfriend."

"Hate, you are really showing off your girlfriend! The girls in the city are sinister!"

Looking at Shion who was so angry, I thought to myself that I shouldn't stimulate too much, in case she troubles me for a while, it will be bad. So after showing my okay side, I turned around and wanted to sneak into the toilet first.

"I, I'll take a shower first, it's getting late."


When I was going to sneak into the bathroom and explore the female physiological structure from a first-person perspective while taking a bath, Sunflower suddenly hugged me from behind, and at the same time gave a cute emphasis like a kitten sticking to the owner.


Even if she was hugged by her soft arms around her waist, there was something soft like a water polo on her back. This was definitely a huge test for me.

But this is indeed the classic way Sunflower and Jasmine get along. The cheerful Sunflower likes to tease Jasmine with this harmless physical contact between girls, and then show and enhance the relationship between the two. I also know this.

However, what I did not expect was that being so glued to sunflowers would bring such a huge sense of happiness.


I always feel that my heart is about to melt, and the expression on my face is not too relaxed.

Ah, this is Jasmine's love for sunflowers.

Having inherited this love, I also think Sunflower is so cute and I really like her.

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