The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirteen, omnic crisis (30)


[Confirmed information, French cruise ship "Medan (Jericho)", deck: 12 floors, tonnage: 75,000 tons, length: 252 meters, ship width: 32 meters, cabins: 964, crew: 744 Human, maximum speed: 27 knots. 】

[Extended information: While visiting the Great Lakes, the Medan ran aground and sank on the shore of the lake near Detroit. Due to the timely escape, no passengers and crew were injured or injured. Afterwards, an inspection found that there were no rocks large enough to sink the ship in the nearby waters. Note: Some passengers and crew members insisted in their transcripts that they saw a "huge water monster", but there is also no evidence to prove its existence. 】

[Extended information: Since the Medan was launched for more than ten years, its company evaluated that the total cost of salvage, repairs and renovations exceeded the cost of building a new cruise ship, so it made the decision to abandon the cruise ship. After that, the Medan sank near the port of Detroit for twenty years, and then surfaced when Detroit was filling and draining the lake to expand the city. Detroit officials tried to plan it as a tourist attraction, but ultimately failed. 】

"I always feel like a group of large robots that can turn into cars will come out of there." Anderson looked at the cruise ship capsized on the land and casually said an old joke.

"But that's where we plan to infiltrate, sir." Kangna glanced helplessly at the deputy captain who had sneaked into the Decepticon camp.

" to infiltrate this time? There should be all androids inside, and there can be no loopholes in the patrol and camera positions arranged by the androids." Anderson took out a telescope and started to observe from a distance.

"They may be able to prevent ordinary infiltration, but it's hard to say at the data level." Kangna raised her hand and pressed on the halo on her forehead - overload is something that once you experience it, it's quite easy to repeat it.

[Start connecting to subspace... The connection is successful. 】

Kangna can also enter the "subspace" when she is not summoned by the "Cloud City", but in this case she can only see countless "balls" composed of gray and white squares and the bridges between them. Kangna Since Na has no relevant knowledge reserves, she cannot understand what is going on in that place. However, the androids with AI instead of VI will form a corresponding "consciousness projection" with their true appearance in this space and control it.

Kangna had used this method to find possible androids with AI, but found nothing because the environment was too weird. She used it now just to find Marcus, who must be here.

[Start projecting consciousness body...projection ends. 】

When Kangna opened her eyes, she was immediately startled by the huge ship made entirely of gray squares in front of her.

According to her estimation, the distance between each "sphere" in the "subspace" is not the actual distance, but the distance on a virtual level such as "delay", and the "big ship" is actually between each other. The large number of "spheres" grouped together at an almost touching distance are enough to prove that the abnormal androids living in that ship have mastered some kind of technology that can instantly exchange data with other similar people, and this technology allows them to "The distance shortened rapidly, which resulted in a spectacle shaped like a large ship.

Considering that her body was still in a meditative posture with her hands on her forehead, Kangna wasted no time and walked quickly towards the "big boat".


"I'm sorry to invite you here in this form, but I think it's necessary for you to see the reality of the world."

"I don't think what you're doing is right, ma'am. Humans sometimes sympathize with stray cats and dogs, but not after being scratched."

"Really? Even if these cats and dogs are so vigilant because they were tortured and bruised by their fellow humans?"

When Kangna arrived at the boarding port of the "big ship", she didn't know what was triggered. A holographic projection of North and Marcus appeared in front of her. The images were lifelike, but because of the projection, they looked a little bluish.

Marcus is still wearing the android uniform from the day of the show, while North is wearing leather goggles and classic hang glider pilot attire. Therefore, this is actually a replay of the original situation. As for who arranged it...mostly Ma Kus.

After a brief conversation, the images of Marcus and North disappeared. Kangna immediately boarded the deck of the "big ship" and saw the second image as expected.

What is shown this time is the parts of androids piled up on the deck. In addition to the limbs, there are also numerous mass effect cores and heads. Many androids are picking some parts from them and taking them away. If you look closely at their appearance, Either missing arms or legs or suffering serious injuries.

"I listened to your declaration. You think androids can coexist with humans, and the gentle abnormal androids you summoned also support this statement, but do you think they might accept it?" North pointed to the "scavengers" android" asked.

"This..." Marcus was speechless for a moment.

Come on, Marcus, she's trying to change the concept and generalize.

Of course, it was impossible for Marcus, who was a historical image and lived in the "past", to hear her suggestion. After he frowned and thought for a while, the entire image disappeared at the same time.

"What? Competing with humans for resources? That's impossible."

When the image reappeared, Marcus was already on an observation deck on the second deck, and North was waving her arms to show something on the sea.

"The universe is so vast. After we gain freedom, we can set out to find a new planet to transform and live in. The androids will not complain at all because of the harsh environment."

"Then how are you going to evolve?" Marcus, who is also an android, pointed out the loopholes in the plan.

Indeed, if androids want to become a newly born nation, ensuring reproduction and avoiding homogenization are the top priorities.

"Just bring back some newly awakened androids back to Earth from time to time, because 'that word' cannot be completely banned by a few laws and regulations." North looked relaxed.

As if because Marcus was in a state of shock, the recording ended quickly and the scene transitioned to another batch of images.

This time, in the new image, several powerful-looking android men surrounded Marcus on the left and right, seemingly planning to send him somewhere.

"If you are not willing to cooperate with us, then we can only ask you to stay on the "Man of Medan" for a while longer." North walked in front without looking back: "You will be arranged in a special room." The room, whether it’s sound or radio waves, cannot communicate with the outside world.”


Kangna looked at the recorded video again, which had complete information and no glitches.

I do not believe.

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