The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Two, Element 0 (3)

[Are you planning to stay and not leave? 】

The stupid system looked at me poking around in the world settings panel and suddenly asked.

‘That kid has caught a cold. I have to...oh, what are you talking about? ’

Halfway through my response, I suddenly understood what the stupid system really meant.

Compared with the original game framework that was deleted to pieces, now my world is completely self-sufficient. At the same time, it has also completed the original goal - to go home. There is no need to run out to collect doomsday elements. After all, I As an [electronic life] or other type of existence, if you want to do something to [players], there are at least two "dimensional walls" to break.

And even if you go through all kinds of hardships to collect 20,000 "doomsday elements" - assuming this number is real - and find the original "player", what should you say to him or her? "Pay the price for what you did in the game that you played only once and then deleted"? So stupid, okay?

No matter how severe it is, the punishment for him and her cannot go beyond "breaking the phone screen by mistake". Well, if that world also uses mobile phones.

As for the trouble of finding the game company that developed "Doomsday Inc.", it is also a fantasy. As a matter of fact, they are my "creators". If they did not develop that game, I would not exist at all. If it really happened In the past, there might have been a situation similar to the complete suppression of the sub-sage by the saint. That would be asking for trouble.

However, even if you don’t cause trouble for them——

'Of course I will continue to collect doomsday elements,' I responded to the stupid system: 'When I clearly know that high dimensions exist and I do have the opportunity to [ascend the dimension], how can I be willing not to see the [reality]? ’

What's the saying? "Why should we climb mountains? Because the mountains are there."

[In this case, we cannot continue to create worlds below the planet level. Even if we save it successfully, we will only get one to four doomsday elements at most.] The stupid system turned over in the cage: [According to your past every time you ran away Before the birth of the world, the behavior pattern of 'solving the problem from the root' in the literal sense is sound, but I want to collect 20,000... ha~]

Has this guy learned to ridicule? I raised my hand and flicked the "head" of the stupid system: "Could there be more 'solar system level' ones?" ’

[There is no ‘solar system level’,] The stupid system followed the force and turned around in the cage, [the next stage is directly the ‘super large’ ‘galaxy’ level. 】

Hmm...this division sounds reasonable.

Because human science and technology has basically explored the solar system, the "aliens who wanted to destroy the earth" who used to hide on the back of the moon, Mars, and asteroids orbiting Jupiter no longer have room to survive.

Outside the solar system, the huge distance gap makes human observation methods completely ineffective. For example, scientists use astronomical telescopes to observe a desolate planet 50,000 light-years away, but that is the scene 50,000 years ago. It only took about 10,000 years for humans to evolve from apes to the current level. It is impossible to know what the situation is on that planet "at this moment".

Therefore, as an NPC in the game, if I create a galaxy-level world, there is no doubt that it will become the kind of "Star Wars", "Star Trek", and "Mass Effect" because high-dimensional existence is completely unclear about it. Space opera.

There is no need to mention the rigor, just pick up the guy and fuck the alien.

【Doing aliens? you sure? Want to stop thinking about it? 】Silly System suddenly said.

I thought about it for a moment and understood: ‘…oh, do [bad alien]. ’

I have considered and discussed two similar issues with Stupid System before. Natural disasters below the planet level can serve as "doomsday elements", but as long as they are slightly expanded, such as the solar system, then they are qualified to be called "doomsday elements" "The only natural phenomenon is "solar helium flash".

At the level of the Milky Way, even if the galactic center explodes, it will have no impact on the planets on the outer cantilever. Therefore, the only ones that can become "doomsday elements" by then are various "brutal aliens", and when fighting against them , other friendly aliens would be great allies.

‘Speaking of which, you said that if you want to obtain more doomsday elements, you can only create a world the size of the Milky Way. Will there be many kinds of them at the same time? ’ I asked again.

At the same time, a large group of ferocious aliens want to destroy the galaxy... They will just fight among themselves, right?

[Of course, in all the current science fiction works with the background of the Milky Way, even if we kick out those idiots who want to be the 'Galactic Overlords', there are still a lot of guys who simply want to destroy the Milky Way. As long as they stagger the time of their appearance, don't let them It would be great if they really joined forces. 】

You really dare to call others stupid...

‘But, even so, the total number is limited, right? At the level of the Milky Way, waiting for a force that can be called the doomsday element to develop is not just a matter of a thousand or two thousand years. If you have this time, you might as well go to the small world. ’ I doubt this plan.

[Hmph, hey, I knew you would say that.] The stupid system became inexplicably proud: [You missed a blind spot. 】

‘Oh, blind student, what bright spots did you discover? ’ I rolled my eyes at it.

[In the myths and legends of various civilizations on earth, there are records of floods, right? This proves that such a great flood really occurred in human history.] The stupid system didn’t seem to notice that I was deliberately wrong and continued: [If this flood is considered a ‘doomsday element’, then how many is it? 】

‘It’s a silly question of how many minutes it takes to cook one egg, how many minutes it takes to cook three eggs, of course it counts as one. ’ I thought about it for a moment and made sure there was no brainteaser trap before I answered.

【wrong! At least five! 】The stupid system rolled in place in the cage, and I had to reach out to hold the cage to prevent it from actually being knocked over.

[Because the birthplaces of civilizations are not connected to each other, for them, their civilization is the entire world, and what destroys their world can naturally be regarded as a doomsday element.] The stupid system continued: [Each civilization is facing this flood. After refinement and adaptation, they become completely different things. For example, 'Noah's Ark' and 'Dayu's Flood Control' may deal with the same flood, but the corresponding 'floods' themselves are very different. doomsday elements. 】

'Well, just like the 'evil in this world' that can destroy Fuyuki will be regarded as a 'doomsday element', that is to say, in the 'Galaxy level world', after defeating the 'doomsday element' that can destroy the galaxy, every day Where can every civilization get a 'doomsday element in their concept'? ’ I draw inferences from one instance.

【Correct answer~】

So, let's start a new game once my stupid brother's cold settles down.

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