The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and sixty-one, Legacy of the Void (15)


Turasis II, Fortress of Howe.


Accompanied by the sound of missile launches that sounded almost simultaneously, an aircraft in the shape of a flat triangle appeared out of thin air, carrying electric sparks and thick smoke as it fell towards Jim Raynor's position.

"Wow, it's been a year and there are still clone pilots trying their luck. Can't they be new here?" Renault whistled and hid under the eaves of a roadside building in a familiar manner.

Boom! bump! Zhizhizhi——

After several collisions on a series of rooftops, the crashed aircraft was stopped by friction and stopped on a wide street. A group of nearby federal soldiers and repair vehicles immediately surrounded it, and was blocked by it. The low-rise buildings that hit were completely undamaged—at least on the outside.

Although this situation is a bit unbelievable, it is quite common in Howe Fortress, because the fortress itself has no concept of "residential residences" at all. Almost all ordinary houses have been specially strengthened against the air, even if they are bombarded by the main guns of siege tanks. , it can take at least five shots before it collapses, let alone a crash where the damage is so slight that it can be ignored.

The "Ghost Fighter" that just crashed is extremely fast and equipped with stealth technology. It is a very good detection method. It may have been sent by the Minmatar army to test the air defense distribution inside the fortress. Now it seems that it is indeed excellent. He completed his work and detected an anti-aircraft rocket array deployed in a "residence".

"The first anniversary of the Clone Rebellion... maybe they want to make something big happen?" Raynor smacked his lips and walked out from under the eaves of the house, thinking as he headed towards the barracks where he belonged.

The next short stretch of the road proved Renault's guess. The clone marines (Marine), who had only been in a daze in barracks and supply depots, began to patrol back and forth in the fortress with their C14 electromagnetic rifles, and among the patrols When encountering each other, these Ma Runs, whose faces are covered by masks, often attack each other verbally:

"Want to taste how powerful I am, kid?"

"If it weren't for the damn indoctrination, I would have smashed the butt of my gun into your silly face."

"I suggest we kill the commander who gave the orders indiscriminately."

Unfortunately, as clones rather than natural people, although they have reason and intelligence, their behavior is controlled and they cannot fulfill their words, and they may be sacrificed in the next battle.

The treatment in the federal regular army is so bad.

It is actually understandable for clones in other star fields to launch rebellions.

After passing by four groups of patrolling soldiers, Renault finally returned to the station of the "Demons of Heaven" special forces team.

Unlike those unnamed cannon fodder clone soldiers, the units with code names in the federal army are all composed of natural persons. Although the physical fitness of the members of these units varies, and they sometimes disobey orders and escape, their combat effectiveness generally exceeds There are ten times more clone troops with the same number and equipment, which puzzles Federation researchers and can only pinch their noses and continue to treat them as trump cards.

"Oh, it's not too late for me to come." Renault looked around the camp and found that there were not many natural soldiers gathered near several brightly lit barracks. It seemed that the fortress commander did not intend to let the powerful natural man company go into battle easily.

"Anyway, I'm going to equip my old buddy first..." Renault walked towards the barracks where he belonged. It was a building over twenty meters high with many "landing gears" supported at the bottom. Many people had gathered around and were ready to go. The soldiers, well, mostly because this is the barracks directly under Renault, no one dares to be lazy and fish. 123 Literature Network

Those "landing gears" are the result of deciphering the "Pioneer Ute" technology, allowing most buildings in the Tyranid Federation to perform takeoff and landing operations through anti-gravity systems, which can effectively prevent long-range fixed-point strikes - although after takeoff The speed of movement is completely unflattering.

Boo hoo hoo——

"Well... they really dare to fight..." The familiar voice appeared again. Renault looked up and found that this time the sound effect was coming from a set of air-to-air missiles. The source was unclear, but the target should be The "Science Ball" hovering over the barracks area - this is an auxiliary ship that has no self-defense firepower but can easily detect invisible enemies. Its full name is a scientific exploration ship, so named because it is shaped like a ball.

Boom boom!

All the incoming missiles hit their targets, but after the smoke and dust dissipated, the science sphere was completely undamaged. The silver-white defense network matrix covering the surface of its hull seemed to mock the enemy's overestimation of its capabilities.

At the same time, five ghost fighters flew out from behind the science sphere, roared away in the direction of the missile attack, and disappeared halfway like ice melting in the water. Soon, the direction was heard from a distance of explosions.

It seemed that this surprise attack had failed due to the near-perfect response of the Science Ball, but... it was still a little bit far from perfect.

"I guess the guys who installed the defense matrix on the science ball never thought about how to deal with the debris after blocking the attack." Renault watched as the missiles hit the defense net and exploded, causing debris to rain down on him. When the direction comes, turn around and run.

This level of shrapnel and debris is quite common on the battlefield, and is completely innocuous to power armor, but Renault hasn't had time to wear it, and if he is hit by that thing, he is afraid that it will turn into a honeycomb.

Fortunately, there is a "vulture car" not far away. As long as a slide shovel gets under it in time...

"Hey Jim, you seem to be in trouble."

A huge powered armor shot out from the side, nonchalantly blocking the scattered shrapnel with its torso, and then raised its hand to say hello to Renault with a clanging sound.

"You are really good at finding opportunities, well, I owe you once." Renault, who was just one step away from getting under the Vulture, shrugged and gave up on that unsightly move.

Tychus Drax Finley (), who belongs to the same combat team as Raynor, is a strong, rude, greedy, but extremely powerful guy. It is said that he was originally on duty in the high-security area, but was sent out for beating his commander. He arrived at this border post, and it seemed that the reason was that he was called "bald" - but he had no hair at all.

"Hurry up and get ready, I feel like I can make a big fuss today, haha." Tychus pushed Reno towards the barracks.

Renault didn't talk to Tychus anymore and quickly climbed up the stairs of the barracks.

Compared with those ordinary clone soldiers, the guys in this barracks have more lawless expressions, thicker armor, and more ferocious weapons. The color scheme of their armor is not the red and white of ordinary power armor, but a kind of It was so dark that it was ominously dark, and a pale skull was spray-painted on everyone's mask.

Their common name is - "Devil from Heaven".

Renault got into his power armor with familiarity, picked up his electromagnetic rifle, raised his hand to snap off the skull mask, and then said as if talking to himself:

"Come on, the show is about to begin!" (Hell, it's about time!)

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