The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and twenty-five, element 0 (67)

The one who blocked Hanuman's killing blow was a strange-looking, blue humanoid creature.

The proportions of his limbs and facial features are similar to those of humans, but the "resolution", "material" and "details" are far from enough. It is like a person made out of plasticine. No matter how realistic it is, it can be seen at a glance It's a fake.

Speaking of which, when I was sculpting the green light, I also tried sculpting a humanoid creature. Due to the insufficient and rough evolution components, the finished product looked like this, so I gave up in the end.

As for this creature that suddenly appeared, his name is: "Blue Light Watcher".

[Watchmen of Kyrielight, vegetarian, attack: 7, friendliness: 9, speed: 7]

[The Blue Light Tribe has no intention of expanding outwards, and may only engage in defensive warfare, but this does not mean that they know nothing outside their sphere of influence. They will be near every species community that is considered 'qualified to survive' after contact. They all arrange 'watchmen' to help when the group encounters an extinction disaster. If the group is no longer able to survive independently, the Blue Light Tribe will include them in their sphere of influence for protection. 】

Those walls he created are called [Walls of Mercy]. When there is no guardian target, it can only last for a short six seconds. Once there is a guardian target, its duration is changed to unlimited before it is actively lifted. , and can be combined with other Walls of Mercy.

‘It’s said to be protected, but in fact it’s locked in a zoo, right? ’ I looked at the notes and complained casually.

[Strictly speaking, it is a nature reserve. ] The stupid system responded.

'It's just a difference in cage size. ’

While I chatted with the stupid system, the battle continued on the other side.

At this time, the blue light watcher stepped forward and kicked back, raised his hands forward and pressed firmly on the "blue brick wall", as if he was holding up the "blue brick wall" that had just blocked Hanuman's attack. "barrier".

Although the angry Hanuman wanted to kill the stone giant, his IQ was not lowered. It didn't seem to be planning to "smash it against the blue brick wall" and turned its four heads to give it a try. After observing, he immediately decided to "go around this wall" and rushed towards the edge of the wall without taking a step back.

According to common sense, there is no problem with this move, because the Blue Light Watcher seems to have done its best just to maintain the brick wall, and it should be impossible to run around holding it.

However, the Blue Light Watcher had no intention of moving the wall after creating it.

When he noticed Hanuman's intention to go around, he let go and turned around, creating another "blue wall of light" in the direction of its advance.

Hanuman continued to run towards the edge of the new wall in disbelief. As a result, the Blue Light Watcher followed him all the way and continued to extend the wall, making it impossible for him to get around it.

After a while, due to Hanuman's somewhat curved path, the Blue Light Watcher finally connected the long blue brick wall end to end, forming a ring that surrounded the stone giant, wolf cavalry and shaman. Giant city.

During this process, the surrounding orange-light remnants naturally did not stand around stupidly. They attacked and interfered with Hanuman through skills such as throwing stones, throwing nets, and bloodthirsty spells. However, all attempts were blocked by blue-light. The Watchers were blocked by the "inside" brick wall.

Obviously, as a group that is considered "must be protected", the Blue Light Tribe will not allow them to cause trouble or leave without authorization. When they are completely "accepted of protection", there will surely be more things to be "arranged" Bar.

'zoo. ’ I sighed.

【It’s a zoo. 】The stupid system responded.

Boom boom boom! Bang bang bang! Hanuman and the stone giants in the besieged city couldn't hit each other, but they never stopped working hard. The result of their efforts was to let the Blue Light Watcher make bricks out of thin air and continue to add bricks and tiles to this giant city. So far, not only has the city wall become taller More than twice that, even the prototype of the castle has been developed.

Just when I thought that this group of people would keep attacking each other to "build" brick walls until they built a complete city, my sister prompted several rows of prompts to pop up: Wujiu Literature

[Tip: The Orange Light Tribe requested asylum from the Blue Light Tribe, and the Blue Light Tribe accepted the Orange Light Tribe’s asylum request. 】

[Tip: The Orange Light Tribe merged with the Blue Light Tribe, and the Orange Light Tribe became a subordinate tribe of the Blue Light Tribe. 】

[Tip: Due to the change of ownership, the Green Light Tribe and the Orange Light Tribe automatically ceased war. 】

‘Who is seeking refuge from whom? ’

I took a brief look at the stone giant army outside the door, which had been trying to kill Hanuman before. It was obviously impossible for them to do such a thing of digging their own graves when they thought they had a great advantage. .

[Throwing aside all impossibilities, no matter how outrageous the remaining possibilities are, they are also facts. 】The stupid system somehow came up with a famous detective quote.

‘Although it’s not appropriate to use it now, it’s true.’ I moved the screen to the ruins of the Orange Light Tribe’s main base and looked around. ‘Since it’s not an army, then it must be the tribe chief? ’

As expected, the chief of the Orange Light Tribe was defeated and fled. He could not be selected and was in a state of waiting for resurrection. He met a Blue Light Watcher somewhere and directly asked for surrender.

Regarding this move, the message from the prompt sister made a pertinent evaluation:

[Tip: For the sake of safety, the Orange Tribe gave up its freedom. 】

[Tip: Orange Tribe is out. 】

Following these two reminders, Hanuman and the Stone Giant Legion, who had no reason to be hostile, each stopped, but they still had a tense and tense attitude towards each other.

The "Blue Light Watcher", who was beaten by both sides for a long time, had a good temper and did not argue with them. After taking back the entire "Blue Light Castle", he went to negotiate with Hanuman, who was no longer angry and his stats returned to normal.

[Tip: The Blue Light Tribe proposes an alliance to the Green Light Tribe, but requires the Green Light Tribe to change its war strategy to ‘defensive warfare only’. 】

[Tip: If you agree to this request and form an alliance, the Green Light Tribe’s ‘departure’ command will become invalid and cannot be used until the alliance with the Blue Light Tribe is torn up. 】

[Do you agree to form an alliance? 】

Hmm... Obviously, Chief Green Light, who was not present at the scene, could not make this decision, so the choice was left to me again?

At present, the Green Light Tribe has allied with or eliminated four other Seven Color Light Tribes. If it forms an alliance with Blue Light, including the Blue Light who is scheduled to form an alliance, only Yellow Light, who seems to be very powerful, is left.

With Yellow Light's style of scaring people everywhere and extracting attributes, it is almost impossible for them to take the initiative to attack. If they can ally with Blue Light after fighting it, they should not be constrained by "can only engage in defensive warfare".

Because Blue Light will not take the initiative to attack, and will not become angry even if it is rejected, so now I should temporarily refuse the alliance request, and wait -

[Tip: The Green Light Tribe has begun to fight against the Yellow Light Tribe, and allies from both sides have joined the battle on their own. 】

No need to wait any longer…

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