The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and forty-nine, element 0 (76)

After being knocked down several times by Malefia, Chief Red Light finally recognized the change in his status from "leader" to "elite". Coupled with the threat of Thela Soido's huge claws, he began to work honestly alive.

With Chief Hongguang as the "lumberjack" and Thela Soido as the "quarryer", the Blacklight Tribe's construction speed has finally accelerated a lot.

Although Alaya, the newborn of the Green Light Tribe, chose to "give birth to a powerful individual" under my influence, it was not a solo action in the first place. So for Iduo to take the initiative to attack the "Dimensional Demon", there must be an opportunity, such as the Green Light Tribe coming to ask for help or the "Dimensional Demon" coming directly.

If I were to arrange it, I would probably be able to create a lot of dramatic scenes, but since I have already interfered with the "junior's" choice once, I'd better wait and see what happens this time.

[In that case, wouldn’t it be better to directly build an underground tribe? ] The stupid system is directing Thela Soido to dig holes and quarry rocks: [It’s unreasonable to be on the surface and have no reaction to the ‘dimension demon invasion’, isn’t it? 】

‘Wouldn’t it be difficult to find it? And if we ‘completely ignore the invasion of dimensional demons and the war between Titans and Black Dragons’, doesn’t it show that our Black Light Tribe is confident? ’ When I replied, I was letting Malefia wander around the camp “opening the map”.

To be honest, the location chosen for this volcanic eruption that "gave birth to" the Black Light Tribe was very good. While it would not be discovered by Green Light or Demons immediately, there were also many rare resources around. Although there are often many resources around the resource points. Powerful wild creatures, but that is not a problem. The only problem is that the Black Light Tribe cannot recruit and train troops, and they are completely useless.

[Hmm... Indeed, with the addition of a 'resurrected' red-light chief, it should be enough for those greenskins who don't even have language to understand the specialness of this place. 】Silly System thought for a while before agreeing.

'Huh? Wait, did I overlook a key issue? ’ Malefia paused while inspecting the quality of the gems.

These creatures on the green grassland planet can only communicate with each other by chattering and using the bubbles on their heads. What about the black light tribe?

[After all, there is no written language. How about you draw something to communicate? 】

‘No, no, those [bubbles] are what I [saw] directly, which is the true meaning of sounds like [WAAAGH]. It’s useless to draw them directly. ’

[You should also yell. After all, where the authority is, you can definitely communicate directly. 】

‘No, that kind of behavior doesn’t match Malefia’s character.

【When did you decide on the character design? 】

'Just now. ’

【……as long as you are happy. 】

In the end, the preliminary plan is to have the Red Light Chief come forward to negotiate when the Green Light Tribe visits. Presumably, it should be able to understand the current critical situation of the entire world and will not talk nonsense.


[Tip: The 'Green Light Tribe' cannot gain an advantage on multiple battlefields resisting the invasion of the 'Dimension Demons'. As their troops gradually become scarce, the 'Dimension Demons' can continue to replenish them through the 'Dimension Anchor'. In order to To prevent the 'Dimension Demon' from accumulating enough troops to sweep across the entire planet, the Green Light Chief and his friends went to search for the mysterious 'Black Light Tribe' under the guidance of the Titan Giant. 】

Not long after this clue full of slots came out, a Titan from the Cloud Temple threw a warning bolt of lightning towards the outside of the Black Light Tribe. After that, the Green Light Chief left other troops who were fighting against the dimensional demons. , came on a long journey with his little follower, the guard captain and the Queen of Purple Light.

[This is the legendary protagonist Feng Action who ‘even though a war is going on, but he leaves the battlefield to take risks in order to find a way to win’. 】

‘It’s so appropriate that I don’t even know how to complain about it. Why don’t we just stop everything except them to match it? ’

[In that case, you won’t be able to get the doomsday element. 】

‘Just talking to suit the mood. ’

For now, there is no problem with the Green Light Chief temporarily leaving the battle line, because the "dimension demons" are not the kind of brainless group that just rushes and fights. They still have a command and a plan, and they are aware of the green light that has been blocking them. After the main hero disappeared, he did not take the opportunity to rush out. Instead, he shrank slightly under the command of the devil and Naga. After all, in the previous battle, the Green Light Chief did not use this trick of using a feint to lure the enemy deep and then catch the turtle in the urn. use less.

Moreover, since the Green Light Chief has temporarily given up command, I can slightly mobilize the Green Light Warriors and create the illusion that they are still there in the eyes of the "Dimension Demons". It can be said to be a piece of cake. Other alliances The tribe members will only think that they are well-trained.

But absence means absence. Over time, the trap will always be revealed. It would be better to clean up the wild animals on the road a little so that they can arrive as soon as possible and then appear grandly as reinforcements, although some of them were probably given to the master animal trainer by little Alaya. and the supplementary troops of Queen Charming, but are they as strong as Malefia and Therazoido?

[Tip: Chief Green Light arrived at the mysterious Black Light Tribe and tried to persuade him to come out to help resist the invasion of the ‘dimension demons’. 】

It's really "persuading". It seems that it is very self-aware and knows that the existence that can be called for help by Titan cannot be "persuaded" by force. But haven't you ever thought about bribery?

[Don’t you have some knowledge about trading and currency technology? Should I give you food directly? I didn’t know that you eat meat and are vegetarian. 】

‘Tsk…but what should I [say]? ’

Seeing that the Green Light Chief was about to arrive at the castle hall of the Black Light Tribe, I decisively asked Malefia to sit on the throne, and asked Therasoydo to lie aside. Finally, I sent the Red Light Chief to greet the guests.



As expected, it turned out like this, and there was no corresponding translation on Malefia's control interface, so I could only continue to look at those "thought bubbles" from a traditional perspective.

On the Green Light Chief's bubble was a very ordinary simple drawing of "Showing the threat of dimensional demons and asking the Black Light Tribe to take action", while several other bubbles had "Shocked, the Red Light Chief is still alive" popping up above their heads.

As for Chief Red Light...huh?

Asking for a lot of food to feed it, asking Chief Greenlight to do work for it - the construction tasks I threw at it.

[As expected of ‘anger’, I am planning to take the opportunity to take revenge haha. 】

‘This is definitely not what I taught you! ’

Seeing that the Green Light Chief hesitated for a while and seemed ready to agree, I decisively asked Malefia to mount Therasoydo, rushed out and kicked the Red Light Chief into the lake, and then I didn't care whether they could understand or not. , let her say directly:

"It's free this time."

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