The Collection of The End

One thousand and forty-six, omnic crisis (7)

Start connecting to subspace...connection successful. 】

[Locating Cloud City... Positioning completed. 】

[Login request sent...permission granted. 】

[Start projecting consciousness body...projection ends. 】

When Kangna opened her eyes, she saw a clean and tidy lakeside garden.

The beautiful white cobblestone path extends forward from the feet to the edge of the crystal clear lake, becoming a path around the lake. The same white and exquisite benches and sculptures are scattered on both sides of the road. The ground is a lawn with plants of exactly the same height. Many palm trees holding huge "umbrella canopies" appear on both sides from time to time, casting mottled shadows.

[Mission goal: Find Sophie, Matthew or Emil. 】A message appeared in front of her.

Kangna looked at the mission target and began to look around the "park", but the "Eagle Eye" system, which can quickly scan and analyze the information of objects in the field of view, failed to activate. After thinking for a while, she walked along the cobblestone path towards the lake. .

When she arrived at the lake, Kangna lowered her head and took a look at her own appearance through the reflection. It was a standard Detroit patrol uniform. Her white and pink shawl hair, soft facial features, and blue eyes made the originally serious gray look... The black police uniform is somewhat softer, but the blue ring still exists on his forehead.


The “options” that should have been available in this situation to guide her on how to achieve her goals were not.

This is a person-finding mission, and the target is more likely to appear on the roadside.

Kangna thought for a while, not based on "options", and then started to move along the path along the lake.

Da da.

As Kangna walked along, except for the sound of her own leather shoes hitting the cobblestone path, there was no sound at all in the "park", as if everything here had stopped.


After walking half a circle along the small lake, Kangna finally heard other voices besides her own, and then, as the road turned, a flower garden appeared beside the road. In the pavilion in the middle of the flower garden, a little girl was sleeping soundly on the table.

She has the exact same pink and white hair color as Kang Na, and wears a warm cotton skirt with overlapping red and white stripes.

Her slightly stubby legs are covered with pure white cotton stockings, and the most eye-catching thing is the sharp horns protruding from the sides of her head, and her woolen ball tail hanging down from behind. .

【Find Sophie (√)】

As soon as he saw her, the task "Find Sophie" was checked and eliminated, but no new instructions appeared.

You can ask the target about the whereabouts of other targets.

Kangna hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the pavilion, intending to wake the girl up and ask about the whereabouts of the other two.

"[You'd better not do that.]" After she entered the pavilion, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded from behind.

Kangna stopped and looked back, realizing that the speaker was another girl. She looked slightly older than the sleeping girl. She had short black hair and bright black eyes. She was wearing a suit with a main color of gold. A small space armor, and for some reason, the helmet in his hand had a simple drawing of a cat's head drawn on it.

[Find Emil (√)]

"Why?" Without prompting for action suggestions, Kangna had to respond to her words by herself.

"Because, if you encounter 'self', all our previous efforts will be in vain." Another voice joined the conversation.

The new girl who appeared was older and calmer than the other two. She had short lavender hair and a pair of amethyst-like eyes. She wore a set of black armor with sharp edges but still showed curves. She was carrying a heavy bag in one hand. black square shield, and a tactical goggles in the other hand.

【Find Mashu (√)】

[Task goal: Talk to Emil and Matthew. 】

Kangna stared at the newly appeared mission, which was completely unlike a mission, and said reflexively:


"[To put it simply, you appear to be Star Alliance's experimental prototype to expand the application range of bionic humans, but in fact you are the 'savior' we have chosen to solve the upcoming 'crisis'."

Since Sophie was asleep and Emil seemed reluctant to speak, Matthew finally explained the current situation to Connor:

"[You are the incarnation of Sophie. Use words you can understand to describe it. Your personality and logical circuit are copied from Sophie, but you don't have her memory. We can't directly interfere with you from here. We can only... Provide you with some reference on certain action selection branches.】"

"If what you said is true, what happened to 'me'?" Kangna pointed to Sophie, who was still lying on the table.

"[Because she played for a while after you appeared and felt no pressure, so she wanted to create a second incarnation,]" Mashu spread his hands: "[Obviously, she is not yet at the level where she can 'turn three pure beings into one breath', After the second incarnation was born, he fell into a deep sleep.]"

"..." Kangna couldn't find a suitable comment for a while. There may be some, but it's not suitable to use on "himself".

"[Your consciousness coming here must have triggered some conditions,]" Matthew continued: "[Although time is not a problem for us, I still want to hear what 'abnormality' you encountered as soon as possible. .】"

"[GROX]." Kangna read out the word word by word: "Two abnormal androids mentioned this word. I initially judged that it is some kind of thing that will cause the androids to awaken themselves and become hostile to humans. Virus, planning to report to superiors."

"[Grox?]" Matthew and Emil looked at each other, then turned to Kangna again: "[Fortunately, if that's the case, it's not a big problem. I think this crisis can be solved with just you... and our backup. .】"

"Do you know something?" Kangna asked with a slightly confused tone.

"[In fact, 'you' also know the meaning of this word, but 'you' cannot know,]" Matthew shook his head at her: "[You can just go back to work as usual after you go back, and we will continue to work on key action options. To give help.】"

"So, how do I return?" Kangna heard that the other party had a reason for not wanting to talk in depth, so she asked instead.

"[This... depends on 'yourself'.]" Matthew tilted his head to Sophie lying on the table: "[What is your current 'mission'?]"

"...Chat with you." Kangna glanced at the mission that had not changed at all.

"[Oh, no wonder. Although we are very busy, we can still pay attention to your situation occasionally, but Sophie can't see it at all. You can't wake up when you come back here, so you can only stay here for a long time. You said something.]" Matthew raised his hand and touched Sophie's head, then turned to Kangna: "[Then let's chat casually, for example, what do you think of David Anderson?]"

"A good police officer who is upright and reliable, but for some reason was not involved in his accident and fell into self-blame and paranoia. If possible, I hope to have a good relationship with him and become friends." Kangna replied.


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