The Collection of The End

One Thousand One Hundred and Forty, Alien Colossus (20)


Academy City, Kaos dormitory.

"Grandpa Ah Fu's craftsmanship is great! The cookies are delicious! The lemon tea is also delicious!"

"[Miss Qiongqi, just like it, there are many more, you're welcome.]"

By the way, what kind of strange name is "Naiya Qiongqi"? And whose guests will come in from the balcony? Mr. Butler, don’t you question it?

In the living room, the silver-haired girl who was inexplicably hanging on the balcony was chatting happily with the android housekeeper, while Kaos sat aside and held his forehead.

This guy is a nasty "outer god". He should have kicked him out of the good opportunity just now. Why did he accidentally let her in?

Although she might not be her opponent in a real fight, with [that person] watching, she would definitely not dare to fight in a place where humans gather.

However, if you think about it carefully, could it be that this guy who always likes to cause trouble came to Europa 7, which led to its destruction?

But this is not in line with her style. With her character, no matter how she thinks about it, she should instigate hatred and fights among the cities on Europa 7, and she should hide aside and watch the show. This kind of thing will destroy the star at the slightest disagreement. Behavior, on the contrary, it is easier for the guy who controls the fire to do it.

Although I don’t know how she got here, it is absolutely right and necessary to drive her away from this planet.

"I was thrown here because I caused a lot of trouble~" Naiya said to Kaos very naturally.

What? Mind reading? How can it be? I'm——

"'I'm from the old days', right?" Naiya answered again, then spread his hands and shook his head exaggeratedly: "It's a pity that he is an 'old days' who writes all his thoughts on his face."

"Hmm!" Kaos quickly frowned.

It's too careless, because I played the role of a young boy who doesn't live well in the city. As a result, I became accustomed to it and forgot to restrain myself when I saw "foreign gods".

However, Alfred is still listening. Doesn’t it matter if this guy just said that?

Kaos glanced at the android butler and saw him standing aside with a perfect smile, as if the chatting content of the boy and girl in front of him was extremely normal.

"Can you affect the logic module of an android?" Kaos frowned slightly.

"Well, although androids are a new species, they are actually not that complicated. It is easy to interfere." Naia took out a folding fan from nowhere and covered her mouth with a smile: "I can guarantee that you can communicate with me. No one will notice anything unusual, but I don’t care if you accidentally spill the beans when you are alone~hehehe~"

"It's weird if I believe you." Kaos rolled his eyes.

Whether it is [Nyarlathotep] or [Qiongqi], neither of them have anything to do with honesty and reliability. In addition, this guy seems to have a deeper identity that he cannot see through. He must also be a man who lies and likes to tease people. Be a liar.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, because we still have a long time to get along, Claude~" Naia winked at Kaos.

"Classmate? You want to go to school with me too?" Kaos suddenly felt like he had "won a game": "It seems that you have caused a lot of trouble."

"Not only that, I also want to stay here." Naiya added.

Kaos's feeling of victory flew away instantly.

"No! You are not welcome here!" He slammed the table vigorously.

"Oh...Afu..." Naia turned to the android butler with tears in her eyes.

"[Master, I know you don't want outsiders to enter your private space, but Master agreed to let Miss Naiya live in.]" Alfred looked at Kaos with disapproval.

Why can't he hear what he said?

"Wait! You've influenced Lichtem?!" Kaos jumped up and looked around to find a weapon to restrain the outer gods. If he couldn't find it, he would draw an old seal and put it on her face. .

"Stop your dirty plan," Naia looked at Kaos with disgust and contempt: "I just made the androids think that your adoptive father had given an explanation."

With her words, Alfred returned to his perfect smile and posture.

"Huh, I actually don't really want to draw." Kaos stopped and threw the fork he just found on the table.

"But to be honest, you don't really think of that human as your father, do you have such a big reaction?" Naia threw away the fan, covered her mouth with her hands and smiled, looking even more irritated.

"So what if he is really fooled! Anyway, human technology has not developed to the extent that it can significantly extend life span. At most, it will only give him a hundred years to die!" Kaos felt that he would not give in. If he behaved If he didn't care, this guy would definitely play a prank to force himself to admit that he cared.

Um? Doesn’t this mean that he really cares?

"Ah ha ha ha!" Naiya slapped the table crazily: "Your reaction is so interesting!"

I found out, this guy won't be seen when he doesn't maintain an elegant and cute posture. He usually deliberately makes things weird and wants to imitate himself, and then takes the opportunity to let others see him. Hehe, that's impossible. As long as this guy appears in the field of vision in the future , just keep your iceberg face.

"So, what kind of trouble did you cause to be thrown here by [that person]?" Kaos decided to bring the topic back on track.

"[Who]?" Naia tilted her head: "I usually call her 'Mom'."

"..." Even though he knew she was talking nonsense, Kaos didn't know how to respond.

If [that person] takes over [Azathos]'s position, there is nothing wrong with calling him that, but so far, from all the files of the Star Alliance, there are no suspected alien gods, old ones, superior races, lower-level servants and Information about the family members - except for the two on the dining table.

"As for the disaster," Naiya obviously had no intention of explaining Kaos's confusion, and directly answered the previous question: "To be specific, [I] made a plan to destroy a planet, and then 'I' was thrown to On another planet about to be destroyed, this logic is perfect."

"Are you sure it was destroyed? Or was it an unmanned planet?" Kaos raised his eyebrows.

"Of course it didn't work...and it's obviously not 'my' fault, and I don't know what [I] was thinking..." Naia muttered to herself with her face on the dining table, and suddenly turned her eyes towards Kaos : "However, you are not surprised by the fact that 'this planet is about to be destroyed'?"

"What's so surprising?" Kaos was absolutely sure that he had "won a round" this time: "I came here just to save this planet!"

Naia stared at Kaos slightly blankly and said nothing for a while.

Hmm... This makes sense, because [Azathos] has been sleeping, so he can "entrust dreams" to himself. Although the method is a bit strange, what [that person] does is natural.

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