The Collection of The End

One thousand and thirty-nine, element 0 (28)

As I complained before, no living thing has evolved to the stage of civilization, let alone produced industrial products such as "boots" and "glasses".

Therefore, the parts named after "Puss in Boots" and "Tassie" are things that look very similar but are still part of their bodies in essence.

"Dancing Boots" naturally can not only dance, it is also a magically modified "blow". Puss in Boots does not stretch out its claws at all when it hits people, but kicks them with its feet.

As for the "glass eyes", its function on the negotiation side is "charm", but on the battle side it is... "bite"?

God knows how they are classified. Could it be that they use vicious words to kill the enemy?

[The dog with the broken spine still dares to bark in front of our army formation! ] The stupid system took the opportunity to complain.

'Although it is "true dog" and "true bark", if you want to achieve that effect, you must first unify the language. ’

Wow! Zhiji! Wu Lili!

After the summoned creatures of "Green Light" struggled with the "weird dog" for a while, the red balls that exploded after the creatures died had disappeared. The omnivorous creatures calmed down again and started to fight with the vegetarian creatures that were originally responsible for suppressing them. Together they attacked the "weird dog", and for a while noisy roars spread.

Logically speaking, the "weird dog" is outnumbered and should be defeated quickly, but the problem is that it has three heads and three mouths, and its body is not too big. It is within the attack range in 270 degrees from the front, left and right. Moreover, it is not the type that just stands still and waits for others to get around it. With constant movement, the more conventional combat of "taking advantage of it to attack in a certain direction and sneak attack from the opposite direction" is basically impossible to achieve.

As for the little follower, it had already rushed up to hit someone again, but because I deliberately delayed the opportunity to take action this time, it couldn't find any space to join the battle group at this time.

‘In this case, there is no place for bites and strikes, and the thrust route will be blocked, so we can only use poison spray for remote support. ’ I said while directing “Green Light Zero” to spit venom at the “weird dog” on a small slope.

[Theoretically speaking, some creatures should take the initiative to block the dog's mouth now, and other creatures will take the opportunity to attack. However, the instinct of creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages prevents them from doing that. Currently, only your 'green light' can do it. 】Stupid system response.

I looked at the temporary allies who surrounded the "weird dog", but did not attack rashly. They just kept spinning or making small movements to test. They agreed with the stupid system's words: "Well... so they still put that reckless Just keep the follower out of the way and wait until I slowly grind it to death. ’


A funny scene soon appeared on the battlefield: various creatures surrounded the "weird dog", neither attacking nor getting out of the way. "Green Light Zero" would spray a mouthful of venom every time it waited for the cooldown to expire. , momentarily deadlocked.

My evolution is actually quite weird. Common poisonous creatures, such as centipedes, snakes, scorpions, spiders and toads, do not spray poison outwards at all. Moreover, looking at the "weird dog" who doesn't care, it is difficult to deal with it. The effect is not very good for high-level creatures. Should I cancel it next time I evolve?

【Who said that? Among the zerg, which is known as the pinnacle of biological evolution, there is a poison-spraying unit. 】

'Hmm... do you mean Devourer or Cockroach? ’

【Hydralisk. 】

‘What they are spraying is bone spurs! ’


As this boring battle came to an end, the "weird dog", which gradually began to be affected by the venom, seemed to sense something was wrong and tried to break out of the "Green Light Zero" side and launch an attack.

Because its 4-point attack was powerful enough, it killed more than a dozen temporary allies along the way, but at the same time it also revealed a big flaw. It was chased by other allies, and the green light follower who found the opportunity attacked it again. A precise thrust was launched from the abdomen, causing it to collapse before it even walked half the distance.

In this case, we should be able to occupy it... Huh?

I looked at the "flag bubble" that reappeared on the creature's head, as well as the green light and allies whose behavior patterns had not changed at all. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

‘Strange, isn’t that three-headed dog the final one? ’ I asked the stupid system.

[It’s the finale, right~] The stupid system seems to be very proud of it.

‘Why isn’t it over yet? ’

[Because the ‘finale’ refers to the penultimate appearance~this is common sense~]

‘I don’t know who called the hydralisk a venomous creature just now! ’

[The resolution of the first generation——]

boom! bump!

A column of water suddenly exploded from the direction of the sea, interrupting the nonsense between me and the stupid system.

And as the water column appeared in front of the "green light", it was an unusually huge crab leg that poked out from the sea and stepped hard on the beach.

Players who like to eat crabs must be dancing in ecstasy at this time, but I have always been indifferent to things that are very troublesome to eat. It is said that there are other eight-piece sets?

Boom! Boom!

Several other similarly huge crab legs broke through the sea surface and climbed onto the beach one after another. They used their own strength to pull the expected crab body out of the sea.

The eight crab legs are not connected to the expected crab shell, nor are there huge pincers. What appears there is a big furry belly with eight dark round eyes on the top, and a vicious and full face. A big mouth with sharp teeth.

[Eight-eyed spider, carnivorous, 'Attack: 4', 'Friendliness: 4', 'Speed: 4'. 】

[Tip: Elite creatures cannot socialize, cannot build nests, and are permanently hostile to any creature. 】


I didn't know whether to complain about its name, appearance, unusual attributes, or weird remarks.

[Hehe, let me tell you some good news. Even if a person with the title of 'elite creature' appears in this kind of 'occupation mission', he can earn a lot of DNA points and evolutionary components as long as he is killed. 】

‘This is a level 4 creature. As a green light with an average level of only 2.3... Even if it has a wisdom bonus to challenge across levels, it can’t be such a big span, right? ’

[Didn’t you pay attention to the attribute of ‘hostile to any living thing’? This means that it will attack any creature around it indiscriminately. As long as it leaves its allies to guard the nest, you can personally lead it to the lairs of other creatures and carry out the battle of "driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf". One lair is not enough. Two or three, especially those who are permanently hostile to the 'green light', can kill two birds with one stone. 】

'You plan to take the opportunity to exterminate other creatures...'

Puff, cluck, clack, clack, clack.

Before I could discuss the reason with the stupid system, the "Eight-Eyed Spider" had already turned its eight gazes to the guardians near the nest. I saw its crab legs suddenly thrust out and pulled out the "little eggshell" it had summoned before. He poked it through, then raised his leg again and threw it into his mouth, chewing it loudly.

[Tip: The summoned creature 'Little Eggshell' has died, and the cooling time of 'Hello Friends' has been extended to '2' days. The 'Little Eggshell' group will refuse to respond to the next '3' summons. 】

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