The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Twenty Three, Alien Colossus (12)


Europa 7, First Settlement, Governor's Office.

Since the colonial ship landed not long ago, it was really difficult to build a separate "Governor's Mansion". And Rechtem didn't like to show off his special character, so he randomly found a few "housing containers" to combine with each other and opened up several Behind the gate, it serves as a temporary office space.

Kaos sat on a high-backed chair against the wall, swaying his calves and watching the Star Alliance non-commissioned officers and civilian staff coming and going.

If Lichtem had not left his official duties to Zhou and took him out to explore the site, he would not have encountered the "terazine" resource that had to be recalled together with the scientific research ship and the engineering ship to deal with it.

Without terrazine, the "sand devil" that was so huge that it directly alarmed the Naval Academy of Sciences would not have been born - this is the name given to the ugly centipede by those scientists.

The final result of this incident was that the engineering and scientific research ships returned to the first settlement at full speed to survey resources and build defense measures. The School of Supernatural Powers, which was still under preparation, was quickly established. Many staff could not wait for the school building to be completed. He had already arrived in advance, and it was said that a group of children with signs of awakening powers would be sent later.

This situation directly led to a huge increase in the governor's workload. Even if Lechtem handed over relatively unimportant parts to VI for fuzzy judgment, the remaining parts that required manual review would be completely impossible to ignore.

Well, is this "self-inflicted" in a sense?

In addition, although Lichtem allowed himself to "move freely", that would only make it more troublesome, so forget it.

"Hi~Kevin~How are you today? Do you want me to take you out to play?" Second Lieutenant Eva Kuhl passed by holding a few clipboards and put on a smiling face at Kaos.

Who on earth spread this name that doesn’t look like an abbreviation and a nickname that doesn’t look like a nickname?

"It's okay, it's just that it's too noisy outside and I don't want to go out." Kaos responded.

"That's such a pity." Apparently Eva didn't waste much time, so she left in a hurry after leaving such words.

If possible, he really didn't want to talk to this wild female driver. Firstly, she was almost burned by him, so he felt a little guilty towards her. Secondly, as soon as she entered The fighting state will be violent. When this was exposed in front of Lichtem, he was even more arrogant. Now he looks like he is going to ignore Kaos's opinion and forcefully pinch his face.


Kaos decided not to leave Lichtem's sight in the near future. Even if Zhou teased him and said, "Our little boy was scared by a big bug," he would never waver.

The other thing is... Kaos glanced at a corner of the huge office. As expected, Jack Harper's eyes were following Eva Kull until her back was isolated by the closed automatic sensor door. ·

God knows how the two of them got to know each other. Jack was mocking Eva for being ignorant before the fight.

Hmm, could it be that he likes this kind of woman who looks weak but behaves cutely, but has a strong style and can be violent at any time?

I didn't expect you to be like this Jack.

But in reverse reasoning, she is certainly not the incarnation of that person, and he is definitely not the son of luck.

So the future disasters on this planet are indeed caused by ourselves?


"Yo, Kevin, how are you doing today?"

When Kaos was so bored that he began to observe how many pairs of men and women on the immigrant ship who had not made it before but now fell in love with each other, a voice similar to Eva's but with a different timbre sounded at the door.

"It would be okay, if not so many people call me 'Kevin'." Kaos kept his chin in the posture of looking at the multi-tool screen in a daze, and responded lazily to the person who came.

He was a man with an elegant and easy-going temperament, a few years older than Rechtem. He had short brown hair, gray eyes, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and wore ordinary Star Alliance soldier armor. But there was a nondescript white coat on the outside, and almost anyone who had seen General Williams would ask "What is your relationship with the general?" when they saw him for the first time.

There is no other reason than that this man looks too similar to General Williams, and the similarity is close to 90%.

Channing Williams, the son of General Williams, is the captain of the scientific research ship that accompanied the immigrant ship to Europa 7, and is also the dean of the soon-to-be-built "Superpower Academy".

Obviously, in order to prevent Lichtem from thinking that "that college was established for the purpose of studying Kaos", the old general directly sent his son to serve as the dean, and even sent the scientific research ship with heavy preliminary survey tasks. The captain's position was delivered at the same time.

In this way, the two people will have enough time and opportunity to interact and communicate, and from Lichtem's perspective, these events are enough to clearly understand a person's general characteristics.

Although Kaos himself has to cooperate with the research, there is no change, but Lichtem's identity should have changed from "researched" to "facilitator" in his mind.

"Haha, that's why you call me that because everyone likes you." Chan Ning walked past Kaos and patted him on the shoulder, then walked towards Lichtem who was busy walking around, and his The next words immediately made Kaos prick up his ears.

"Colonel, I think you need to interrupt what you are doing and take a look at this first."

When "Serena Williams" calls others by their position instead of their name, it means that he is doing business now and his attitude is very serious.

Kaos thought for a while, and it seemed that the corpse of the giant insect was taken away by the scientific research ship for study. Could it be that the results were obtained so quickly?

He withdrew his gaze from scanning the immigration ship and turned to look at the contents of the data pad that Williams handed to Lichtem.

"... It is confirmed that even if the subject dies, the organ can still function normally... The content of element zero in this organ is 700 times higher than other parts..."

"...A researcher who had been affected by the 'Zero Element Leak' developed obvious discomfort... After testing, it was found that his 'pineal gland' had a small amount of mutation similar to the organ of the sand devil, and is undergoing further observation..."

"... It is confirmed that the affected researchers have not awakened their powers and often experience symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, and blindness. They are gradually improving after being out of contact. It is recommended that similar organs be isolated and studied in the future..."

Tsk, the centipede is really dead but not stiff. It clearly destroyed the remaining consciousness of that guy at that time.

However, if this kind of problem that can be solved inside the scientific research ship is brought here, it is indeed...

"Kaos," Lichtem spoke from a distance: "You and Williams go to the research ship first. Jack and I will arrive later."

Is it really because of the close contact with that thing?

All we have to do now is... find out what's wrong with that unlucky guy's pineal gland, and then imitate it.

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