The Collection of The End

One thousand and fifty-eight, element 0 (31)

The process of defeating the "Eight-Eyed Spider" was smoother than expected.

It has a huge and heavy body but has to use relatively slender crab claws to walk. The space below is enough for a "Leap Dragon" to jump around. Even if this kind of very high-level creature does not have complex thinking ability, it relies on fighting instincts. Also selected those crab legs for attack.

When the "Green Lights" who came to support from the "Mother's Nest" entered the battlefield, the "Eight-Eyed Spider" only had four legs that could barely be used to stand, and there were only a few "Dipping Dragons" left.

After a stabbing attack and a volley of venom broke two more of the eight-eyed spider's legs, causing it to collapse like a giant tree chopped down by a lumberjack, there was no longer any suspense about the outcome of this battle.

Tip: The 'Green Light' group kills the 'Eight-Eyed Spider' and obtains 200 DNA points.

Tip: The 'Green Light' group kills the 'Elite Creature' and gets an additional 200 DNA points; Creature template: Elite; Evolution components: 'Crab Legs', 'Spider Legs', 'Chitin Armor', 'Crab Claws', 'Waterproof fur', 'violent mouth', 'bean eyes'.

‘...Why did you expose everything that doesn’t exist on it? This guy's DNA points are calculated based on level 5 creatures? And what’s up with that cute name at the end? ’

Although I tried my best to complain, my sister obviously would not respond during the settlement.

Tip: The 'Green Light' tribe forced the 'Leap Dragon' to become extinct and gained 120 DNA points.

Tip: The ‘Green Light’ group has obtained evolutionary components: ‘Concealed Poison Sac’ and ‘Bat Wings’.

''s much more normal here. Sure enough, it's a problem with the elite template? Can that thing be used by Green Light? ’

It can be used, but it cannot be used on itself. The stupid system responded. This is an ability that can only be used after the 'tribal stage'. It can be used to cultivate 'guardian beasts', 'animal companions' and 'high-quality domestic animals'.

‘Does this order mean that... the more civilization develops, the less valuable wild animals will be? ’ I flipped through the rows of prompts and said casually. probably won't choose that kind of system, so I'm just talking casually here. Think about it, even if 'intelligent creature' has the word 'wisdom', its essence is still 'biological'~

‘A civilization that enslaves and transforms other intelligent beings? It's not impossible. ’

Destroy it on sight?

‘Concrete analysis of specific situations,

Then decide, don’t kill others casually. ’

What are the people who just completed a double kill talking about?

"Don't try to change the concept. Other civilizations are not the same thing as creatures that have no chance of climbing to the top of the food chain after the emergence of green light." ’



After the "Leap Dragons" were exterminated, the "Green Light" could not occupy their nests. I don't know whether it was because the level difference was too big or because the damage caused by the "Eight-Eyed Spider" was too serious.

The "green lights" simply looked around for some fruits to eat, and then gathered together to prepare to return to the "mother nest".

Although concepts such as superiority and inferiority, status and class have not yet emerged within the "Green Light" group, the attitudes of other "ordinary Green Lights" towards "Green Light Zero" are obviously different.

Specifically, in addition to the small followers who are still rampaging, they will deliberately imitate the more efficient attack method of "Green Light Zero" and actively follow it when it starts to move, but they have not yet "blocked the attack for it" "way of doing.

It looks like...

I looked at the "Green Light Zero" who was returning to the "Mother's Nest" with "reinforcements" and thought for a while. a group of children imitating playmates of the same age who are better than themselves?

And if they can imitate, it proves that they should already have the intelligence of a kitten or puppy - at least they are birds that understand the "imprint and follow" behavior.

When you go back to evolve this time, you can consider giving it an appearance that matches its current intelligence.

What will Bulbasaur evolve into? The stupid system complained.

'How about Cactusmon. ’ I responded smoothly.

Huh... surprisingly appropriate?

They are all green, have arms and legs, and use spikes to attack.

But your spikes don't fire.

‘It’s good if you can spray poison. ’

Isn’t that the ‘Poison Arrow Wood Beast’?

‘The image is wrong! ’


When "Green Light Zero" returned to the "Mother's Nest", the construction here had begun to take shape.

The entire mother nest takes the center point of the nest as the center, and draws a semicircle outward at an angle of 120 degrees, and the vertices of these semicircles are connected by arcs.

It is foreseeable that this "mother nest" will be built into a huge nest divided into three levels in an orderly manner in the future.

The only problem is that when viewed from a high place, it looks like a... biochemical warning sign?

The so-called "things resemble the shape of their owners" is what I mean. The stupid system complained.

‘I don’t have this mark on me, but you do. ’ I pointed out that this guy dug a hole to bury himself.

Command Seals also need to be calculated!

'Yet I have no body now. ’

Me neither hahaha~

While I was having such a useless conversation with the stupid system, "Green Light Zero" had already arrived in the middle of the lair, and other temporarily recruited "reinforcements" had dispersed. Only the "captain" who led the rescue team was still with him. beside it.

Um? Do you want to be a follower? Unfortunately there is no space now.


"Green Light Zero" returned to the center of the lair, where he had previously received the task of "occupying the ownerless lair", and shook his head as he thought.

It can be judged from the picture in the "bubble" above the head of "Green Light Zero" that what it is thinking about is: while holding on, it recruits friendly creatures to assist, fights the three-headed dog, lures away the eight-eyed spider, and makes it peaceful. The experience of fighting a jumping dragon and finally succeeding in a double kill.

‘Well, there is profound wisdom contained here. ’

I've never seen--

Hoo ho ho, bo'er!

That series of experiences was finally crumpled into a ball in the bubble and turned into a pale pink brain. After trembling twice, this "brain" suddenly grew twice in size.

Tip: Green Light has become smarter and can now host two compatriots or allies in its team.

‘What did you just say? You can continue. ’

I have never seen such a wise and intelligent man. The stupid system changed its tune without hesitation.

'Well, that's what I thought too. ’

Too lazy to expose it, I directly ordered "Green Light Zero" to perform a "negotiation" operation with the "Rescue Captain" next to me. It should be "singing" -



Accompanied by strange sound effects, the "Rescue Captain" stretched out his hand towards "Green Light Zero".

Why? It's not "singing" but "posture"?

At this moment, I showed my ability to press QTe continuously at high speed, and selected "Posture" before pressing "Singing".

"Green Light Zero" and "Rescue Captain" shook hands in a friendly manner. must not know that it just almost sang a song when someone reached out.

In short, now that I have obtained so many components, let’s upgrade the green light and start the biological evolver~

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