The Collection of The End

One thousand and ninety-five, element 0 (55)

When a new tribe appeared, the Green Light Tribe tried to annex the Red Light Tribe's territory without any reaction.

Although it is not shown, there is obviously a process for the red light tribe to evolve from the biological stage to the tribal stage, which can be seen from the environment near its main nest.

Only creatures with characteristics such as "extremely fast running", "extremely high defense" and "extremely vicious temperament" that are enough to escape from the red light tribe, or are not worth the effort to deal with, can survive in sporadic communities. .

There are also some creatures with characteristics such as rapid reproduction, inability to protect themselves, and docile temperament, which have been domesticated into livestock and poultry.

After the Red Light Tribe was destroyed, the control of these creatures was transferred to the Green Light Tribe, but they were meaningless to the vegetarian Green Light Tribe. If they continued to be fed, food would be wasted. If it were not for those who were killed by the Purple Light Queen, The recruited former Red Light members still need to eat meat, and they have probably been released.

However, precisely because the Red Light Tribe is carnivorous, the fruit trees near its base can be said to be extremely lush, and because no one eats them, there are many fruits falling to the ground. Those fruit trees that have received fertilizers have grown taller, taller, taller, leafy, and green. As a result, Chief Guang wanted to move the main base over.

Specifically speaking of the pattern in the bubble, it is a simple animation of a green light holding a torch leading a bull demon holding a barrel from the green light tribe to the ruins of the red light tribe, and then planting a green flag.

This "thought bubble" was crossed out when Chief Greenlight tried to communicate with other leaders.

This is natural. Since the Red Light Tribe itself is extremely inclined to attack, the location chosen for the base has no terrain advantages at all. It can be said that it is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Moving its base here is just asking for trouble.

"WAAAGH!" After rejecting Chief Green Light's proposal, "Captain Green Light" came up with a new idea.

The picture displayed in the "bubble" above its head is that a group of green lights completely demolished a certain building of the red light tribe, and then decomposed them into the wood and stone that made up the house, and finally pushed them away in the direction of the main green light base, along the way Green Lanterns continued to join the team carrying fruit trees dug up from the roots, and finally successfully piled these materials into the material warehouse located in Green Lantern's main nest.

This should be... demolishing building materials and digging up fruit trees? Not to mention the long distance and whether there are vacancies at the Green Light main base, the biggest problem is that if this is done, the resources at fixed locations cannot be used.

Cross, cross, cross, as expected when this idea was discussed, it failed again.

Bah, bah, bah.

New bubbles appeared on the top of the Purple Light Queen's head.

In this bubble, a group of red-light tribesmen are repairing houses, collecting food, and rebuilding their homes. There are red-light civilians who have not been "produced" and are purely scenery boards popping up and joining them. , the picture turned, these members of the red light tribe were exchanging supplies with the members of the green light tribe. It seemed that they were exchanging vegetarian food for carnivorous food. The final scene was a flash of dark green light on the members of the red light tribe. this to allow Hongguang to continue to maintain its apparent dominance?

Speaking of which, the Red Light tribe members who were defeated or killed by Green Light in previous battles were all "produced" units. Although their apparent combat effectiveness was wiped out, Red Light civilians could not be selected for operation. But there is no big loss. If the first two methods are really adopted, they will probably be dead, but if this is the case, they can still return to their original lives.

Circle, circle, circle - cross.

Not surprisingly, it was the "little follower" who voted against it again. It seemed to be in conflict with the Queen of Purple Light.

[Tip: Please choose how to deal with the Red Light Tribe. 】

[Occupy: Completely control the Red Light Base and share resources between the two bases. 】

[Destroy: Destroy all the buildings of the Red Light Tribe and obtain some resources. 】

[Puppet: Appoint a ‘leader’ as the ‘Governor’, with full authority to manage the Red Light Base, and can only obtain materials from it through contributions and transactions. 】

Obviously, "occupy" is chosen by those who are good at multi-line operations, while "destroy" is a lazy and trouble-free choice.

And the puppet... is a choice that invites trouble? No, wait.

I thought about it carefully and found that this is a choice between the two. If you don't want to let it go and do everything yourself, it's just right to find someone to help manage it.

Moreover, since four new tribes appeared in one breath before, it would be quite appropriate to have an additional tribe that obeys his words and have tentative contact with them, right?

I thought about it again and found that there was nothing missing, so I decided on the "puppet" solution.

[Tip: Appoint a Governor, or wait for it to elect itself. 】

...what a big omission.

The appointed governor should stay with the Red Light Tribe, which means that he will lose this combat power in subsequent operations, so choose a governor with low combat effectiveness - no, why would you want this governor without combat effectiveness?

At this time, with four votes in favor and one vote against, the leaders of the Green Light Tribe also chose the "puppet" plan and directly began to use the "bubbles" above their heads to vote for the "Governor".

The Green Light Chief voted for the Green Light Captain, the Green Light Captain voted for Hanuman, the little follower voted for the Purple Light Queen, and the Purple Light Queen voted for the little follower.

It was obvious that Queen Purple Light's proposal was not entirely out of public interest. She intended to use this to send away the followers who always blocked her approach to Chief Green Light. seems that the little follower thinks so too.

At this time, the two of them were staring at each other closely, with bubbles depicting the other's simple avatar above their heads, neither of them willing to give in.

In this way, everyone got a vote except Chief Green Light, who couldn't stay, and the final power to make the final decision was given to Hanuman's Mao. No matter who he voted for, he would definitely stay. Become a regional governor. I feel like it might vote for—

The next moment, Hanuman voted for Hanuman and he was elected as the governor of the area controlled by the Red Light Tribe.

I didn’t expect you, a sharp-tongued person like you, also wanted to be the governor?

[Tip: Each governor has different personalities and specialties, and may learn new specialties during his term of office. 】

[Tip: 'Hanuman's' Governor's tendency is 'Fighting'. When it meets the minimum food requirements, it will actively invest resources in training combat units and upgrading weapons and equipment. It is likely to take the initiative when it thinks that the chance of winning is high. Attacks the enemy, but rarely actively builds. 】

...not surprising at all.

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