The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Twenty, Alien Colossus (9)


Europa 7, Settlement 1.

have a look?

Because the Star Alliance currently has a complete set of mature processes for expanding and building colonial stars, there are not many things that Lichtem needs to deal with as governor, but it should not be so few that he can wander around at will.

Kaos's doubts were answered before leaving the colony ship - Zhou Zheng was holding two different data panels on the bridge and swiping and clicking non-stop. When Kaos looked over, he replied with a meaning. A gaze that is rich beyond words.

Okay... Kaos felt sympathy for the adjutant in his heart for three seconds, buckled on his small half-face helmet, and followed Lichtem to the hangar.

Compared with combat ships loaded with fighter jets and drones, the hangar of this immigration ship contains more low-altitude shuttles, infantry vehicles, and large engineering mechas. However, due to the needs of ground engineering at this time, large Some of the mechas have been driven out by the pilots, making them look a little empty.

Since we said we were going out to "see", it should be a low-altitude cruise on a shuttle, right? After all, settlement construction is really nothing to look at... Uh... Kaos couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded when he saw Lechtem walking directly towards an infantry vehicle.

This vehicle, which has six huge wheels and looks more like a container than a traditional combat vehicle, is Star Alliance's current main ground vehicle, the "Graytip Shark" multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle.

It has quite thick armor and mass effect shields, with full 360-degree coverage of conventional firepower. The power of its mass-effect main gun is comparable to that of a frigate. It can climb steep slopes of nearly 70 degrees while driving normally, and it can also "lay down" and "Take off" makes people wonder if the designer is planning to make an acrobatic car.

Its main responsibility in the Star Alliance Marine Corps is to patrol and eliminate low-intensity ground threats. As expected, Rechtem will not leave official duties alone, but only takes the initiative to perform certain tasks that are not difficult but are quite troublesome. That’s it—troublesome? If it was difficult, how could he bring a little boy like himself with him, who had no strength to restrain himself?

"Sir." "Sir." Two Star Alliance soldiers waiting beside the tank, wearing black combat armor, raised their hands and saluted Lichtem.

Weren't they the "Jack Harper" and the truck driver "Eva Kuehl" whom Lechteum had singled out? Jack has already seen this Eva, and she has orange-red short hair that reaches her ears, her facial features and face are relatively soft, her eyes are quite smart, and she probably has an active mind.

Training a team should start with fighting together? This is very Claude.

"Have a rest,

"Lechtem responded: "Today's task is to inspect fourteen mineral deposits near the settlement. The details have been sent to your multi-purpose tool. Do you have any questions? "

"Sir," Eva raised her hand again: "Can I pinch your son's face?"

"..." Lichtem was obviously stunned for a moment, and then turned his head to look at Kaos: "You have to ask this young gentleman himself."

"No." Kaos decisively refused, joking, can the old face be pinched casually?

"That's a shame." Eva put her hands down and shrugged.

"Get in the car and set off." "Aye, Aye!"

Lichtem probably didn't want Eva to say anything strange again, so he gave the order decisively.

Kaos was very sure that the female driver looked at him sadly several times before getting into the driver's seat.


When the infantry vehicle driver left the immigration ship hangar, the barely lively scene outside appeared in front of Kaos through the car window.

The first thing that can be noticed at a glance is the "Mass Effect Shield" with the immigrant ship as the center and covering a large area around it. The overall shape is hemispherical.

Although every galaxy where the "Mass Effect Relay" is located must have a "Gaia Planet" that is fully adapted to human ecology, the Star Alliance has not relaxed its vigilance. Generally speaking, after landing, every immigrant ship A scientific research ship will monitor the planet's various data for about a week. During this period, engineering mechas will build the first settlement around it. After the first settlement is basically complete, the planet will be detected based on the The resource environment continues to develop the second and third settlements. They will have different focuses, such as residence, industry and agriculture. If the conditions are right, scientific research and tourism are not impossible.

Under this shield, there were immigrants who couldn't bear the loneliness and put on spacesuits for a walk outside, as well as engineering mechas that were carrying out various constructions.

There are roughly two types of things built by engineering mechas, the "Mass Effect Shield Generator" which requires half of its volume to be buried deep in the ground, and the "Mass Production House Components". The former is to replace the mass of the immigrant ship that will eventually be lifted. Effect shields, as the name suggests, are special products of the interstellar colonial era. They look like huge white containers, but in fact they are all housing, factories and farms with basically complete facilities and guaranteed safety. After all, The appearance of these places has a very low priority. I am afraid that only after the entire planet has been running smoothly for many years will the chief executive consider building some houses that suit the aesthetics of the residents.

But for now, even the first batch of colonized planets, "Eden", "Zion" and "Arcadia" - whose names can tell how surprised humans were when they discovered these habitable planets - have only just been put into place. Things like this are just on the agenda for discussion.


The infantry fighting vehicle penetrated the mass effect shield of the colony ship and flew all the way across the lavender land of Europa VII.

"[Exterior environment of the car: T3.]" Following the sound of the on-board VI, the color of a light on the car window changed from yellow to green.

T3 is an evaluation that can only be obtained after all three conditions are met: "the air pressure is normal, the temperature is suitable, and the atmospheric composition can allow humans to breathe freely." For example, the moon's environmental evaluation is T0, while the earth's is T3, but this evaluation does not determine whether there is Pathogenic microorganisms, but for the heavily armed Star Alliance warriors, it is enough to know this.

"According to our latest resource is an 'alien natural gas'," Eva reported while driving: "We have planned a route starting from it to inspect fourteen resource points... Sir?"

"Okay." Lichtem looked at the projected line and nodded to express no objection.

Kaos looked at the line and the mineral icons along the line, blinking curiously.

These resource points were of course detected by the scientific research ship that arrived with the colonial ship, but the scientific research ship could only scan the approximate location of the resources. It was impossible to know the specific direction of the mineral veins and whether there were dangerous local creatures nearby.

Originally, this was the scope of work of the engineering ship, but at the moment, the engineering ship is mining minerals in the asteroid belt of the galaxy. Instead of slowly digging out ground resources that require building mines, mass effect cannons are directly used to mine mineral deposits. It is naturally much more efficient to break up asteroids and meteorites and store them in the warehouse.

"If you encounter local enemies, you are allowed to attack while ensuring your own safety." Lichtem suddenly said to Kaos, who was observing the map.

Can you start research on supernatural powers now?

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