The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty-eight, Alien Colossus (18)


College City, School District Commercial Street, "Frozen" Dessert House.

"Hmmmm... For the sake of the ice cream, I'll forgive you." Mikto took a small bite of the strawberry ice cream and said to Kaos vaguely.

"I really don't know what I need to forgive you for." Kaos clicked, bit off a large piece of ice cream and cone, and then responded casually while observing the surroundings.

This is a commercial street specially planned by Academy City between the school district, dormitory area and scientific research area. It is said that it was planned based on the coverage of commercial influence. When Leichtem and Zhou were doing urban design, he was interested in it. After taking a few glances, I found that the data chart was too complicated and gave up.

At this time, although the streets could not be called a sea of ​​people, there was always a constant stream of people, and more than half of them were students from various colleges, expressing their excitement for the first day of school in groups.

Kaos listened for a while and found that testing students' ability aptitudes seems to be a unified behavior in all schools. The purpose is to inadvertently create an atmosphere where "powers are nothing special". However, due to their age, these children I also easily agreed with this.

Hmm... As expected, those who do research are all far-sighted.

As for the shops on the commercial street, the androids are basically responsible for taking care of them. After all, they are tireless and don't need to rest, and... they are not ashamed of wearing strange clothes.

For example, in this dessert shop, standing behind the counter is a female android with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a princess crown and an ice blue dress. From time to time, she will hum "Do you want to build a snowman?" Real employees are either dying of shame or asking their bosses for triple their wages.

There are people with TVs on their heads, people dressed as reindeer, people wearing stuffed bear costumes - oh, this is not bad - and even people wearing a whole Gundam model.

If you see a real shopkeeper on this street, there is no doubt that it must be some bored rich man who comes to experience life.

In this kind of store, all you need to do is explain your needs to the clerk and then use a multi-purpose tool to transfer money. Even an electrical appliance killer like Mikto can shop freely. Therefore, the vending machine is entirely because this discharge girl is lazy and saves trouble. And suffered an unreasonable disaster.

"I think what you just thought in your head deserves my 'forgiveness'." Mictor continued to bite the ice cream.

Can you control the current and read minds? No, if it has that effect,

You must have gone crazy when you used it on yourself, so this is probably intuition, or inspiration?

"Okay, thank you for your forgiveness," Kaos said, not interested in arguing with the little girl: "After eating, take the discarded Star Coin card and go back to your parents to find a solution."

"Gu——" Mikto puffed up his face.

The so-called Star Coin Card is a physical medium for Star Coins, a substitute when it is inconvenient or impossible to use a universal tool to transfer money. Of course, the one in Mikuto's hand has been scrapped due to overload of current.

If she hadn't met herself, she wouldn't have talked about ice cream. She might not even be able to drink water, and might even be taken away for education by a security robot - if the robot hadn't been scrapped after catching her.

And since I wasted so much time playing with a girl "of the same age", the guy responsible for monitoring me probably wouldn't take him seriously and analyze every word he said. However, just to be on the safe side, I wanted to find something that needed more attention to attract his attention. alright.

"It suddenly occurred to me that if you can't use the multi-tool, then you can't use the mass effect shield? What should you do when you need to use it?" Kaos pretended to fiddle with the multi-tool a few times, then pretended to be just Think of it and ask Mikto.

"Of course, Father amplified his mass effect shield and covered me with it." Mikto answered matter-of-factly.

"...Oh." Kaos was speechless for a moment.

Even though I am from the "old days", I also know very well that that thing cannot be enlarged or reduced at will, unless it is replaced with one with different power.

Then the conclusion is obvious. This girl's father is probably a powerful superpower, and the thing that zooms in and out is not a "mass effect shield" at all, but a "power barrier".

Further inference shows that...

"Is your father Dr. Eric Misaka who is responsible for teaching electromagnetism and electric current?"

"Did you just think of it? Most of my classmates have guessed it." Mikto said with an expression of "You are so weak."

"I didn't pay much attention to the principal's introduction to the teachers during the opening ceremony." Kaos quietly rolled his eyes.

It seems that there are many powerful people that the Star Alliance has plundered from all over the place hidden in this academy city. I wonder if Principal Xavier also has any special qualities.

However, in this way, even if the huge alien machine that looks like an octopus and a squid attacks him as expected, Europa 7 will not be able to fight back and will force the Governor to use it. The flagship went to crash.

In this case, could you consider showing your kindness to that doctor first?

Anyway, it is impossible for these superpowers to keep in touch with the Governor's Mansion or the scientific research center at any time. After he provided help to his daughter, he had a high probability of thinking that this was conveying goodwill to him, so this vote was done.

"I think when your father decided to let you transfer here, he must have taught you about the superpowers?" Kaos looked around and said to Mikto in a pretentious manner.

"Using the pineal gland to influence the ubiquitous [Element Zero] to achieve incredible effects?" Since Kaos's attitude was quite serious, Mikto answered seriously even while eating ice cream.

Well, as expected, there was no public announcement that it was affected by element zero radiation, just in case someone deliberately caused a leak.

"Don't you find it strange? It's obviously a power under your control, why would you destroy electrical appliances out of control? Do you want to admit that you want to destroy those machines?" Kaos continued to ask.

"Why should I destroy them? I like many electronic products myself."

"That's because the number of abilities you [can influence] and [actually control] is inconsistent each time. After your control is over, the uncontrolled parts are 'free to play'. You think it's 'out of control', but In fact, it's 'no control'." Kaos said while paying attention to Mikto's expression. If she showed signs of going crazy, she would have to knock her out first. After all, this was a "whisper of the old days."

"That makes sense, so what should we do?" The little girl showed no signs of going crazy at all and seemed to accept it well.

"It's troublesome to specifically measure the 'influence'. We don't have this condition, so just set it to 'infinity'," Kaos further explained: "When you use your ability again, don't go Imagine yourself controlling not [how much], but controlling [all].”

"Isn't there any problem with this?" Although Mikto was eager to give it a try, he was still a little worried.

"Things that are beyond your control will not care about you at all, but everything that is within your control is under your control. How can there be a problem?" Kaos answered with certainty.

"Well... no wonder you are in [Unknown Territory]," Mikto seemed to believe Kaos's words: "I'll give it a try."

The little girl closed her eyes.

The next moment, a red and black lightning network suddenly spread with her as the center, and retracted directly the next moment, its scope of influence even covered most of the commercial street.

"Uh..." Kaos was stunned for a moment by this unexpected development, but before he was about to say anything, he was interrupted by a girl who fell out of thin air.

"Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!" That was [Time and Space Guide] Lena Oxton whom I met once at the opening ceremony.

"Um..." Mictor opened his eyes, with a hint of crimson still remaining in his brown eyes: "I just want to electrocute the mosquitoes within the affected area..."

What is your obsession with mosquitoes?

"Isn't this Mr. [Unknown Territory]?" Lina glanced at Kaos and turned to Mictor: "And this -"

"I am--"

"Please date me on the condition of marriage!"

Before Mikto could finish her words, Lina jumped directly on her and rubbed her face.

"..." Mictor pressed Lina's face and looked at Kaos in confusion.

Kaos was currently crouching on guard with his head in his hands - he was very sure that [that person] glanced at him.

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