Half a day.

As soon as Twilight Thirteen walked into the café, he saw the familiar Aoki and hurriedly turned around the café.

When I found that there was no Aoki's coffin, I could only scratch my head in confusion and return to the store.

Just as he was about to say something, he noticed the tall blonde woman next to Aoki.

I couldn't help but be surprised:

"Lawyer Fei, why are you here?"

"It's been a long time, Officer Dusk.

Fei Yingli smiled, after all, Maori Kogoro used to be a police officer and mixed with Twilight Thirteen, so she was also quite familiar with Twilight Thirteen.

"Haha, really, it's been almost ten years.

Officer Twilight laughed, then looked at Aoki and smiled again.

"Ahem, Officer Twilight, let's hurry. Avoiding

the other's gaze, Aoki began to walk to the bathroom.

"Also, Brother Aoki is looking at you.

Twilight Thirteen didn't want to ask why the other party was here, there was always a reason anyway.


"Aoki, you—"

Conan looked at Aoki as he walked over and was about to pull him to discuss it.

I found Gray Plains Mourning calmly looking at him.

Hurry to get out of the way.

"Hey, Conan, you're here too, it's strange, how do I feel that every time it's Brother Maori or Brother Aoki, there's always you by your side.

Twilight Thirteen looked at Conan and suddenly fell into deep thought, feeling as if he had found something crucial.

"Haha, no, it's just that I'm a child, and I always have to be watched.

Conan scratched his head and laughed.

"Yes, forget it, hurry up and hide to the side, how unlucky it is for children to come into contact with corpses all day long, and you are not Brother Aoki, both professions are in contact with corpses. Without

much thought, Twilight Thirteen drove Conan.

Aoki: ....

Thank you for remembering that I'm two professions, but why does it sound a little uncomfortable?

"Your name is Conan, right, don't run around, it's not good to make trouble for your brother Aoki, learn from other people's little girls, how quiet.

Fei Yingli in the back pulled Conan, who turned back three times in one step, and then pointed to the object worth learning, Gray Yuan Wai.

The other party also turned his head and glanced at Conan with disdain.

Conan: ...

How do I feel that there is no one around me who is kind to me except Xiaolan, ah, Xiaolan, come back quickly!


..." "Hmm..."

Aoki walked around the toilet twice, and finally spoke seriously after mixing for a while.

"There are three suspects, all of whom happened to have been in the toilet, and they are... Officer Twilight go and get them. "

Oh oh, yes, right away.

Twilight Thirteen nodded, and walked out of the bathroom to find the three men Aoki had described.

Half a day.

Huang Yuichi, Wakaji Juro, and Thirteen Dianshan, three men were invited out by Twilight Thirteen.

"It's all here, Brother Aoki.

Twilight Thirteen whispered.

"Well, Officer Twilight, you can interrogate them about the order in which they went to the toilet and the reason for coming to the café, and I'll hear if there are any loopholes.

Aoki nodded, continuing to mix time.

If you solve the case too quickly, your main profession will have no sense of existence, so you have to take your time.

"Hmm... It seems that he is also starting to get into trouble.

Conan looked at Aoki's serious expression, and probably guessed that the other party should be stuck in a position like himself.

That is how the murderer can ensure that the body is not stained with blood when he inserts the heart when he kills, and then directly pulls out the blood gushing out.

After all, the clothes of the three suspects were all from before, and they had not left the door of the café or changed them, but there was no blood on them at all.

It is impossible to wash it, because then the clothes should be soaking wet.

At the same time, the three of them also opened the zipper of their outer clothes, and the clothes inside also showed no traces of blood.

Then there are no strange traces of blood stains on the murder weapon, if it is held by hand, it should be a large piece, but there are relatively thin marks on it.

Although it is not clear for the time being, Conan still guesses that it is the root cause of the murderer's lack of bloodstains.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but start listening carefully to the testimonies of the three people while observing their facial expressions.

Even if you can't open your mouth to solve the case, you must be faster than


" "Brother Aoki?Brother Aoki?" Twilight

Thirteen couldn't help but wave his hand in front of his eyes as he looked at Aoki, who had kept his expression unchanged as if he was in a daze.

"Well, I'll have a sign in a minute, um... I finally know, I see, thanks to you this time, Officer Twilight, your constant wave of your hand has made me fully aware of the situation, what a great achievement!"

Aoki feigned withdrawal from contemplation, and looked at Twilight Thirteen with approval and gratitude, and then swept the three of them with a sharp gaze.

"Huh? yes... Ahem, that's fine, it should be, after all, it's the duty.

Twilight Thirteen was a little confused, but soon calmed down with his years of experience in the police world, and his expression became serious again.

"Don't look at it, the murderer is you, Dianshan Thirteen!" Aoki

pointed to the powerful man with a huge physique among the three.

"Brother Aoki, are you sure you're not mistaken?" asked

Twilight Thirteen in a whisper.

After all, according to the scene investigation, the murderer should have strangled the deceased Himeno Yayoi first.

Then, he dragged him to the toilet and killed him, leaned against the door inside, and then crawled out through the gap between the toilet door and the ceiling.

And no matter how you look at that gap, it can't let the thirteen temples of this physique pass smoothly.

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