The Collection of The End

Chapter 103: Pretending to Fail

My name is Lin Hao.

Kiritsugu completed four kills.


Emiya Kiritsugu's original plan was that when the soldiers from the Tohsaka camp came under pressure, the two Sabers would separate to evacuate to lure away the opponent's followers, and release the Noble Phantasm in an open place to knock down the enemy, while Maiya stayed in the mansion See if you have a chance to deal with the magician who is going to destroy the workshop.

However, no magician went to destroy his mansion by the river. Contrary to the expected reaction of Tokiomi Nakatosaka, this time he no longer adopted a safe or even conservative strategy, but directly ignored the mansion and brought everyone together. Go after Saber Lily who is carrying Irisviel.

In this case, Lily couldn't turn around and fight after finding an open place. In other words, facing two powerful servants, she could only choose to run away.

Such a careless approach by the Tohsaka camp will inevitably lead to problems, and the subsequent destruction of the gorgeous jewel spaceship under the attack of Caster and Rider proved Kiritsugu's judgment.

While Caster was busy looking for Lin Hao, she was able to find time to stop Tohsaka Tokiomi's attack and Maiya's reckless sniping, which basically confirmed her identity as the "Saint of Winter". so concerned.

According to Maiya's information, Archer was lured away by Rider, Berserker was chasing and killing Saber, and Assassin was waiting for an opportunity around him, that is to say, the three masters of the Tohsaka camp lost the protection of their followers at the same time?

If the strange heroic spirit left in the Kenneth camp or Caster made a move at this time, there is no doubt that the entire Tohsaka camp could be eliminated directly, but it is a pity that these two servants are beyond his control.

Although the heroic spirit named Luna is a kind of magic dress, and because her appearance is accidental, she doesn't even have a command spell, but it is not necessary for the magic dress that was originally obedient to the maker.

As for Caster, if what she said is true, there are only about 40 hours left before the destruction of Fuyuki, and she is probably busy arranging for her back, looking for Lin Hao, and paying attention to Ai Li's safety, and she doesn't have the time to defeat a group of not very Easy to deal with magician.

And... Kiritsugu stopped the motorcycle, looked around,

This is the only road that can reach the ruins of Einzbern Castle by car. I am obviously faster than those magicians who are driving on foot. Even if they use some acceleration magic, it is useless unless they plan to drive along the excavator. Out of the forest path forward.

The Assassins who were appearing and disappearing around have completely disappeared. It seems that the magicians of the Tohsaka camp finally understood their situation and began to call back the followers. This proves the information that Saber Lily killed Berserker earlier. Presumably they have already received it.

What I have to do now is to join other master-slave combinations before they attack Saber Lily. As long as she recovers from the weak state of using the Noble Phantasm, her own camp with three servants will become an advantage in this war square.


"There are enemies."

Boom boom boom——

When Emiya Kiritsugu was about to start his motorcycle and go to the castle along the mountain road, Saber Alter gave a warning. At the same time, a familiar roar came from the road leading to Fuyuki City. The moment he looked over, a pure black plane The off-road vehicle came into view from behind the corner.

This is exactly the black off-road vehicle he once drove to negotiate with the Kenneth camp, and the driver driving it at this time was Hisau Maiya who had contacted him before to come to meet him, but at this time neither the vehicle nor the driver All scarred.

Assassin, who was supposed to retreat to protect the Master, was chasing after him. Judging from his size, it was "Makur the Swift" and "Zayd the Base\

,"One of them climbed on the roof of the off-road vehicle and stabbed inward with a weapon, turning a blind eye to Maiya's shooting at the roof, while the other chased outside at high speed to interfere with Maiya's driving.

So it turned out that while Maiya was monitoring those magicians, she herself had already been discovered, but due to the lack of long-distance decisive means on both sides, she was temporarily ignored. As a result, the other party immediately separated into two after obtaining the protection of Assassin. Chasing her down, it seems that Maiya has more crucial information.

"Destroy those Assassins." Kiritsugu gave an order to Saber, and at the same time took out a short-barreled machine gun from his coat.

Seemingly realizing that Hisau Maiya was about to escape, the two Assassins accelerated their attack speed, while Maiya drove the off-road vehicle and began to sway frantically from side to side. The magnitude was so large that it would not be surprising that it would roll over in the next second.

[Humble king's hammer! 】

Due to the complete suppression of her strength, Saber didn't even use her pitch-black holy sword itself, and just stimulated the air surrounding its surface to cause the wind pressure to directly knock the Assassin on the roof into the air, and was attacking the off-road vehicle The speed Assassin on the car window turned around and ran away immediately when he saw that the situation was not good.

In fact, such a scene has appeared many times within an hour. The three Assassins previously relied on Saber to stand on the back seat of the motorcycle and needed most of the magic power to balance themselves. She was repelled by the black wind after another, and at this moment she was down-to-earth, and if she wanted to fight head-on, she would be courting death.

"Do you know where you guys showed your feet?" Kiritsugu clicked and loaded the short-barreled machine gun, and then directly resisted the "Maiya Hisu" who was driving and parked beside him just now, looking like he was about to say something for the rest of his life. head.

"Cut, Kiritsugu? What does this mean?" Hisau Maiya looked very surprised, and subconsciously raised her hands.

"Hehehe—" Kiritsugu laughed mockingly: "Although your efficiency in collecting information is good, obviously there is one less person in charge of summarizing."

"..." "Maiya" stared at the muzzle of the gun with wide eyes, with an expression of bewilderment that he couldn't understand what you were talking about.

"You all know that I have two off-road vehicles, but you don't understand that the white one is for Ellie and Maiya, and the black one is for me. Not only does Maiya have no keys, but even where it is parked. I don't even know." Kiritsugu gradually clenched his fingers.

"Follow the matter urgently! Do you think I really don't know?" "Maiya Hisau" seemed to think of something, and retorted loudly.

"That's right, act urgently and use this reason to use a vehicle that you already knew but pretended not to know," Kiritsugu twitched his lips, "But the vehicle has been modified by me, and it needs to absorb magic power to start. Maiya can only control the magical power of the little animal, at most it can drive this car out of the speed of the baby carriage."

Da da da——Kiritsugu pulled the trigger, knocking "Hisu Maiya" directly into the cab, blood spattered, and then remained motionless.

"Heh... are you still taking chances?" Kiritsugu withdrew his gun, took two steps back and motioned for the off-road vehicle: "Saber, release the Noble Phantasm, and destroy it with the lowest magic power."

[Oath and Sword of Victory! 】

Without any preparatory actions or accumulating power to chant the real name of Liberation, Saber Alter directly swung a wave of darkness, turning the off-road vehicle and the forest behind it into ashes, which seemed to be much less powerful.

"...killed four servants, they seem to want to ambush you." Obviously surprised that her attack was so effective, the black-clothed Saber said to Kiritsugu strangely: "But are you really not afraid of killing the wrong person? "

"The most important reason is that I never pointed the gun at Maiya in Fuyuki, they chose the wrong reaction," Kiritsugu reloaded the machine gun, and looked at the off-road vehicle that appeared from the corner again, but this time it was white "I saved her life, if I want to kill her—"

"Kill at the neck?" Saber looked at the "genuine" Hisu Maiya who stopped the car and came towards this direction, still expressionless.

"Oh, of course not," Kiritsugu pointed the short-barreled machine gun at Maiya as he said.

bass! bang bang! Maiya tumbling on the spot with exceptional agility found a fallen tree trunk as a cover, and shot at Kiritsugu without hesitation, and Kiritsugu also dodged and fought back.

Bang bang - da da da - boom -

The master and apprentice performed a small encounter in front of Saber.

"...That's it." The battle quickly ended with Kiritsugu subduing Maiya with his inherent time control, he threw back Maiya's submachine gun that had been dismantled into parts, and said to Saber: "If 'I' want Kill her, she will fight back and kill the impostor without hesitation, because if I really want to kill her, she is completely powerless to fight back."

Hisau Maiya apparently had no objection to this, but silently reassembled the gun.

"Anyway, let's meet up with Ellie first." Kiritsugu picked up his black motorcycle and put it in the trunk of Maiya's off-road vehicle.


"What bad idea did you come up with, Melty!"

Matou Mansion, in the underground worm warehouse that has been transformed into a bedroom, four shadows in black tights appeared with the black whirlwind rolled up out of thin air, and the thin "Markur the Swift" screamed as soon as he appeared up.

"No one in Wei Gong's family was fooled." "Zayd of the Base" helped the mask on his face: "Next time change."

"Who?" "Gozel the Strange Arm" has been ambushing inside the off-road vehicle, and was killed without a shot at all. The originally low voice became heavier.

"It's obvious that you guys are the ones who have to make the last vote after receiving the order to retreat!" Merti, the hundred-faced girl, held her head, and she was still a little staggering when she walked. She stumbled with her left foot and fell onto the big bed with her right foot. Emil, who was sleeping there, woke up with a start.

"...Zero?" Emil opened his eyes wide, glanced at the Assassins in front of him, and then pursed his mouth as if about to cry.

"Wait? It seems that this little aunt has started to have her own mind?" "Does that mean coaxing?" "Who?"


"Okay, okay~" As the only female Assassin, Melty rolled her eyes and tried to coax Amir. After all, as Baimao, it is a compulsory homework for the child to calm down when incarnate in other people--it's a pity that it doesn't do much for her own incarnation. easy to use.

"Amir, look at my new jewel wheelchair~" When Amir was about to cry, Lin Hao walked in in a wheelchair made of rubies, and behind her was the ruby ​​who had lost weight inexplicably. Golem.

Clap Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng - Lin Hao was instantly surrounded by three Assassins.

"She can."

"That's right, she hates Emiya Kiritsugu very much, it is absolutely impossible to have any tacit understanding."

"After the change, as long as you don't get close to that Einzbern artificial human, there is no problem at all."

"What are you talking about?" The girl in the wheelchair tilted her head in doubt.

"It has nothing to do with you." X3


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