The Collection of The End

One thousand and ninety-three, element 0 (53)

"Goojiji!" [Take a stick from my old grandson! 】

‘If you don’t want to translate, don’t talk nonsense, be careful that Brother Monkey will deal with you. ’

[Okay then...'Wind Step'! ‘Mirror image’! ‘Blade Storm’! 】

‘He was just swinging the stick around, not using so many skills at all. ’

Hanuman, the "leader", seems to be of the combat type. His special skill is [External Incarnation]. He can summon four identical versions of himself out of thin air. The combat power is only a quarter of the original body. As for the number, it is probably It's based on his head.

Judging from Hanuman's attributes, he came into contact with the Green Light Tribe when the upper limit of his attributes was 5, but his strength was reduced at that time, and he could not officially join until Green Light entered the tribe stage and raised the upper limit of his attributes again. Only then can they be recruited as leaders.

If you make a rough guess, the upper limit of individual attributes in the tribal stage is either 15 or 20. Most of these extra parts are bonuses from weapons and equipment. In this context, "fighting against the five scum" only refers to those who have no equipment or whose attributes are too bad. , even if it is equipped with some basic equipment, it is only a 5 guy.

Hanuman was now facing a group of five scum of war - members of the Red Light Tribe. Those red-skinned "green-skinned" people had no power to fight back in front of it due to their suppressed attributes. red ball on the ground.

Quickly charging, suddenly jumping up and smashing down, spinning the stick around the body at high speed, these actions do look like skills, but in fact they are just advanced applications of stick skills.

As for the location of the battle, it was naturally the Hongguang Tribe's lair, or in other words, its main base.

The initial buildings of each tribe are similar. They use local materials to build an initial hall that can only protect against wind and rain and has almost no functions, as well as some "houses" for ordinary members to live in, as well as initial combat unit training buildings. As for combat, What the units are depends on what they mainly rely on to fight during their evolution to the tribal stage.

However, logically speaking, the first combat unit produced by Green Light, who is used to galloping, stabbing and spitting poison, should be spearmen. For some reason, he turned into a stick barbarian. Instead, Red Light did it because he obviously refused to accept it. The character actually starts as a spear thrower.

[Because the Lancer is lucky E? 】


Leaving aside the topic of combat units, the shape of the main base built by the Red Light Tribe is completely different from that of Green Light and Purple Light. Green Light is a regular but rough wood and stone structure surrounding a high platform, while the "elves" of the Purple Light Tribe are basically Gathered under huge trees, the building materials chosen are mostly wood with graceful shapes.

As for the red light... What are those weird buildings with a mixture of stone, wood and grass that are densely pierced with barbed spears? A bandit stronghold?

Among the "Barb Strongholds" whose functions can be roughly distinguished based on their size, there are at least four that resemble "barracks", and they are continuously "creating" "Red Light Spear Throwers" to join the battle.

Hmm... I guess that's how the red light army came before, right?

While Hanuman took the lead and attracted most of the attention of the combatants on both sides with his super strength and weird appearance, several other "leaders" were not idle either.

Although the "little follower" was dissatisfied with the "Purple Light Queen"'s move to attribute the credit for "Hanuman"'s joining to herself, it did not intend to cause any trouble quietly. It, together with a large number of "laborers", provided resources for the ongoing battle. Support, including but not limited to repairing armor, picking up and throwing spears, strengthening weapons, etc.

The always neutral "Guard Captain" has no objection to "Hanuman". It itself commands the "Green Light Barbarian" and "Former Red Light Spear Thrower" who are the same size as the "Green Light Chief". Although they are the most common , are also the largest in number, but the front line against the Red Light Tribe is composed of them. Others, whether they are elite raids or wild creature attacks, all fall into the category of "fancy and useless".

Yes, these fancy things, as well as the guys newly charmed by the "Queen of Purple Light", are all under the command of the "Chief of Green Light", and are side branches that can only add to the cake, but cannot provide help in times of need.

At the same time, because the "Purple Light Queen" boasted about the "charming success", the "Green Light Chief" seemed to have a little apology for "Hanuman".

The above contents are all based on guesses about the specific contents of the bubbles above their heads and the scenes when they communicate with each other. There may be deviations, but it should not be significant.


Boom! Wow!


After a long siege, the members of the Green Light Tribe demolished the last meeting hall of the Red Light Tribe while cheering. During this period, the Red Light Chief was resurrected and fought again no less than ten times.

It was originally resurrected at the "Altar of Heroes" in the base, and later even spent "money" to directly "buy it alive". Well, at least its determination to fight is worthy of respect.

However, when it was defeated for the last time and turned into a translucent form, rising upwards and disappearing, the anger in its eyes was about to solidify.

If the words "I will be back" come out at this time, it must be very appropriate.

As the last building collapsed, the message to remind my sister came as expected:

[Tip: The ‘Red Light Tribe’ has been destroyed by the ‘Green Light Tribe’. 】

[Tip: ‘Green Light Tribe’ unlocks new buildings: ‘Altar of Heroes’ and ‘Hunter Hall’, and unlocks arms: ‘Green Light Spear Thrower’. 】

[Tip: The overall attributes of ‘Green Light Tribe’ have been improved: ‘Attack: 4→8’, ‘Friendliness: 4→8’, ‘Speed: 4→8’. 】

Double? No, it's impossible. Most of the time it's just four.

Moreover, Green Light did not increase its attributes when forming an alliance with Purple Light. It only added diplomatic props. It seems that other tribes must be destroyed in order to improve their combat capabilities. Those who find people to ally with to complete the tribe stage will not be able to do so in the subsequent game process. I'm afraid we can only implement the principle of peace, because there is no fighting capacity at all.

[Tip: As the reputation of the 'Green Light Tribe' has gradually become louder, it has attracted the attention of many tribes who also live on this continent. They may want to communicate or plunder. In short, they have appeared with different purposes. . 】

Following the prompting sister's words, the picture "in front of you" was divided into four, showing pictures of four tribal chiefs with different colors walking out of their meeting halls. Along with the picture, there were also edges of them. Each has a simple comment.

[Orange Tribe: Mine! It's all mine! 】

[Huangguang Tribe: Fear me! 】

[Qingguang Tribe: Wait and have hope. 】

[Blue Light Tribe: Compassion, Compassion and Compassion. 】's really clear what their attitude towards the outside world is.

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