The Collection of The End

Chapter 115 The Source of the Black Mud

My name is Elijah,

No matter how I think it is the fault of the evil in this world that I was shot down.


I'm using Iceman's air gliding skills to avoid Jin Yingying and his Noble Phantasm Rain.

In various graphic novel games, there are a lot of characters whose ability is water and ice, and I can’t tell the difference when I borrow it casually, but most of the time I am imitating Kura (), after all, I have to pretend that I am Winter saint.

But who knew that the Holy Maiden of Winter was actually only awarded the title because she lived in the eternally frozen mountain city and did not hesitate to exchange for the Holy Grail with her self-destruction?

Maybe Matou Zouken, or Maric Zorgen knew, but he was already out.

After all, the Association of Magicians and the Church of the Holy Church have been hostile to each other for centuries, and it is completely impossible to deliberately use each other's proper names.

[Alaya Alaya, the evil of this world has appeared, let's catch it quickly! 】The stupid system is buzzing in my ears.

'It's just waking up, right? ’ I glanced at the surging black mud projected by Gaia.

Undoubtedly, there is the inside of the Holy Grail. These so-called "black mud" should have been colorless and transparent magic power. After the Holy Grail War successfully descends the Holy Grail, it will gush out from the Holy Grail to fulfill the wishes of the wishers.

It is said that during the third Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family summoned the weakest heroic spirit who was forced to die under the title of "all the evils in this world". People"—but where did ordinary people come from in the Holy Grail War?

Then, because the Noble Phantasm is ineffective against heroic spirits, this "Angola Mainyu" who can only fight with his own force was the first to be eliminated, and after being absorbed by the Holy Grail, he polluted the Holy Grail due to his own resentment...

This is pure nonsense. If the resentment of defeat can pollute the Holy Grail, wouldn't the losers of previous wars have already been completely polluted?

The official (mushroom) statement is that the act of killing this unlucky boy by the whole village as "all the evils in this world" is equivalent to making a wish, so when he was absorbed by the Holy Grail as a heroic spirit, the Holy Grail realized the "he is The evil of this world" and gave him a physical body...

Count to see how many settings this eats—accepting the wishes of long-dead, ordinary people, which are not made for the Holy Grail at all, accepting wishes when the Holy Grail War has not been completed, and there is no wishing function at all, and finally Excessive is the reason why he became a heroic spirit: because the villagers who persecuted him regarded him as "all the evil in this world", so those villagers were good, so he became a heroic spirit because he created a large number of good people...

Is this how the overall consciousness of human beings works? Alaya over there, you are blind, right? !

[Alaya? Your expression is terrible now. 】

'You are Alaya! Your whole family is Alaya! '

【I'm not, I didn't... woo woo woo...】


I controlled the ice path in the air to avoid the attacks of the two treasures, and calmed down a little.

‘Sorry, I was losing my temper with another world just now. '

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” 】

Putting down the stupid system that was crying for a while, I looked at the black mud again. Since this thing has appeared, there must be a reason, and it is definitely not such a nonsense reason anyway.

[Hint: The magic power of the Great Holy Grail is not 'polluted', but affected by 'divine power'. ] Prompt my sister to type subtitles.

'Which god? We didn't create gods in the first place, did we? '

[Hint: In Persian mythology, the supreme god, the two sons of Zurvan, the god of time, Ohrmazd, the "good in this world" with two faces, and Ali, the "evil in this world" Ahriman. 】

'...Why did they fall in love with this country magic competition? '

[Hint: Ahriman and Almazd themselves were born from Sulfan's wishes,

Therefore, he is also keen on realizing the wishes of human beings, and has appeared many times in legendary stories where wishes are fulfilled. 】

Ah... I'm a little impressed by this.

There seems to be a joke about two people and a fool who lost their way in the desert, and then they met something that said they could grant two wishes for each of them. Power and money, the fool first asked for a lot of toys, and when he went to play with his companions, he found that they had all left, so he said, "Let those two people come back to accompany me."

The one who fulfilled this last wish is definitely that Ahriman did not run away.

[Hint: Almazd appeared during the first Holy Grail War because the Maiden of Winter sacrificed himself. Ahriman is not interested in this kind of wishing machine made by humans. He prefers to pretend to be sealed in the Demon gods who use oil lamps, clay pots, or other kinds of utensils to maliciously fulfill the wishes of those who open the containers. 】

'Then how did he change his mind and come again? ’ I continued to dodge the golden treasure while listening to the story.

[Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooboys…” Heroic Spirit of this name is attracted when entering Holy Grail Ahriman's attention. 】

[His resentment blackened the Holy Maiden of Winter while entering the Holy Grail, and the furious Maiden of Winter began to chase him for sixty years, and Ormazd lost interest in these wish-wishers , so he let Ahriman, who is one body and two sides, replace himself. 】 if someone does recruit the Maiden of Winter it's probably a Berserker?

No, wait? ! I remember that I came to collect "Doomsday Elements Evil in This World"?

'You mean I'm going to absorb a god? ! '

【Hey? Is there a problem? How can a mere anti-heroic spirit destroy the world? , Even with the magic power stored in the Holy Grail, at most four or five blocks can be destroyed, of course, the god who is responsible for fulfilling wishes must come. 】

'Is it a big problem? Jin Glitter, who claims to be the strongest, is only one-third of God. Unless I start from the root, how can I fight against God just because Illya and Lin are good? '

[Don't worry, what's here is not the body of the gods. The relationship with their body is probably similar to that of you and Lin Hao, and it can still be dealt with. 】

"That's not far off, unless I borrow the shiny sky lock to use it—"

bass! bass! creak -

I didn't pay attention, and the lock of heaven came out from the gate of Babylon and locked my hands and feet. I struggled twice, but I didn't break free as easily as before. Now it's like a pincer.

Can I be targeted by the lock of the sky?

Can you be targeted by the lock of the sky? I saw the same surprised expression of Jin Jingxing who was chasing after him, but he quickly adjusted and put a sneer on his face again.

"Hehehe—are you trying to use some trump card?" Gilgamesh stopped the golden flying boat and sneered condescendingly: "The result is that he has added a lot of divinity to himself? It's really a cocoon."

【Ah, that seems to be because of Ahriman's awakening...】

Because gods appeared in the "world", did the divinity of the root cause increase? Then it hurt the fish in the pond?

【Uh, looking at the bright side, it will be much easier to deal with Ahriman then... I guess. 】

"Caster, you—" "Pfft!"

I looked at the golden sword point protruding from his chest inexplicably, and then at Jin Xingxian, who also had an unexpected look on his face.

This guy seemed to be planning to set up a suspended sword formation behind his back to increase his power, but when a treasure that had just flown out was recalled, it directly pierced me who had just been immobilized by the sky lock.

Pfft——I spat out a mouthful of blood, and the front of the Xiatian Zhiyi was also completely stained red.

【Ah, Alaya...】

‘It’s okay, this time the stab was missed, it missed the core of the heart, I have been stabbed twice, I am very experienced. '

"Before I wake up... poof..." I spat out blood and said harsh words to Jin Xingxing: "If you dare to mess around in my inherent barrier, don't go out forever."

"Hmph, you still—"

If I say a few more words to Shining, I will really die. I forcibly transformed into a spirit body and returned to the root, and hurriedly began to repair the broken vest.

Wow, this is covered in red, how can I explain it to my wife? Otherwise, we will fight in civilian clothes in the future?

【That... Alaya, take a look at this...】

I was struggling with how to speed up the repair of Ilya's vest with a face of pain, and the stupid system called me from behind in a tone of fear and surprise.

What kind of strange tone is that, did you think you failed the subject and then found out that the student got 60 points in the test?

After setting the power of the root and letting Illya start to repair itself, I turned around to see what Gaia was calling.

Hmm... On the miniature globe placed in the middle of the courtyard, there is a strange figure. Overall, it looks like a tall and strong male, with a pair of huge curved horns growing out of his forehead, and there are no eyes in the place of the eyes. It is an ominous green light that keeps emitting. Its whole body is covered with a thick black carapace with strange green patterns. It spreads a pair of huge bony wings from its back, and drags a tail made of sharp blades behind it.

He was floating above the Japanese archipelago on the globe, or Fuyuki City, flapping his wings and looking down with piercing eyes.

"Well, why did Illidan appear here?" The look was inexplicably familiar.

[That's Ahriman...] The red cube where the stupid system hides is circling around him: [This is the image he used in many legends to fulfill his wishes maliciously. 】

"My concern now is, why is he here? Can he see us?"

[Impossible, even gods are much lower than the root level.] The red cube circled him a few more times, and the tone became very urgent. ['Doom element' contains a lot, Alaya hurry up Eat him~ Just remove the head——]

Boom! I casually smashed aside the stupid system that no longer knew what I was talking about, and began to carefully observe the appearance of this "Ariman".

The target to be dealt with has changed from an avenger to an evil god, and it seems to have some kind of causal ability, so it must be carefully planned.

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