The Collection of The End

One Thousand One Hundred and Three, Omnic Crisis (20)


"Detroit Police Department, don't move!"

Sensing that the two androids in the abandoned building seemed to be planning to leave, Kangna drew her gun and rushed in. Of course, she shouted "Don't move" and not "You are under arrest" because she had no intention of arresting anyone.

"No way... I'm actually chasing you..." Tracy raised her hands honestly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

It was too far away to see clearly before, but then Kangna noticed that the former dancer not only changed into ordinary clothes, but also dyed her hair to other colors, and even changed the color of her eyes through contact lenses - but These disguises were useless under Kangna's radar.

As for the other "Leif"...

"Get down." Anderson pointed the gun at him.

"The lady won't let Rafe move-" He was hanging from the chandelier on the roof.

It has to be said that being able to directly step on the wall and jump to the roof while Kangna rushes in is quite an ability.

"...You can move now." Kangna directly lowered this guy's danger level to the lowest level.


Leif immediately let go and flipped back to the ground, then bowed around like an actor who gave a wonderful performance, "Thank you~Thank you~"

Unlike Tracy, Leif only changed out of the android uniform and did not pry off the indicator light on his forehead. He only used the hood of his coat to slightly cover it. His face under the hood was quite handsome, and With a smile that cannot be concealed.

"Don't be nervous, Trish," Kangna put down her gun and said to Trish, who was trying to walk away from here: "We are not here to find the lost property for the Red and Blue Nightclub."

"Ah...really?" Tracy seemed to be relieved, even though she didn't have to breathe in the first place.

"Oh~ I'm here to find Leif~ Leif knows all the suitable real estate in Detroit~" Leif said grandly, and suddenly gave Anderson a straight face: "But humans are not welcome to move in!"

"Thank you, but I have no plans to buy a house recently." Anderson replied like a salesman and put away his gun.

"Hmm~ So, what are you going to ask Leif? This officer~" Leif turned to Connor.

"You said you 'know all the places where androids can hide',

is that true? "Kanna asked another question first.

This question may seem unrelated, but in fact, the criminals who abducted the androids are likely to be somewhere among them. If they live in an area with many pedestrians, not only will it be difficult to win the trust of the androids, but they will also be in danger of being reported by their neighbors.

"Ah~ Of course~ Those places were originally prepared by Leif for himself. Do you also want to leave the humans next to you? Leif can recommend some good places to you~" Leif nodded happily.

"Hey!" Anderson looked very dissatisfied with being dragged into this. cola literature

"Also?" Kangna keenly noticed other problems: "So, you know these locations because you-"

Did you know you would be kicked out? Forced to leave? Or have you decided to leave?

"Ah, I've been discovered~" Leif looked happy: "Just like a little girl who discards her dolls when she grows up, Leif knew that sooner or later she would be abandoned by her owner~ so he investigated the hiding place early~"

"If I had known better..." "Is it possible?" Kangna and Anderson looked at each other.

"A bionic man with a peculiar personality who is specially customized to bring out the characters in his work, of course has no choice but to return to the factory after the work is completed~" Leif showed an exaggerated smile: "But Leif does not want to be returned to the factory~"


After asking Rafe about hiding places near District 10, Kangna and Anderson left the abandoned hospital.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have heard of that work," Anderson said as he walked: "It seems to be a work called "Funny People"."

"From a legal point of view, there is nothing wrong with the writer's behavior. It can be summarized as 'recruiting'. After the retrieval is completed, he just wants to eliminate the strange personality and use it as an ordinary bionic person," Kangna shook her head: " But after Leif became infected with 'Grox' and awakened himself, he could no longer judge."

"Let's leave that kind of thing to Star Alliance. We only need to focus on the current case." Anderson gestured towards the houses in the surrounding relatively backward neighborhoods: "What are the suspicious places in the location provided by that funny gentleman?"

Kangna shook his head: "He just checked and confirmed all the abandoned buildings in Detroit that were unfinished and didn't have many residential buildings around them. The 'Pigeon Apartment' we investigated before was among them. Although he didn't know how to start thinking after escaping from the writer, Provides residences for other anomalous androids, but does not have time to verify one by one whether those locations are occupied by others. He will only conduct exploration before recommending a location to an anomalous android, so the information obtained is not sufficient."

"So -" Anderson frowned slightly.

"After combining some complaints in the police station's database that had nothing to do with androids, I still found a suspicious location." Kangna continued: "It was a three-story villa that was still inhabited, and its nearby neighbors The complaint said that there were often metal collision sounds inside, and when the patrol came to investigate, it was confirmed that the owner was a mechanic who installed a lathe in the basement, and later settled with the neighbor who complained about him."

"But?" Anderson raised his eyebrows.

"However, during Leif's investigation, the house was in an 'abandoned' state, so what the patrol saw when they went to investigate was not the original owner of the house at all." Kangna confirmed the information again: "In this In the process, Leif, the neighbors and the patrolmen each ignored its anomalies due to incomplete information and the boldness of the occupants."

"Lathe... metal collision..." Anderson touched his chin. "Since it was not a case, the patrol officer just confirmed that the sound came from the machine tool and left. But if he searches other floors more, there should be surprises."

It could also be that he was frightened or even killed in the line of duty. According to the archives, the owner of the house was a bearded man who was very strong and comparable to a rugby player.

Kangna pressed the gun hidden on her body slightly: "I think those criminals are not the type who will be frightened into surrendering after a few shouts. We have to be ready for battle."

"Ha, I've been resolving cases peacefully lately, and it's made my bones moldy. It's time to take advantage of them." Anderson clenched his fists.

I hope it is not opened...

Connor didn't say anything to dampen Anderson's enthusiasm, and instead turned her attention to her mark on the map.

[Confirmed information: Billy Zlac's Mansion, 1,791 meters away. 】

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