The Collection of The End

One thousand and seventy-two, legacy of the void (4)

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Korhal IV, Governor's Square.

The sun has set in Keha, and on the tall, blade-like buildings and on both sides of the commuter roads, various lights are lighting up one by one. Along with them, there are also the lights that are blooming in the night sky. Virtual fireworks.

Since the Terran Federation has only been established for 80 years, and the living environments in each sector are very different, most of them have not had time to form their own customs. Therefore, the New Year is still set on the first day of January in the Terran calendar, and the celebration method is also the same as in the literature. The earth in the records is generally consistent.

At this time, tens of thousands of Korhal residents were spontaneously gathering in the square, preparing to listen to Governor Angus Mengsk's New Year's speech. The huge number of people made the police and security personnel who maintained order extremely busy.

"There is nothing unusual about the Kehal Star Gate."

"There is no abnormality in the Korhal IV accelerator."

"There are no abnormalities at airports in various places."

"Someone causing trouble near King's Road has been temporarily detained."

Arcturus, who was wearing a straight dress, pressed his headset and kept confirming the reports from different locations. It wasn't until Angus coughed twice impatiently that he waved hesitantly to the bodyguards to let him go.

Today, Angus is wearing a black cloak with gold tassels and a handsome governor's uniform with a black background and yellow edges and silver buttons. There are ribbons and rows of medals hanging on his chest. His hair and beard are well-groomed. It was very smooth and made the governor look quite majestic.

"What a fuss," he snorted as he passed by his son: "Can the Federation still send people to assassinate me without warning?"

"I do believe that the confidentiality measures you arranged are impeccable, but the fortress is always breached from within. Can you guarantee that all participants are loyal and reliable?" Arcturus retorted in a low voice, before his father glared back. Slip away quickly.

"Brother, what's the name of your mercenary team?" Arcturus originally planned to go to the roof of the Governor's Mansion to continue monitoring, but was intercepted by Emil in the corridor.

Because she needed to attend the ceremony and do outdoor activities, Emil did not wear the relatively light outfit for home today. She was now wearing a dark blue sweater and pleated skirt, black long stockings and brown leather boots. Wearing a big dark purple cloak, a red plaid scarf around her neck, and a pair of red-rimmed glasses on her delicate nose, she looked like a well-behaved literary girl.

"Well, Emil, you look so beautiful, but I have something to do right now." Arcturus tried to change the subject and slipped away.

"I saw the sign 'W·P' on the spaceship they were on, but I never figured out which words it was." Emil grabbed the hem of his dress. "Could it be 'WaitPlease'."

Why does it sound like an army of lobbyists?

"It's 'WarPig'." Arcturus replied helplessly. There was a particularly huge and dangerous wild boar in the star field where the mercenaries performed their tasks. He named this to show his bravery, but back to After Keha, this word can only make people think of those kind of fat and white domestic animals, so I don't want to spread it.

"Oh..." Emil expressed his shock briefly, then let go of his hand: "Then go ahead."

Her tone sounded like she was saying, "Go and play with the pigs." Arcturus smiled bitterly and hurried to the elevator.


"[Dear citizens of Tyranid, unknowingly, it has been our eightieth year of pioneering in the new world. Here, I would like to wish everyone in all walks of life their contribution to the Terran Federation and Kohal. Happy New Year to all those who have made outstanding contributions~】"

When Arcturus arrived on the top floor of the Governor's Palace, Angus had already started his speech in front of the square, and the beginning of the speech was, of course, a review of the past and a look forward to the future without anything new.

According to the speech transcript Arcturus has read, Korhal's proposal to secede from the Tyranid Federation will be announced near the end of the speech. Since the proposal has been submitted and passed by the Korhal Council before,

The next thing to be done is a referendum. Therefore, before his father announces the news, or when he has announced it but has not yet finished his speech, it is the best time for the Terran Federation to assassinate him. Again, before the deadline of the referendum Controlling or killing the father can also be roughly restored. Once the referendum is over and the country successfully secedes, the Federation will have to use force to conquer Korhal, and the father himself will become less important.

Therefore, either the Federation was not aware of it yet, or the assassins they sent were already lurking nearby. Arcturus raised his high-power telescope to observe the rooftops of the surrounding tall buildings and any suitable positions for sniping.

"[Humans, clones, there is no difference between us.]"

"[But we are fighting with each other because of our history and origins. In the escalating battle, the entire sector has become torn apart.]"

It's starting, and the assassin may strike at any moment...if there is one.

Arcturus continued to observe and listen to reports from mercenary posts from various places.

No abnormality, no abnormality, everything is no abnormality. If it is not really no abnormality, then they are fully prepared.

"[Now, we should abandon those meaningless hatreds and fights and unite closely. In you, I see the future because of common hope, kindness and dreams.]"

At this time, because Governor Angus had clearly stated his support for clones to obtain their due rights, bursts of cheers began to appear in the square.

Just like what his father said, compared to the tense atmosphere between humans and clones in other galaxies and star fields, Kohal's side is more supportive and supportive of each other. As long as he proposes Kohal's separation, he has just killed and exploited himself. It is basically impossible for anyone to object to the Tyranid Federation's innocence of the human clone's original body.

"[From today on, humans and clones in the Korhal galaxy will no longer fight each other, and no force can shake our hope.]"

Wait, what is that?

Arcturus, who was looking around casually, suddenly moved the telescope back to the place he just passed.

The telescope reflected a narrow rooftop on the roof of a high-rise building. In that place that was empty before, there was now a tall, slender, half-crouching female figure.

She was wearing a tight-fitting silver-white armor of unknown material, and her whole body appeared there one by one as if she had just been drawn from the void. Although it was too far away to see the woman's face clearly, she could be confirmed. She has bright orange long hair.

Hell, having such an obvious appearance but not hiding it means...

"[I, Angus Mengsk, as the planetary governor, hereby declare that the Korhal system will leave the Tyranid Federation.]"

At the same time, the last "stroke" that made the female assassin appear out of thin air had been completed. The last thing that appeared was a slender and narrow rifle with the same color as her armor. As expected, it was aimed in the direction of the square. Podium.

"An abnormality was detected in the AX07 area!" came the warning from the earphones that security was a step too late.

Boom! At this moment, a new firework bloomed over the Governor's Mansion.

At the same time, there was also the flash of fire from the muzzle of the gun.

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