The Collection of The End

One thousand and twenty-eight, element 0 (17)

When I clicked the green check mark and exited the biological evolver, I saw dozens of "golden eggs" at a glance. There were many "pre-evolutionary green lights" surrounding these golden eggs who were watching curiously.

Why haven't they changed?

Bump, bump, bump!

The golden egg broke open, and the "green lights" that fit the shape I had just adjusted jumped out one after another. The timid "old green lights" fled one after another, while the bolder ones began to watch their extra legs and Trying to touch.

At the same time, information reminding my sister also popped up.

[Tip: ‘Green Light’ has met all the necessary conditions for landing, and the biological group has been changed to ‘terrestrial creatures’]

[Tip: Due to different species, the evolution option of ‘Green Light’ will not affect the ‘Original Green Light’. 】

Hmm... It seems that there are only a few dozen that have caught up with the last train. I looked at the "terrestrial creatures" who were kicking, running around, or proudly showing off their feet to their predecessors. These should be The team that conquers the world after landing is correct.

There is no need to worry about extinction if the population is too small. "Green Light" seems to reproduce by division or spores.

In the chaos, only "Green Light Zero" stood still, standing on the same spot and moving its jointless legs slightly from left to right, as if choosing a more dignified stance.

It seems that although it can run very fast on its own in the "aquarium sandbox", after it evolves, it still won't move without my control.

[Tip: Due to the experience in the cell stage, 'Green Light' has additionally evolved a special ability: 'Calling Friends and Inviting Companions', which can temporarily summon a group of fellow creatures or friendly creatures to assist you in fighting or negotiating. 】

Well, judging from the previous performance of group cooperation, the emergence of this ability is not surprising at all.

[Tip: Due to the symbiotic relationship, ‘Flask Mother’ is also qualified to log in. If she logs in, she will be permanently friendly with the ‘Green Light’ community, and her evolution level will always be one level higher than that of the ‘Green Light’ community. 】

'oh? that is--'

[Tip: ‘Flask Mother’ refused to log in because she had ‘original green light’ to take care of. 】

‘…the ups and downs of life are so exciting. ’

Although I don’t think “Green Light” really needs protection from others, it doesn’t matter if it has a higher level of evolution.

But "permanent friendliness" is the key point. It's still unclear how many species of creatures will land and what their attitude will be towards "green light", but just by looking at the word "permanent", you can tell that the attitude of other creatures has nothing to do with it. There is no doubt that things can change, so it's always good to have an ally you can trust without reservation.

But if "Flask Mother" doesn't want to, she can't force it.

[Child~ You have grown up~ You have to learn to face the world on your own~ I won’t cause you any trouble with my old bones~] The stupid system found an old lady’s voice from nowhere and started to make fun, but it hasn’t happened yet. If you can't beat it, let's keep accounts for now.

[Tip: Due to the symbiotic relationship with the ‘Green Light’ and refusal to log in, ‘Flask Mother’ was given a chance to super-evolve as a marine creature. 】


[Hint: ‘Flask Mother’ evolves into ‘Leviathan’. 】

Hey hey hey! ?

Boom boom boom——whoosh whoosh——

Before I had time to think about how to complain, a huge suction force sucked all the evolved "legged green lights" towards the "mouth of the vase", while other ordinary green lights were not affected at all, just a "face" He looked at these legged kin who suddenly flew away in confusion.

The next moment, the "green lights" that were sucked away rushed out of the sea and flew towards the nearest land.

I immediately turned the "lens" back, and then I saw "Flask Mother", no, I saw what "Leviathan" looked like at this time. It was a head with a huge belly, a small head, tentacles stretching around it, and there were many tentacles all over its body. A giant ferocious beast covered with strips of knotted muscles and mainly brown in color.

In addition, there was also a message reminding my sister about it.

[Tip: The native sea beast 'Deep Sea Devourer' of the 'Emerald Grassland Planet' is extinct. When any land creature goes too far into the ocean, the forced event will change from being 'swallowed' to being sprayed back to the land by 'Leviathan'. During this process Only 'Green Light' is immune to falling damage. 】


When the "Green Light" community was sprayed away by "Leviathan", a dozen of them were affected by the sea breeze or simply were sprayed out at the wrong angle, and flew far away in other directions, while more than half of the remaining ones were Basically, it flies towards a certain land together with the "Green Light Zero".

Based on the experience of ordinary green lights who have only lived in the ocean, they probably have no concept of "fall damage". Even if they can't control their bodies in the air, they keep discussing it. And I just saw green lights here. There was no hint of damage when Hikaru was blown away by Leviathan, so he was naturally more calm.

The height at which Leviathan flew was not too high. It was impossible to see the terrain of the entire planet clearly. We could only roughly judge that the location where "Green Light Zero" was about to fall was a peninsula connected to a larger piece of land. As far as the eye can see, it is indeed green land and blue sea as before. There are all kinds of strange-shaped trees, shrubs and herbs growing on the land. There is no sign of any artificial modification at all - of course, there are no "people" at all now.

I originally considered whether any of my followers would be reincarnated into one of the other nine first-generation beings, but looking at the green light shape that I had tried hard to take care of the aesthetics of ordinary people, I knew it was impossible. Unless they don't care about their appearance at all, they must be insensitive to those weird creatures that have evolved just to eat as much as possible.

As the height gradually decreased, I saw that the place where these green lights were scheduled to fall was at the edge of a forest, with the sea in front and the fruit trees behind. It was a perfect starting point for the race that had just landed.

bump! bump! Crackling!

While thinking about it, the green lights had already fallen to the ground one after another, and were unscathed due to the "Immunity to Falling Damage" setting of "Leviathan", but the things they hit were not so lucky.

A few green lights that strayed too far crashed into a fruit tree bearing unidentified fruit not far away, and directly broke it. The trunk, branches and fruits were scattered on the ground.

The "green lights" gathered around and started to moan, but it was completely unclear whether they were comforting those who hit their heads, discussing whether the fruit could be eaten, or simply following the trend and joining in the fun.

Only "Green Light Zero" stayed in place under my control. Obviously, since everyone has evolved their brains, those subordinates who would directly follow him before also have their own ideas. Everyone is on the same path at this time. At the starting line, if you want to continue to be a leader, you must show that you are stronger than other green lights.

[Isn’t its strongest point being watched by you? 】

‘What nonsense are you talking about? ’

[Tip: Air rushes into the lungs, stretches the new legs and feet, and the ‘green light’ completes the transformation from aquatic life to terrestrial life. 】

[Tip: The method of obtaining DNA points has been changed from 'eating' to 'extermination' or 'alliance' with other species, and the function of eating has been changed to maintaining physical strength and health. 】

[Tip: Please build a nest as soon as possible to allow the 'green light' population to grow naturally. If there is no nest, the death of all 'green lights' will lead to the extinction of the population. 】

Yes, that's it. While those carefree "Green Lights" were playing around, the "Green Light Zero" who silently built a lair would definitely be recognized by most of his kind.

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