The Collection of The End

One thousand and seven, element 0 (8)

A meteorite with a mainly silvery gray color and an uneven surface appeared from "above" outside the Milky Way, flying slowly and accurately towards the planet I selected.

Although it can only be called a rogue asteroid before it crashes into the planet's atmosphere.

Moreover, if its volume is really as large as what I see now, according to the influence of various forces that I didn't understand in physics class, the entire cantilever of the Milky Way may have disappeared.


At the same time as the "meteorite" appeared, my "perspective" quickly zoomed in and followed, watching the meteorite roll all the way towards the stars below.

[Tip: Please select the food preference of the creature you want to create. 】

While prompting my sister to speak out, two additional translucent square patterns with soft corners were painted on top of the meteorite. They were a green apple with a bite and a red chicken leg with tooth marks.

‘Vegetarian, of course, vegetarian, so it will be less offensive. ’ I said while “patting” the apple.

Gurgling, gurgling.

At the same time that the meat icon disappeared, the apple icon on the vegetarian picture quickly solidified from virtual to solid, and turned into a verdant real apple—from an oil painting to a photo.

I was staring at the apple and thinking about whether I could eat it. Suddenly, a round, green thing swam in from the edge of the picture, about four or five times the size of the apple. Three thin vine-like branches poked out towards the apple... Uh, tentacles or mouthparts?

It uses these "tentacles" to hug the apple and pull it back, forcing it into its body, and then the whole thing becomes slightly larger.

What a textbook example of plant cells and the eating process...

Bo, bo.

What I thought was cells suddenly grew a pair of big, round, black and white eyes, and they winked mischievously.

I'm pretty good at biology. Don't try to fool me. How can a single-celled organism grow a functional organ like eyes?

[Before that, weren’t apples and chicken legs weird? if you serious you lose. 】

‘It can be said to be quite reasonable. ’

While I was complaining,

Opposite the front end of the strange cellular creature was a much larger tentacle—well, a tail.

Finally, the green thing spun in a circle and stopped moving. The whole thing began to lose its sense of reality. It looked like the apple solidification process was reversed, and finally turned itself into a flat picture.

[Tip: Please name the creature. 】

An underline cursor appeared above the freshly baked picture, and there was a dice that seemed to be pressable at the front of the cursor.

Randomly named? I press.

[Timid running creature]

rabbit? I press again.

【Moonlight Dream Beast】

What the hell? vampire? I'll press press again——

[Fire Vortex Element] [Heavy Lush Structure] [Smart Chipmunk]

Hmm...Okay, maybe the naming function of the stupid system is down. If I had chosen Chipmunk Planet before, this last one would have been a must.

I clicked twice more, and after confirming that this random system couldn't come up with any good names, I waved my pen——

green light.

【Well! cough! I almost choked myself to death because I couldn't express my old words. 】Silly System said.

‘Wait until you have a physical body before you say that. ’

After I finished naming it, the panel painted with "green light" suddenly sank into the meteorite, and the meteorite gradually approached one of the "stars" in the Milky Way.

This is a star with a yellowish spectrum. It has only one blue-green planet and an asteroid belt that is not too thick.

Then the meteorite was seen passing over the star system and flying accurately towards the "emerald grassland planet".

Upon closer inspection, the speed of this meteorite across the universe has exceeded the speed of light by an unknown number of times. Unfortunately, time travel is prohibited in this world, so it cannot go back in time.

I kept the "following perspective" and continued to observe.



As the silvery meteor swirled into the atmosphere, it again obeyed the laws of physics—it caught fire and began to disintegrate.

The huge flaming meteorite kept collapsing and breaking into pieces, like a goddess scattering flowers. After it almost circled the star, the part I followed had shrunk countless times, and finally fell into the sea.


When the last meteorite, which could only be called a pebble, continued to sink towards the bottom of the sea with bubbles, my sister prompted me to write a row of text prompts that gave a sense of familiarity:

[Reminder: Element Zero has logged into the 'Green Grassland Planet' and spawned the vegetarian creature 'Green Light'. 】

[Tip: ‘Green Light’ is in the cell stage and needs to eat to obtain DNA points for growth and evolution. 】

[Tip: During the evolution process, all actions of ‘Green Light’ may affect future characteristics. 】

[Tip: The current characteristics of ‘Green Light’ are: ‘Vegetarian’, ‘Attack: 0’, ‘Friendliness: 0’, ‘Speed: 1’. 】


After the prompt played, the pebble split in half, and the green cells seen on the meteorite panel swam out.

Well, meteorites falling from the sky directly bring life forms in the cellular stage...

Forget it, to paraphrase someone, there must be something wrong with the head of anyone looking for reality in a virtual world.


"Green Light" has been in a daze in the sea water since it "emerged", occasionally making strange sounds and looking left and right with its big black and white eyes.

'Well? Doesn't it move on its own? Is it going to ‘come’? I don't want to become a paramecium. ’

[Think too much, and it’s not a paramecium... You can only give it instructions on which direction to go in the cell stage. Let alone arrival, any more complicated instructions will burn its nucleus. 】

‘Oh, what direction are we going to go in? ’

[When it comes to eating, just look around for vegetarian food...]


Several bubbles rolled in from a distance, carrying several red balls, green balls and things like gravel and rushing towards the "green light".

'What's this? Red carp and green carp and donkey? ’

【Food. 】

Although the "green light" stopped in place and did not move, a red ball and a green ball still passed by its "mouth" in turn. It had no reaction to the red ball, but when the green ball passed by, it looked like a conditioned reflex. He came out of his "mouth" and "eaten" it with a slurp.

Then, a small green panel appeared on its head: [DNA Points +1]. After a brief pause, which was enough for me to see the content clearly, the panel disappeared.

‘...Let me confirm, the DNA points required to evolve this little thing cannot be used with my unlimited DNA points, right? ’ Although I vaguely guessed the truth, I still asked the stupid system for confirmation.

[Of course, after obtaining ‘uniqueness’, there is no need to use such low-level means as DNA points to evolve ‘Patient Zero’, but this kind of creation is not qualified to be shared. 】

'So, my unlimited DNA points at the beginning were not because of Alaya's identity...but because I obtained [Uniqueness] myself. Once this characteristic is obtained, it will exist in all time just like a heroic spirit going to the Throne of Heroes. And space? ’

[Absolutely correct, but only in the current dimension. You are not in the world of the 'players' who played this game before. 】

It's not too unexpected...

I looked at the "green light" that looked "still wanting to eat" after eating the green ball, and tried to direct it to move in the direction of the bubbles.

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