The Collection of The End

One thousand and ninety-eight, element 0 (58)

When I helped the Green Light tribe repel the attacks of the wolf cavalry group, I basically used the methods they had already mastered.

This is mainly to prevent the Green Light Tribe from turning around and turning them into their own after I use any techniques. Even if I plan to help them become the masters of the "Emerald Grassland Planet", this kind of help will have to be exhausted. As few as possible.

If they don't understand the process, they can get results directly once or twice. But if they do it too much, when they really need to figure out the "process" by themselves, they may be blinded on the spot.

The specific action this time was just a group of workers using existing building templates to build a maze to trap the enemy. Even with the assistance of some combat units, it was still not something made out of nothing, so they should not have learned anything.

[Tip: Green Light Tribe unlocks a new building: ‘Watch Tower’. 】

[Tip: Green Light Tribe unlocks new enhancements: ‘Enhanced Burrow’, ‘Watch Tower’, ‘Arrow Tower’. 】

…Last time it was skills, this time it’s buildings? I take back what I just said.

Just as my casual thought of digging a trap turned into a formal skill in the blink of an eye, those "watch towers" that were originally built haphazardly and crookedly became formal buildings, with additional "watch towers" that needed to station soldiers. " and "Arrow Tower" function, it is not necessary to station soldiers, but the detection range and attack power will be quite low. .

In this case, it is meaningless to station one person. At least two people are required to be valuable. If all four places are occupied, the observation range and attack power will reach the highest.

However, there is a problem here. If it is not paired with a "watch tower", the "arrow tower" will fall into the dilemma of having an attack range beyond the field of vision. Therefore, a reasonable combination of a watch tower is two barbarians and two spear throwers, but this There is no way to explain things clearly. Can you still understand the invention of a new building and directly understand the best way to use it? Someone must be teaching.

As for the "enhanced burrow", it increases the "health value" of the burrow for unknown reasons, allowing it to last longer when attacked.

‘This place seems to have evolved based on my previous behavior of using the hole as bait, but Chief Green Light is not here. Could it be that the tribe itself has the ability to learn? ’ I asked the stupid system.

[Of course, it is not accidental or restricted. As long as replicable tactics and imitable buildings are invented, that civilization will never be forgotten again, and copying and imitation are not difficult.] The stupid system responded: [Only by chance. The wisdom of strain cannot be imitated, but you haven't used it at all, right? 】

‘If I use my extraordinary wisdom, will the Green Light Tribe give birth to a new intelligent hero? ’

[This should be impossible,

How to use something that doesn't exist? 】

‘Give you a chance to reorganize your language. ’

[What I mean is that the heroes in the tribe stage are basically born one each from the leader, elite and labor groups. More heroes can only be recruited from the tavern. To put it simply, the current three hero quotas of the Green Light Tribe itself have been Full, as for the Queen of Purple Light, she has always followed as a friendly force. 】

‘Huh, okay. ’

The reason for talking nonsense about the stupid system is not because of boredom, but because the current Green Light Tribe is unsightly - there are ugly sentry towers everywhere, built haphazardly for convenience, and even the structure is not very strong and stable.

Their only advantage is that they are cheap. They can be constructed with only 75 units of wood, but they are enough to serve as "eyes" for viewing views at key locations.

But the result is that when I restored all the buildings to the way they looked before the Wolf Cavalry attacked, these towers popped up one by one like mushrooms after the rain - those Green Light workers seemed to think it was very valuable to build. .

Hmm... Since we can't stop them from continuing to do this, we can only consider using those guard towers. There seems to be a style of play called Tower Rush?

[Tip: The annihilation of the Wolf Cavalry attracted the attention of the Orange Light Tribe. While they sent a new batch of Wolf Cavalry to the Green Light Tribe, they also sent additional Demolishers and OgreMages to assist. . 】

At first glance, the two newly added troops do not look very reliable. They are made of wooden instruments that can throw stones through a combination of vines and bent wood, and they hold simple staffs. They wear more symbolic meanings. A little bark robe, a very strong orange light warrior,

The trebuchet, which is top-notch for demolishing buildings, the wolf cavalry, which has a bonus to buildings, and the "Bloodlust" unit that can significantly increase movement and attack speed on friendly forces, really speed up the demolition of homes?

[It seems that before you TowerRush, you have to fight a TowerDefence. 】

If you continue to play tower defense like that, I'm afraid you will demolish all the walls and towers.

The only good news at the moment is that the Orange Tribe has also not developed the "wheel" technology. The trebuchet named "Smasher" needs to be transported and temporarily installed for use.

In this case, the basic troops and defense towers alone cannot handle the situation. The frontline troops must be sent back for support. Rather than being dragged around by the Green Light Chief, that large army should come back and make some contributions.

[Tip: The Green Light Tribe’s expedition troops are in a state of fear and unable to respond. 】

Encountering enemies on both fronts? !

After I switched the perspective in surprise, I found that the green light barbarians and bull demons were being chased by a group of Wyvern, while several heroes were hiding behind a nearby giant rock to observe carefully. .

This is an ugly sub-dragon with poisonous attacks, green body, no forelimbs and only hind legs and wings. Because it has some contact with the "dragon", it is not a beast, which directly led to the dethronement of Chief Green Light's "Beast Master" Lose.

Hmm... The ground melee troops were attacked by the air troops, so they had no choice but to run away, but didn't this team include spear throwers and silver pegasus?

[Well, because the smell of the wyverns is unpleasant, the Silver Pegasus refused to fight them and has returned to the main base on its own. ] The stupid system responded.

'According to common sense, things that usually spray poison are smelly, but that's okay. Air support can be used for tower defense later. As long as you are careful about the wolf cavalry's nets, catapults and shamans will not be able to hit them at all. their. ’

[As for the spear throwers, because most of them were charmed from the Red Light tribe and needed meat, the Green Light chief thought it was troublesome to leave them to Hanuman. 】The stupid system gave a close-up of the heroes discussing something under the boulder, and the bubbles above their heads gurgled like boiling water.

I don’t need to look at the bubbles on their heads to know that a certain chief’s stingy behavior is being jointly denounced by the minion and the Queen of Purple Light...

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