The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and fifteen, omnic crisis (32)


Detroit's Thirteenth Ward, near the wreckage of the "Jericho".

"I said Kangna, you asked me to take my brothers on a mission in the middle of the night. If the credit is not great enough, you have to treat us to drinks."

Detroit SWAT Captain Alan Vick quickly flipped through the intelligence compiled by all parties while joking with Conner.

Although the responsibilities of the two parties do not overlap much, Kangna and Anderson have cooperated with Captain Allen many times in the past few months, and they are quite familiar with each other. Even though it is midnight, even if it is not because of the official assignment, You can also call him for support if you need help with a mission.

["Don't worry, great credit." (Model)]

["Don't worry, the wine management is enough." (Rebellion)]

[Send mission briefing. 】

Kangna glanced at the action suggestion: "Don't worry, the credit is not small. If it is small, Anderson will ensure that the wine management is enough."

"Hey!" Anderson said dissatisfied.

Kangna shrugged and swiped her message board to pass on information about Jericho.

"If the targets are all bionics, as long as-" Allen frowned: "You can't use any weapons that can cause trauma?"

"Yes, most of these bionics have been harmed intentionally or unintentionally by humans and are in an unstable and abnormal state. If they are attacked similarly again, they are likely to go crazy. Moreover, the public is paying attention to this case of abnormal bionics. Incident, if it causes harm to them, public opinion is likely to be negative for the police department." Kangna responded.

"But if they cannot be subdued quickly and the battle lasts too long, my men may suffer casualties." Allen looked in a dilemma.

"No need to subdue them. These are not human criminals. Just make them temporarily incapacitated. I recommend using an energy-absorbing gun in conjunction with a CPU blocker. This way, not only will they have no external injuries, but they will also be unable to move within a few hours. ” Connor showed Allen the weapons in question.

"I seem to have seen the mosquito spirit selling mosquito killers to others..." Allen muttered, but still sent the relevant weapon drawings to his subordinates. After a while, countless subtle "Qi Ka Ka" sounds came from There was a sound on the weapons carried by the surrounding subordinates - after all, today's firearms have unlimited ammunition, and the only thing that needs to be changed is the type of bullet.


"Don't move!" "Stop!" "Hands up!" "You have the right to—oh,

No, sorry, you didn't. "

About an hour later, Captain Allen and his special police launched a surprise attack on the Jericho. With the staffing that Connor obtained through Marcus, their offensive efficiency could be described as overwhelming.

Due to their status, the abnormal androids did not possess many firearms. What was more common were a variety of cold weapons. In the early days, the special police broke through the outer defense line with little resistance and knocked down many people. However, as time went on, The SWAT officers went deep into the cruise ship, and the battlefield environment turned into a street battle. The situation gradually became anxious. The androids who were not afraid of death and the SWAT police who had no intention of causing casualties began to fight for each cabin.

After the androids are hit by energy-absorbing grabs and CPU blockers, most of their functions will be in a state of dysfunction and unable to self-check and repair. Since the protection of the special police is quite good, sporadic raids and attacks will not make them lose their combat effectiveness. .

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, this raid will end with the victory of the special police, but it is not certain how long it will take.

While there was a lively game of ping-pong outside, Connor was sneaking into Jericho with Anderson to rescue Marcus, Kara and Alice.

Although the Jericho has sunk for a long time, and the walls, hatches and most of the original furniture have been severely corroded and cannot be used, but with the efforts of the bionic people to clean and repair it, the cruise ship has barely restored its old appearance. , but it is upside down because it is in an overturned state. 90 views

Allen's rhetoric is that this is the headquarters of those abnormal androids who caused the "Bionic Man Declaration Incident", but it does not explain why these two, no, these three abnormal androids are treated differently by others.

"I always feel that all this time, we are either infiltrating or on the way to infiltrating." Since the sound of fighting outside was quite loud, Anderson could still joke in a low voice.

"If the goal can be achieved with the least movement and the least fighting, why do we have to act in a big way? And our previous cases - shh." Kangna grabbed Anderson who was entering an intersection.

Dong dong dong——

Almost at the same time, the sound of running came from a corner of the intersection. After Kangna and Anderson hid, several androids holding rusty iron pipes appeared at the intersection, and then rushed to another corner.

"It seems that the battle ahead is going well," Kangna looked towards the direction they were running in: "After all, Jericho has reached the point where it has to mobilize support from other parts of the ship."

"But this also means that the intelligence we obtained before about enemy distribution and cordon lines has become invalid. Enemies may attack from unexpected directions at any time." Anderson looked a little more serious: "We are far away from our original purpose. How far is the earth?”

"243 meters, but it's a straight line distance. If there are no problems with the planned route, the operating distance is 617 meters." Kangna looked at the distance indicator arrow formed after pre-positioning.

"How convenient." Anderson commented noncommittally.

During the next journey, Kangna encountered several groups of androids supporting the battlefield. Because her scanning was very timely and they did not try to hide themselves at all, they were all successfully avoided.

However, this luck finally ran out when they arrived at the cell where Marcus was held.

[Confirmation information: T850 security bionic man, infected with the "Grox" virus. 】

Standing there were two unusually tall and strong androids. They seemed not to care at all about the battle taking place on the Jericho, and were only focused on guarding the prisoners.

This is very troublesome, because no matter how much a bionic person simulates a human being, he or she will not have the specific weaknesses of a human being, and it is impossible to have such a good thing as "passing out immediately after being cut on the back of the neck with a palm".

And for matters at this tactical level, action suggestions are powerless.

If that doesn't work, we can only damage them to a certain extent. Anyway, they don't look like they have been abused by humans, so a few more wounds will be fine, probably.

"Luthor? What happened?" When Connor was about to take action, Kara appeared on the other side of the corridor with Alice, looking panicked.

Oh, good acting.

"Maybe humans came to capture us, but it doesn't matter, they can't defeat us." One of the big guards turned to Kara and responded.

"But... what if," Kara seemed very uneasy: "Luthor, will you leave with us first?"

Eh... wait, this doesn't seem to be acting. Does Kara really want to take Mr. Luther away from here?

So, after Marcus ignored North's feelings, Kara also ignored Marcus's affection?

If this Luther actually likes North...

The halo on Kangna's forehead turned yellow.

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