The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty-six, Alien Colossus (16)


Academy City.

Kaos, carrying an empty schoolbag, was walking on the way to school.

Just as he guessed, after the opening ceremony and class division, the principal announced the end of school, and those children who had honestly brought their textbooks and stationery could only consider themselves unlucky.

At the opening ceremony of Carcosa Academy, Principal Xavier only revealed two legendary cards, Chaos Cloud from [Unknown Realm] and Lena Oxton from [Time and Space Guidance]. (Lena Oxton).

Kaos is very grateful to Miss Lina because her outstanding performance makes herself less noticeable.

At that time, after he returned to his seat, the curious students sitting near him encouraged him to perform his [Unknown Realm] powers. When Kaos was thinking about how to fool him, Lina was named by the principal.

It was a little girl with short brown hair and light green eyes. She was wearing a dark brown short-sleeved top and goose-yellow sports pants. She looked to be about ten years old, and her face and facial features looked very playful.

After she said "arrive" very energetically and took a few steps forward, she actually "flashed" and instantly moved to the podium, scaring several teachers present, and the helmet immediately gave [Time and Space Guidance] judgment.

Kaos would not be scared by such a simple spatial ability. The moment the little girl used her superpower, he determined the specific information about her ability.

The destination must be within sight. The maximum teleportation distance is 20 meters. The maximum teleportation time is 3 times. The number of teleportations is restored every 20 seconds. The teleportation can be canceled and returned to the original place within 6 seconds after the teleportation, but the number of teleportations will be consumed. When teleporting, you can carry up to half your own weight. The current level is Lv1, paper level.

If this ability is upgraded, aspects such as line of sight requirements, maximum distance, maximum number of times, "flashback" time limit, recovery rate, and carrying weight may be enhanced.

But... no matter how hard this ability is strengthened, it is of little use, because it does not strengthen the user itself. Even if a little girl can dodge, how can she deal with a fully armed soldier? Not to mention those "sand devil bugs".

The currently conceivable way to use it is to serve as a means of transportation for other turret-type superpowers with low mobility, such as those students whose superpower type is "energy conversion".

Yes, even excluding Lina, there were quite a few people with psychic interference, energy transformation and molecular influence detected at the opening ceremony.

Kaos had to start to wonder if Star Alliance turned the superpower research institute into an academy city this time because they discovered too many superpower awakeners, and if there were superpowers flying all over the city next How should Reichteum respond to the situation.

By the way, the class Kaos was assigned to was [Grade 2, Class 9], and the evil contained here was so great that he didn’t even want to react.

Putting aside school matters for the time being, it is still a bit too early to go back to the dormitory at this time. If Alfred has not awakened himself, dinner will definitely be the same old-fashioned thing. Do you want to go to the nearby business district to have dinner?

As a little boy whose father is often away from home and who is tired of eating the food cooked by the android butler, this development makes sense.

However, it must be emphasized that this behavior is to act like a little boy in front of Dr. Chan Ning’s men who are staring at him from nowhere, not because he is really a little boy.

"Little K, the nearest ice cream shop." Kaos opened his multi-purpose tool.

"[Planning the route——]" The multi-purpose tool directly projected an illusory arrow starting from the current location of Kaos on the map: "[Also, 114 meters.]"

Um? So close, newly opened? Kaos looked around while moving along the dotted line.

After he left the research ship and moved to the student dormitory, he became very familiar with the shops in the nearby business district. He didn't know everything about them, but it was pretty much the same. However, since schools in the college city have started to reopen, there may be some people who have seized the business opportunities. Temporary settlement is not allowed, but in any case, there should be no commercial shops within a hundred meters - oh, vending machines, no wonder. look

The regional planning of the colonial star is planned in advance and has taken care of the needs of the residents as much as possible. However, there may be gaps due to some unplanned factors. In this case, vending machines, rest areas, small gardens, and even temporary sentry to make fine adjustments - Kaos can't understand those complicated pie charts and statistics, but he's pretty good anyway.

To put it simply, this vending machine, which did not exist when Kaos was in school, was probably temporarily set up because the Governor's Palace found that the "shopping needs" of the residents here were not being met while he was in school.

However, the ice cream sold in this kind of vending machine is often insufficient. Kaos lowered his head to confirm the amount of pocket money on the multi-tool, and made a difficult two.


After being mentally prepared to be talked about by the android butler, Kaos raised his head again, only to find that the vending machine... exploded.

The transparent panel used to display products on the front is full of cracked mesh patterns. The canned drinks and some food packaging bags displayed inside are scattered in pieces, and the machine itself is constantly flashing with electric sparks and bursting out. A burst of black smoke.

I swear I didn't mean to teleport it!

Can the ice cream inside be salvaged?

Wait, I'm still far away from it!

After his thoughts were confused for a while, Kaos noticed that he was not the only one present.

In front of the destroyed vending machine, there was a girl standing. She was wearing a white shirt and a light yellow sweater, a brown pleated skirt, pure white bubble socks, black leather shoes, short brown hair and eyes. , was taking his hand back from the vending machine blankly.

Um? This girl seems to have been seen at the opening ceremony.

Kaos thought about it for a moment. Her name seemed to be "Mikoto Misaka", and the detected superpower trait was "Energy Transformation". Now it seems that she is mostly of the thunder and lightning system, and can control It doesn’t look very good—it’s really not my fault.

Speaking of which, the pronunciation of her name was only heard during roll call, and it didn't seem to be of Latin origin. Just like her own, it was pronounced "Kaos", but it actually meant "Chaos".

If you switch to other languages...

"Hey! You!" When Kaos was about to open the universal tool for translation, the girl spoke to him first. Her voice was pleasant, but full of boyishness: "You saw what happened here? What?"

"You broke the vending machine!" Kaos, who was already eager to clear up the relationship, replied instantly.

"It's not me!" The girl waved her hand and threw a ball of red and black thunder and lightning directly towards Kaos.

At this moment, Kaos's thinking suddenly became extremely fast:

He couldn't hide. He had never shown the trait of physical mutation, so it was impossible to dodge lightning.

Unable to stop it, what I detected was "unknown territory" rather than "energy transformation".

Then all that's left is... to take it hard?

Is this also part of your calculation? Dr. Channing! ?

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