The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife

Chapter 895 Tan'er, we are out

A moment later, Bai Luochen stood at the door of the cell, glanced at the jailer in the distance, and couldn't help but sneered: "Ha! Just like this, you can't stand it? This psychological quality is too poor!"

He leisurely turned around and walked to the straw couch to sit down, looking at the situation around him, and finally sighed, "Hey! Let's make peace with it now! That old man, the God Lord, will definitely come to save me!" He pinned his hope on a person. Bai Luochen comforted himself for someone who was completely unreliable.

Thinking of this, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. After a while, sleepiness invaded his whole body, and he lay lazily on the straw couch with his legs crossed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the rising sun shone on every corner of Lizhou. Jing Tianjue walked with Su Tan'er all night and finally walked out of the secret room and came to a mountain forest.

There are lush vegetation and thick fog in the mountain forest, but there are no birds, animals, insects, or fish! The quiet atmosphere seemed particularly eerie and permeable.

Jing Tianjue, who was covered in water vapor, leaned forward slightly and whispered to Su Tan'er in a gentle tone: "Tan'er, wake up, we are out."

When Su Tan'er heard the gentle and pleasant voice, her heavy heart instantly relaxed a lot. She Weiwei frowned, slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The weak sunlight shone in her eyes, and Su Tan'er couldn't help but choke. With a sound, when he reacted, his whole person paused instantly.

She fell asleep in this man's arms? And slept all night!

Suddenly she let go of Jing Tianjue's neck and jumped off him, almost staggering and falling to the ground. As a result, Jing Tianjue caught her whole body and placed her carefully on the ground.

Su Tan'er stood up straight, straightened her clothes uncomfortably, and asked, "Are we really out?"

"Well, at least I'm out of that dark dungeon. My inner strength seems to have recovered! I'm no longer restricted by that formation." Even if we encounter any beasts later, we're not afraid that this woman will be hurt!

Su Tan'er pursed her lips slightly, nodded in response, and stared around with her clear eyes, looking for a way out.

However, there are countless trails in this mountain forest. Looking around, there is no exit at all. He glanced at Jing Tianjue, his eyes seemed to be asking which way to go. Jing Tianjue's brows knitted together and reminded Su Tan'er: " Stand here and don’t move, wait for me!”

As he spoke, he tapped his toes and jumped up to the treetops not far away. His deep eyes scanned the distance, and soon, the handsome figure flew down again.

Su Tan'er stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There is no way at the moment. The trees are too dense and we can't see the scenery in the distance. We can only take one step at a time."

The two of them walked in the forest like this for half an hour. Jing Tianjue saw the sweat on Su Tan'er's forehead and knew that she couldn't bear it. He paused for a moment, grabbed Su Tan'er's hand and said to her: "Sit down." Take a rest here."

Su Tan'er glanced at the direction of Jing Tianjue's finger and nodded.

The two of them were sitting next to each other. Su Tan'er always felt a little awkward, so she moved a little to the side. Jing Tianjue moved a little closer to Su Tan'er, Su Tan'er moved a little further, and Jing Tianjue moved a little closer to Su Tan'er. Tan'er. , Su Tan'er frowned speechlessly and looked at Jing Tianjue curiously, "You..."

Sitting together so calmly was something Jing Tianjue had never thought about since Su Tan'er left.

For three months, he only thought about how to get this woman back and ask her why she abandoned him and betrayed him! Now that she is in front of him, all those so-called questions and accusations have disappeared! What he wanted to ask was whether she was having a good life these days. What he wanted to ask was whether she still remembered him? Have you really forgotten all about him?

Seeing the unfamiliar look in Su Tan'er's eyes, Jing Tianjue's eyes flashed with disappointment, he pursed his lips and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Tan'er lowered her eyes, glanced at Jing Tianjue's tall figure, pointed to the place beside Jing Tianjue, and said, "Can you move a little over there?"

Jing Tianjue was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly when he recovered, and moved a little to the side. In this way, there was a certain distance between the two of them. Su Tan'er felt a little more comfortable like this, sitting quietly under the tree and looking at the distant scenery in trance.

At this moment, the two of them were equally speechless, and no one could guess what the other was thinking.

In the dungeon of Lizhou Imperial City, Bai Luochen finally had a good sleep. Unexpectedly, the door of the old room clanged early in the morning. He sat up with an unhappy look on his face and watched the jailors running over in a hurry. Bai Luochen He asked coldly: "What happened?"

The jailer gave Bai Luochen a cold look, opened the door of the old room, and escorted Bai Luochen away.

Along the way, Bai Luochen began to ask endless questions again. The jailer was really uncomfortable with hearing this, so he walked faster towards Leng Bingyue's palace, but he did not notice that the two men following them secretly were ready to take action at any time.

Passing by a garden, Bai Luochen glanced at the charming flowers with his deep eyes, cleared his throat, and said, "When will we arrive? I am old, and the road is too long to walk. Do not move!"

The jailer scolded in a cold voice: "Stop talking nonsense! We look like a pretty boy! We are out of breath after walking a few steps. You think we are three-year-olds!"

Bai Luochen sighed softly, "Hey, if I am like you said, will you catch me? Come on, let's sit here and rest for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Luochen stopped and sat where he was. The two jailers had no choice but to wait beside Bai Luochen.

At this moment, a strange color flashed across Bai Luochen's eyes. The two people hidden in the dark received Bai Luochen's eyes, looked at each other, and quietly came from behind the two jailers.

In an instant, the jailer fell to the ground.

Bai Luochen glanced at the two familiar faces and asked in a low voice, "Where is your master?"

The two of them lowered their heads in shame, and one of the men whispered back: "This subordinate is incompetent and has lost his master!"

Bai Luochen waved his hand, "If you lose him, you'll lose him! With his ability, you two alone can't catch up."

"Thank you, Doctor Bai!"

"By the way, let me find a way to solve this problem first! I wore it all night and my arms are so sleepy."

The two men cut off Bai Luochen's injured shackles and helped Bai Luochen leave the palace.

Leng Bingyue was waiting for Bai Luochen in the study, but after waiting for a long time, she did not see Bai Luochen.

The jailer rolled and crawled and knelt at Leng Bingyue's feet, trembling with fear.

Leng Bingyue asked angrily, "Where are the people?"

The two glanced at each other secretly, and returned timidly: "The person is lost!"

"Lost? Two have escaped and one is lost. What is the use of this king raising you!"

With that said, he pulled out his long sword and killed the two jailers he was talking about directly.

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