The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred, omnic crisis (17)

——? ? ? ——

[Start connecting to subspace... The connection is successful. 】

[Locating Cloud City... Positioning completed. 】

[Login request sent...permission granted. 】

[Start projecting consciousness body...projection ends. 】

"Well..." Kangna looked at the lakeside garden that she hadn't seen for several months, feeling a little dazed for a moment: "I thought something was really wrong with me and I was turned away."

"[If by SCP standards, you are indeed 100% an abnormal android, but we have deleted your data,]" Mashu's voice came from far away: "[You should know the way, I will I won’t pick you up.]”

While hearing the words, a new task was refreshed:

[Go to the rest area and meet Matthew. 】

Maybe "self" is still in a deep state of sleep? Kangna recognized the location at this time, and then walked towards the pavilion.

The environment of the garden is exactly the same as the last time I came here. The only difference is that the originally clear sky was shrouded in dark clouds for some reason. Could it be that it also rains in this "virtual space"?

"[Of course it won't rain here, this situation is just a small feedback of 'reality'.]" When Kangna arrived at the pavilion, Matthew, who was standing by the roadside, responded as if he had known her question.

"Feedback?" Kangna asked in confusion.

If it is the corresponding weather, then where is the corresponding location?

"[It's not the weather, it's feedback on certain things,]" Matthew gestured sideways to the pavilion: "[Look]."

Kangna looked into the gazebo, and as expected she found that Sophie was still sleeping on the table, but for some reason Emil also fell asleep leaning back on the chair.

"Hmm...Is it also because she made a new 'incarnation'?" Kangna recalled what Matthew said about the reason why Sophie fell asleep.

"[She just...]" Mashu paused for a moment, seeming to consider his words: "[She just blocked a light rain for others.]"

"Xiaoyu?" Kangna looked up at the sky.


Drop, rustle, rustle——

Almost at the same time she raised her head, misty raindrops fell quietly. They were almost imperceptible. Only the subtle sounds hitting the surrounding flowers and grass and the little ripples caused by falling in the lake revealed their presence.

"It's really not big." Kang Na nodded.

"[Although they are not really asleep, it is not appropriate to talk like this,]" Mashu raised his hand and pulled out an umbrella from the void: "[Come for a walk with me?]"

"My pleasure." Kangna walked over and took the umbrella naturally and opened it for the two of them.

"[...Huh?]" Matthew was stunned for a moment as if he was not used to it: "[Does Sophie also have such a side? Or is this actually what you learned in Detroit?]"

"I don't know if she has, but no one in Detroit would do anything gentlemanly to an android police officer," Kangna responded.

"[Well... In the past few months, you have been doing self-examination on yourself because you have been affected by 'Grox', so we have not interfered too much with you for the time being. If you don't mind, can you talk to me?]" Matthew Get out of the pavilion first.

"Through my own practice, I can basically confirm that the 'memetic virus' will only have an impact when it is activated, and will disappear after changing the underlying logic." Kangna held up an umbrella and followed closely: "This is also an abnormal bionic person. There are different reasons why they manifest after infection."

Seeing that Matthew just nodded without interrupting, Kangna continued:

"I had originally written and submitted a report on how to control this virus, but for some reason SCP failed to respond at all. This has led to an increase in abnormal android incidents in recent months. Deputy Captain Anderson and I have been busy with this. It’s overwhelming.”

"[About this...]" Matthew seemed to want to laugh but then stopped: "[While reading the report you submitted, SCP-O5-13 was hit by his own smart table. We are currently investigating what caused the table to become active. Which project is coming over? I’m afraid I won’t think of your report until a long time later.]”

"Wait, is this a serious incident? 'Grox' can already affect intelligent machines?" Kang Na's eyes widened, and even the halo on her forehead turned yellow.

"[Actually, that table is a Geth, which is a more troublesome problem, but that's not something you need to worry about now.]" Mashu shook his head.

"In other words, I will have the opportunity to participate in things related to it in the future?" Kangna reacted almost immediately: "With whom? David Anderson? Allen? Marcus? It can't be Nick Fury. Bar?"

"[Um...ah...]" Mashu looked like "I spilled the beans". After a moment, he suddenly blinked: "[This is a 'forbidden matter'~]"

"..." Kangna, who had no relevant database and couldn't pick up the thread, could only remain silent.

The two of them walked around the lake, and when they saw the familiar pavilion again, the light rain that kept drifting in the sky finally stopped. Matthew snapped his fingers, and the umbrella in Kangna's hand disappeared instantly.

Although I know this is not reality, her actions are still very cool.

"[Basically, due to the increase in abnormal androids in various places, your director will probably have to give you an order to search District 13. You'd better be careful when going to such dangerous areas.]" Matthew said to Kang Na .

"Me? No matter how you think about it, it's Vice Captain Anderson who should be careful." Kangna expressed doubts about this.

"[I mean, you have to be careful not to get yourself involved when rescuing Anderson,]" Matthew's expression became serious: "[Of course we can 'create' another you, but that 'you' is still not 'You', we don't know.】"

In other words... if they accidentally let themselves be destroyed, and they use "Sophie's" thinking logic to create a Kangna, it will probably be the kind of "VI" that encounters "Grox" direct anomalies, not Marku Such "AI".

"I'll be careful." Kangna nodded to Matthew.

"[In most cases, whoever we want to protect, then he or she will be fine.]" Matthew looked in the direction of the pavilion: "[The only thing that makes us powerless is those who do something to protect other people." sacrifice.]"

"I understand." Kangna confirmed again.

"【Good luck】."

[Disconnecting from the same consciousness...]

[Exiting subspace...]

[Synchronizing with hardware...]

【Finish. 】


Earth, Detroit, David Anderson Mansion.

"Vice Captain Anderson? It's time for us to go on a mission."

Kangna, dressed in a smart uniform, knocked on Anderson's door.

"Oh! Damn it, don't come in! I'm not wearing pants!"

"..." Kangna silently returned to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

[Software is unstable]

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