The Collection of The End

One thousand and forty-eight, omnic crisis (9)


Abandoned apartment in Detroit's Sixth Ward.

Kangna was catching the pigeon in a daze.

According to the default procedure, when the action suggestion options appear, one should be selected to execute.

However, Deputy Captain Anderson prohibited himself from eating here.

Gu~gu~gu~ After realizing that it could not escape, the gray-white pigeon began to turn its head to beg for mercy.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

[Software is unstable. 】

This time, when the unstable prompt was "erased", above the action suggestion that was very determined to "eat it", the option that should have appeared long ago was belatedly:

[Check it, judge the breeder’s condition and then release it. (model)]

[Carry it to prevent other pigeons from interfering with the investigation. (Rebellion)]

【Eat it! Eat it! ! Eat it! ! ! (Gluttony)]

This...because the third one ran too fast and the first two didn't catch up?

Connor blinked and initiated a hawk-eye scan of the pigeons.

[Confirmation information: Square pigeon, 3 years old, showing signs of domestication, has not eaten for about 2 days. 】

"Hey, you're good at it," Anderson said to Conner while waving his arms to chase away the feathers left by the pigeons, "but I think that one in your hand is not the prisoner."

"These pigeons haven't eaten for several days, sir, that's why they're grabbing my donuts." Kangna pinched the pigeons' bellies again, which were flat.

"Oh, really? It seems that the guy who reported the crime claimed that he only reported the crime because he felt abnormal. It was probably a lie. He was probably showered by these pigeons and came to the door to argue that something was wrong. The abnormal androids themselves had problems. After receiving the warning 'I'm going to report you', he left in a hurry." Anderson immediately made some inferences.

"My judgment is the same," Kangna nodded, walked to the window and threw the pigeon out. "After the search of this apartment is completed, you can contact the animal protection department to handle it."

The option to eat the pigeon cannot be executed,

Eating it raw is too exaggerated, but taking it away to cook pigeon soup is unqualified.

"Then let's see what this Mr. 'Breeder' is doing." Anderson waved his arm to fend off a few feathers and left the room first.


"Wow, look what we found? An android who might have OCD?"

There are three floors in the abandoned apartment. The first two floors only have sporadic "Grox" letters written on the doors or walls. If you don't pay attention, you will even ignore them. But when you have just arrived at the third floor, they are densely covered with walls and floors. Even the word "Grox" on the ceiling made Anderson whistle.

[Confirmation information, the total number of 'Grox' within the visible range is 24,879, the fonts are exactly the same, and there are no jitters or spelling problems. It is confirmed that the logic and action modules can still operate normally. The paint used is an oil-based pen, which is consistent with the first and second layers of writing. same. 】

"He may have planned to write this word all over the apartment, but he had to stop because he was interrupted by the reporter," Kangna continued to search the room on the third floor while responding to Anderson: "If there are similar cases in the future, you can Merge them.”

"Perhaps," Anderson also began to check the rooms on the same side as Kangna: "The remaining question is where did he get the star coins to buy pigeons and bird food. Ordinary androids usually use the account of their owner, but The permissions of the abnormal android should have been canceled."

"I don't know which department of the Star Alliance the star coins I use come from, but the available quota is quite high. If you, deputy captain, are in trouble at any time, I can help you." Kangna looked at the neatly arranged star coins in her account. Eight eight, these numbers will be replenished the next day after they are reduced with your own consumption.

"It's normal. After all, you are different from civilian androids. You can be said to be 'Star Alliance property'. You can spend it as you like, but if I use it, someone from the supervision department will definitely come to talk to me. It's okay to treat me to drinks occasionally." , funding still counts - oh! Damn it!" Anderson said as he pushed open a door, but immediately backed away as if he was on fire.

Gu Gu Gu Gu! Gu Gu Gu Gu!

They were densely packed, occupying the floor, sofa, cabinets, and window sills, filling the entire room with pigeons. They uniformly turned their heads to look at the two police officers at the door.

If you are a person with poor psychological quality, you will probably fall to the ground as soon as your feet become weak.

[Confirmed information, there are 1,780 pigeons in total, all of which are square pigeons or hall pigeons. Most of them have not eaten for about a day. 】

[Confirmation information, TS1355 medium-sized manual bird feeder has not been started for about 3 days. 】

[Confirmation information, the purchaser is Frison Wu (deceased). 】

When Kangna observed and discovered the bird feeding machine, which was about the height of a person, suggestions for action popped up.

[Start the machine to feed the pigeons. (model)]

[Ignore the pigeon and continue looking for clues. (Rebellion)]

[Leave and report. 】

"Don't be nervous, sir, these pigeons are not hungry yet." Kangna bypassed Deputy Captain Anderson and walked directly into the room. All the pigeons along the way stepped back to make way for her. Only a few pigeons took off at a loss and continued to watch. Falling in the distance.

"Oh, am I nervous? Back then, I killed seven in and seven out of the den of a red ice dealer armed with heavy weapons." Although Anderson was boasting, he still had no intention of entering a room full of pigeons.

"The source of the purchase money for these pigeons and feed has been found. It is a deceased old gentleman. Obviously no one will cancel the account for his housekeeping android." After checking the feeder, Kangna found that there was enough bird food in it. , so pull the switch to activate it.

Hua Hua Hua - Gu Gu Gu Gu -

Grain began to fall continuously in the trough, and the pigeons rushed to eat. Although there were many of them, there was an orderly and first-come-first-served feeling in their movements. They had obviously been well trained by their owners, and they robbed Kangna during the process. A few donut pigeons flew in from the window, but stayed on the window sill timidly, not daring to approach.

"Ha, I can already think of what that bald man would say," Anderson walked into the room and began to check around, while imitating: "'I asked you to look for clues about abnormal androids, instead of caring about a group of pigeons'!"

Conner decided to pretend she didn't hear the bad things her boss said about her boss's boss, and continued to look for possible clues in the space vacated by the pigeons.

Soon, she found a diary, or notepad, on a table covered with pigeon footprints.

"Mr. Wu passed away. He left me a sum of money and said he would let me 'fly freely.' I didn't understand what that meant."

"Mr. Wu's children and relatives are busy fighting for the property he left behind and questioning the rationality of Mr. Wu's will. No one is really sad for him."

"I left and no one cared."

"Because Mr. Wu likes to watch pigeons flying, I bought a lot of pigeons to learn how to fly freely."

"The pigeons are not free because they will definitely come back to where I live temporarily to eat."

"I'm free, but I have nowhere to go back to."

"I want to see Mr. Wu again."

"I want to go home."

"I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home -"



[Software is unstable. 】

"Well..." Kangna closed the notepad: "It's incredible."

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