The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Eleven, Element 0 (11)

Because this is the bottom of the sea, what Jet Jet sprays out is naturally not "gas", but high-pressure water flow.

After I commanded the "Green Light" to hide from a distance, I began to observe the several "Jet Jets" charging over there.

Their body shape is similar to an acute-angled triangle, and their color is light green, which is similar to blue. There is also a big oval eye in the middle of the body, and the mouth is a weird straw. There is no tail behind them, instead they are three at a certain angle. "nozzle".

The "nozzle" at the rear sprays high-pressure water, which will rush forward with the "Jet Jet". The direction can only be slightly adjusted through the nozzles with different angles.

At this time, the front end of the "straw" that is probably its mouth will become very sharp, pop the fruit of the seaweed, and then suck up the fruit like sucking bubble milk tea.

But at the same time, this pointed straw is not completely harmless to animals. After hitting the animal's body, it will also suck out the substances in the animal's body. In this case, the "straw" will turn red.

By the way, the one who demonstrated this unfortunate experience was the "Wiggler" who didn't run away because of his gluttony.

However, due to the differences between animals and plants, this kind of absorption often lasts for a short period of time before the prey breaks away and escapes. Jet Jet has no good way to keep the opponent, and it may not be able to aim if it pursues—— Therefore, they are omnivores.

And the price of this level 3 speed prop is very consistent with its value: 25 DNA points.

Isn’t it just 25 pieces of food? Aren't you ready to catch it?


It turned out that I was too naive.

Because the size of "Green Light" is already too large, the scattered pieces of seaweed can no longer meet its needs. Even if it falls on the mouth and can be eaten, there is no DNA point +1 prompt. Only after eating a seaweed fruit completely Only then can it count.

And in this sea area... there are "Speed ​​Spikes" and "Super Mouths" swimming in the air, and there must be "Jet Jets" and "Wigglers" turfing around every seaweed.

The wriggling animal can only use its body to push and push to grab food, but Jet Jet can kill it directly with its mouth.

Adhering to the mentality of "How can the first animal die casually?", "Green Light" wandered around, relying on the flexibility of its body and the obstacles of its spikes, after successfully eating up 20 DNA points...

It got bigger.

The huge seaweed that was originally near the mouth instantly turned into a small ball, and the fruits above also became tiny, worthless for eating. After trying to let the "green light" swallow a whole ball of seaweed, it was difficult to obtain "DNA Points +1" prompt.

In the process, the tiny Jet Jets and Wriggling Animals had no choice but to flee. They were completely unable to cause any damage to the already huge "green light".

'As the saying goes, thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully young people into poverty, but this boy is so terrifying, hahaha——'

Because they are animals, they will not be eaten even if they touch the mouth of the "green light". At the same time, because they are too small, they will not be hurt by the sharp spikes. They were knocked to pieces by the "green light" that I commanded. .

[People who admire you will definitely be very disillusioned if they see this scene. 】

‘Whatever, isn’t there a famous saying that ‘worship is the furthest distance from understanding’? ’

[There is no problem in using it in this situation...]


[By the way, what did you create? 】

'Jets, how about that. ’


I found a dozen more incomplete seaweed balls to eat, and after collecting 25 DNA points, I clicked on the biological evolver again, but this time it was no longer a petri dish, but more like a miniature aquarium.

It was the kind of large fish tank with fine sand on the ground, rockery, water plants, and various aquatic creatures, but because there were no more reference objects. It is also impossible to determine how big the "green light" is now.

I installed the "nozzle" on its tail and divided the original tail into two parts to serve as balance wings and rudders. It does look like a weird jet aircraft.

But it is a pity that only the tips of the "spikes" are lethal. No matter how much acceleration is done, the pair of "wings" cannot be made to produce the cutting effect of the blades. But it doesn't matter, this kind of configuration that can fight and run is no longer available. Afraid of "Jet Jet" and "Speed ​​Spike".

[Green light: ‘Vegetarian’, ‘Attack: 1’, ‘Friendliness: 0’, ‘Speed: 3’. 】

Speaking of how to add this friendliness, I thought about it while clicking the check mark, and the screen switched back to the "golden egg" in the water.

No, no, no.

The "green light" that emerged from the shell was obviously very satisfied with its new shape. When I directed it to move forward, it kept making cheerful sounds.

It's probably cheerful, and I can't expect it to respond with sounds like "YESSIR!" "AYEAYE!" "Who's calling the fleet!"

No! !

After the speed and volume were greatly increased, the "green light" was much more efficient in finding seaweed masses. Vegetarians and carnivores that were not as fast as it could only eat its exhaust until it met a giant creature.

It was a brown, disk-shaped creature with gear-like fins, eight eyes on the surface of its body, and a "green light" that was five or six times its size.

This guy was hit by the "Green Light" when it was flying through a seafloor fissure. It suddenly moved upward from the crack, and the "Green Light" had no time to brake - it had no such function at all - and crashed into it.

Then, the moment those sixteen pupils looked over was enough to make a patient with trypophobia shut down on the spot.

[Eight-eyed fat man, omnivorous, ‘Attack: 2’, ‘Friendliness: 1’, ‘Speed: 2’]

Hmm...only omnivores have the "friendly" attribute?

These native creatures have no language and cannot communicate with each other at all. I can only quickly take the "green light" away from the guy to show that there is no hostility.

But I don't care much about this guy. Speed ​​2 and Speed ​​3 are not at the same level at all. You can always run away if you want.


I don’t know if the eight-eyed fat man felt offended. He directly gathered his body and spun towards the "green light" at high speed. The originally not very sharp "fins" completely turned into blades, cutting away all the seaweed and small stones along the way. Two halves.

【It’s the world’s first cutting machine. ] Complaints about the stupid system.

‘Stop talking nonsense... Why do you feel that ‘Green Light’ is not its opponent? ’ I directed the “Green Light” to avoid the “Eight-Eyed Fat Man”. Because the opponent’s speed increased by leaps and bounds, I had to use fancy moves such as Z-shape shakes and cobra maneuvers.

But at the same time, several tentative attacks had no effect, and the spikes did no harm to its shell and rotating fins - except for a few scratches.

[Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists. Please try again, heroes. 】

'go away! ’

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