The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and eighteen, element 0 (60)

The attributes of the guy who is chasing the green light are:

[Wyvern, omnivorous, attack: 5, friendliness: 4, speed: 5. 】

Since the single attribute of a "creature" cannot exceed 5, it should be the apex of some food chains in the biological world, but also because of this, it cannot be an opponent of the "Green Light Barbarian" with a total attribute of 8, even because The wings have built-in flying properties so they can avoid being crushed to the ground by the weight of the green lights, but it is a dream to get rid of them easily.

If there are no accidents, I think I will change my plan - there is no need to wait for the wyvern to be overwhelmed, as long as it is controlled in the air, and I can directly launch an attack close to it.

But as the saying goes, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Because the green light caught on the flying dragon was carried high by it, it created fear, which then generated fear energy, which was then remotely used by the Yellow Light Tribe through some means.

Let’s take a look at its attributes after “transformation”:

[Fear flying dragon, omnivorous, attack: 14, friendliness: 10, speed 14. 】

It has doubled. Not to mention the principle, only in this way can it be explained why the bipedal flying dragon that was originally tightly entangled by the green lights could easily get rid of the green light barbarians hanging on its body.

[Hmm...5 to 14 is a double? ] The stupid system is trying to complain.

‘Three times is also twice. ’

It is worth noting that after the bipedal flying dragon that was originally fighting against the green light tribe evolved and gained great power, its first reaction was not to bite the green lights hanging on its body directly, but to easily shake them off and then fly away. This can probably prove that the Yellow Light Tribe currently has no hostility towards the Green Light Tribe.

Snapped! Boom! Bang!

The three green-light barbarians fell to the ground almost in no particular order, all motionless as if dead.

But it's a pity that if they really die, they will turn into red balls all over the ground, and they will also sow new green lights, so now I just scared myself and fainted.


Because this series of dizzying changes happened so fast, it was only now that Chief Green Light and other leaders, as well as the Green Light Barbarian who acted as bait, gathered around.

This time, all the "preview bubbles" about the plan on all Green Light's heads were crossed out. Instead, several members of the Green Light tribe used thick and tough vines to tie up the wings and feet of a bipedal flying dragon and then Drag down the screen.

This... is very similar to the mouse's plan to bring a bell to the cat. If Green Light can already use vines to bind the wings and feet of the flying dragon, is it still necessary to proceed step by step?

And judging from the currently available arms and strategies...


Perhaps awakened by the chief's voice, several green-light barbarians who were photographed on the ground woke up one after another and joined the discussion as if nothing had happened.

After discussion and improvement, the final plan was not much different from the previous one. It was just that the green-light barbarian who jumped from the boulder would take a piece of vine, jump on the flying dragon, tie it up, and then directly After jumping down, several vines formed a rope, and all the green lights involved in the operation worked together to pull the flying dragon down, and then surrounded it and beat it randomly.

This time, the plan went very smoothly. The operation personally directed by Chief Green Light and a group of leaders successfully eliminated a flying dragon. Then they used this as a basis to teach all other green lights how to hunt flying dragons, with remarkable results. . Bashan Ai

However, during this process, there were still many green lights being carried away by the bipedal flying dragon due to operational errors, which caused fear, and then the flying dragon was abducted by the yellow light tribe.

Speaking of which, Huang Guang's side is the only force in the tribal stage that has an initial special building. Since there is no suspense about the battle situation here, let's see how it is developing now.

Although I can directly "switch the camera" there, for the sake of visual effect, it is better to follow the "light" connecting the "Dread Dragon".


After controlling the "lens" to follow the fear flying dragon for a while, I came to a preliminary conclusion: this light is completely invisible to other creatures, even the fear flying dragon itself. When it flies in the direction of the light, , often "off course" and then turning back on their own as if corrected by light.

During this period of time, in addition to the other fearful flying dragons that followed one after another, there were also some other creatures that became companions. They may be enemies rather than friends, but under the influence of the light, they at most just roared at each other. .

[Blue-striped Soul-sucking Butterfly], [Hell Weird Dog], [Devil Batman]...

Although their names are very strange, they are essentially just ordinary creatures with different colors. They are about the same as wyverns, whose names were changed during transformation.

In terms of their shapes and abilities, the butterfly with huge weird patterns, the large dog with three heads, and Batman, well, they do have elements that can instill fear in other creatures.

[Did something strange get mixed in just now? 】

‘Don’t worry about the details. ’

As the various types of troops gathered became more dense, a huge volcano suddenly appeared on the horizon. It flowed flames and magma downwards, spewing black smoke and sulfur, but it was not too large, and there was no sign of a violent eruption. .

The various buildings and city walls of the Huangguang Tribe were built with the flowing lava as a moat, and the color was as dark yellow as ever.

The most eye-catching one is the tall tower in the town.

No, it's not so much a giant tower as it is an unusually slender castle. At the top of the bottom and middle with various castle features, is a huge one made entirely of flames that is projecting "fear rays" in all directions. pupil.

In this weird town, the appearance of the residents is also different from other tribes. They are all magically modified based on green light. In addition to being larger in size, their appearance and shape are also extremely scary. For example, The "spikes" whose green light has basically degraded are now commonplace and even over-represented among the troops here.

It is worth mentioning that their main currency is not food but fear energy. Around the giant tower, a group of units with strange shapes that seem to be performing some kind of ritual are seen, seemingly just to collect it.

[Yellow light collector, carnivorous, attack: 0, friendliness: 0, speed: 0. 】

If I remember correctly, the basic attributes of Huangguang tribe members seem to be "959"?

...So it turns out that the enhancements obtained by those creatures illuminated by the fear rays come from them.

‘I think this place can be renamed Mordor, and the chieftain of Yellow Light can be renamed Sauron. ’

【If you want. 】

‘No, just say it casually. ’

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