The Collection of The End

One thousand and sixty-two, element 0 (35)

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[Tip, please name the ‘green light’ group when they arise and differentiate. 】

[Tip, if no name is given, the default name will be used after the group is divided: 'leader', 'elite', and 'laborer'. 】

Halfway through the speech of "Green Light Zero", the prompt sister had already printed out several rows of prompts, and also attached legends.

[Leader]: The "Green Light Zero" who holds his head high and wields a wooden stick has attributes of "4, 3, 3".

[Elite]: The "Guard Captain" who commands a group of ordinary guards, whose attributes are "3, 4, 3".

[Labourer]: The "little follower" who has become one with many small green lights and transports food, has attributes of "3, 3, 4".

Well, because of the addition of several parts, in addition to adding skills, the Green Light Clan also gained an additional 3 points of attributes, rising from 7 to 10, and its evaluation also rose from level 2 to level 3.

But the three "breeds" that have been differentiated are too troublesome. Not only do they have to consider class, but they also have to consider names. The real green-skinned rule of "whoever has the strongest fist can be the boss" is more convenient and intuitive.

【What's the trouble? Isn't this intuitive? If you can't think of any good names, just 'hero', 'troop' and 'hard worker'. 】The stupid system interjected.

‘Why did you suddenly jump from Warhammer to Warcraft? And the original orcs have brown skin, right? ’ The first two are okay, but the directionality of the hard work is a bit too strong.

[Because you are about to enter the game mode of 'Warcraft' or 'Age of Empires'. Group differentiation is a sign that the next stage is about to begin. It will give the differentiated individuals the basic right to act independently and can accept repetition. instructions for doing the same job. 】Silly System explained.

‘Oh… patrolling, mining, logging? ’ I thought about how to play those two games for a while.

It seems that the farmers in those games are relatively stupid and will look for resources to collect along the way, even if they run to dangerous areas, they will completely ignore them.

Combat units are more reliable. In addition to accepting "patrol" orders, the range of active pursuit of enemies will not exceed their original maximum warning range.

[Yes, there is also automatic combat when encountering enemies. 】

'Although what you said makes sense, I still have to reject your proposal.' I thought about it carefully and did not adopt the stupid system's argument: 'After all, the relationship between leaders, elites and workers can still rise or fall, if it is fixed The identities of heroes, troops and peons, then once job adjustments need to be made, a lot of funny things will happen. ’

[Hmm... For example, it sounds good for a green light born as a laborer to eventually become a leader, but is it a bit too silly for a peon to become a hero? 】

'I think you're making a reference to Thrall. ’

【That's your illusion~】

No longer messing around with the stupid system, I directly chose to use the default template. After all, this is a design that can become the default template. It must have its own uniqueness and the largest scope of application.

At this moment, a strange "wave" seemed to sweep across the entire group.



After a period of observation, I am basically certain that the "wave" is a sign that the green lights have changed from "disorder" to "order".

Originally, they were collecting food and teaching newborns, but the overall feeling of confusion was that they "didn't know what they were doing and why they were doing it."

Now, no matter what they do, they have a strong purpose, and they can even add and subtract steps according to the situation.

For example, "Labor" is responsible for taking care of "Leaders" and "Elites". Counting itself, the ratio of providing food is 3:2:1, but because "Green Light Zero" was busy giving speeches, it did not touch the fruits. The "little follower" only brought new food to the "guard captain" - and was eaten all again.

And those elite green lights who have the same appearance as "Captain" have also become more efficient when expanding their lair and patrolling the surrounding area.

As for the "leader"... although there are many guys who look the same as "Green Light Zero\

,"But there seems to be nothing that can be called a "leader".

However, although the Green Light group has undergone many changes due to this "division", the only unit I can control is "Green Light Zero" itself. The "Captain" and "Follower" are followers who cannot directly command , maybe there will be changes after entering the tribal stage?

Since the stupid system has said that it is "about to enter the next stage", then there must not be too many other creatures that need to be dealt with, whether it is alliance or extinction, and this lair is very close to the pass of the "Peninsula", you can consider... ... rush over in one go?

Tracy, big yellow bird, vegetarian food, 253, alliance, harvest beak.

Barbarian bull demon, a blue bull that walks upright, omnivorous, 443, forms an alliance, harvests horns.

Demon Rabbit, a black rabbit with exaggerated body proportions, carnivorous, 524, permanently hostile, extinct, harvested with slender limbs.

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ tribe has become smarter, and a third member can now be added to the team. 】

‘What about entering the next stage as promised? Isn't this a lot different? ’ I complained about the stupid system while looking at the preview of the evolved parts.

[That is a sign of entering the next stage, but the premise is that you must add four members to your team to make up for five people. 】

'what? Make a copy? Let’s get a gathering stone first. ’ I complained.

[Hmm, you want to build a team consisting of a leader, three elites, and a worker? 】The stupid system actually picked up the meme.

'If you say so...'

boom! boom! boom!

After exterminating the stubborn and aggressive "Devil Rabbit", the Green Lanterns are searching its lair. However, because the opponent is a carnivorous creature, there is no food input, but they have found a lot of evolutionary components that can be dug out. Skeleton, at this moment, a huge explosion came from the direction of the sky.

After raising the viewing angle, you can vaguely see a huge meteor breaking into the atmosphere. As it continues to fall, the friction has turned into a ball of fire, and from time to time there is an explosion that disintegrates itself into small pieces, and those small pieces Blocks also continued to scatter in all directions following the trajectory of the bolide.

The "Guard Green Lights" recruited by the "Captain" were horrified. After one of the fragments fell nearby, creating a large crater and igniting flames, several of them fled. Only the ones under my direct control The green light was very calm and not surprised.

'what are these? Spreading life a second time? ’ I asked the stupid system.

[That’s true, but the seeds are basically creatures of level 3 or above. At the same time, more evolutionary components will fall with the meteorites on a first-come, first-served basis, which can promote biodiversity. 】

‘This meteorite is actually called a balance patch! ’

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