The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and sixty-four, legacy of the void (18)


The Minmatar advance to the outskirts of the base.

"Shet! Uh-huh!... Shet!"

"You'd better shut up, or your tombstone will be engraved with 'died from too much swearing'. I will never send flowers to such a tombstone."

While requesting medical support in the chain of command, Renault said to Tychus who was constantly cursing and vomiting blood.

He was hit by a spider mine at close range. If Tychus was an ordinary Marine, he would have died twice. Fortunately, Raynor grabbed him in time during the explosion, and his armor itself was damaged by the damage caused by the explosion. The person likes to play charge and has specially strengthened it, so now most of his armor is damaged and he is seriously injured and is on the verge of death. After taking a shot of stimulant to maintain his consciousness, he still has the leisure to curse.

Medical support, like SCV repair, tends to serve natural people. Unless the clone soldiers are on duty at important positions, or the medics or SCVs are idle, this kind of treatment will not be their turn. After all, there is no shortage of resources. There is no shortage of troops either.

There is no need to think about a more advanced hospital ship. When a single soldier is injured, at most one medic will come. If you are easy to talk to, you can consider asking her to take care of the clone soldiers, so that your team's actions will greatly increase the chance of winning.

"Ahem! The commander on the opposite side had better not let me catch him, otherwise he will look good!" Tychus said harshly there.

Renault was not optimistic about Tychus's rhetoric. Although it was indeed possible for the vanguard infantry to capture the enemy commander, it was only possible. As expected, before the supply depot was destroyed, the commander there would be in advance. Run away.


"[Sergeant Hank Harner: Someone help me blow up that Goliath!]"

"[Corporal Luc Kidd: I destroyed a missile defense tower. If any pilot brothers who were stopped by it before can move on!]"

"[Corporal Marco Zander: I took down the bunker! The tanks can move forward!]"

Renault listened to the chaotic public channel of "Devil of Heaven" and was basically sure that other teams' offensives had also made great gains, but so far they were still mainly fighting on the outside.

"These idiots, moving tanks are live targets - ugh!" Tychus could also hear the channel.

"The attack route we chose is pretty good. It only has bunkers but no missile towers.

The medics should be arriving soon. "Reno directed the subsequent airborne clone troopers to scatter in search of bunkers and look in the direction of Fortress Howe.

"Huh, if it's not hot enough, I won't let her touch me." Tychus snorted.

“They wouldn’t have touched—here they come!”

Phew - a transport plane that looked like a paper clip flew almost close to the ground. After confirming Renault's position, it flicked and dropped a piece of powered armor and returned the same way.

The shape of that powered armor was different from that of ordinary marines and "Heavenly Demons". It was smaller in size, and its whole body was pure white. There were spray-painted patterns of red crosses on its shoulders and the life-size shield held in its left hand. The right hand did not hold a weapon. It was replaced by something like a searchlight.

After the white power armor landed, she immediately took small steps and stuck behind a half-destroyed low wall. After briefly observing the battlefield situation, she bent down and quickly approached the positions of Renault and Tychus. During the period, sporadic stray bullets or shrapnel flew towards her. But they were all blocked by that shield. ok composition network

After several transfers, she successfully arrived at the bunker where Renault was hiding. She opened her visor with a sneer, revealing a face with blond hair, blue eyes, soft facial features, and a serious expression. She looked at the two of them, and then turned to Tychus. wink:

"Congratulations, you are my first patient~"

The medic's voice was quite gentle, but combined with these slightly playful words, it made her look particularly charming.

"Hey girl, I like you." Tychus grinned at her.

"Don't worry, she definitely doesn't like you." Renault answered.

"Bear with it. If it hurts, it's because I messed up. If it hurts a lot, it's because my treatment method is correct." The medic completely ignored the two people's talk and pointed at Tychus and opened her right hand. "Searchlight" on.


The "searchlight" projected a slightly fluctuating blue light on Tychus's scarred body. Wherever it passed, whether it was gravel, shrapnel, or fragments of armor and clothing, they were all "sucked" out. Then, Tychus The hideous wounds on his body began to heal at an incredible speed.

This almost magical technology comes from the "Pioneer Ute". It is somewhat similar to the method of "ripening" clones. It can speed up the self-healing of the treated person. However, because of this, it is very effective for natural people, but half the effort for clones. , so the command usually doesn’t send medical soldiers to treat clones—it’s just about recreating them after they die.

Another reason is that medical soldiers themselves are relatively scarce.

Although this kind of "healing light" can be used by everyone, and the Federal Academy of Sciences even plans to amplify it and install it on medical ships for group treatment, but those who can effectively use it must be between the ages of 16 and 35 and have a psychic level of 2. Women who are above and have never given birth.

The Federal Academy of Sciences was completely unable to understand the significance of this restriction. After many experiments, it speculated that the ability of the target group to "create new life" may have a certain strengthening effect on the light itself.

Since clones cannot possess psychic powers, each medic is a scarce resource, at least more valuable than natural soldiers like Raynor and Tychus.


As the medic said, Tychus looked in great pain while being treated, but he gritted his teeth and stared without screaming, and even made a "no more than that" gesture to Renault.

What a boring ego.

"Hello, doctor," Renault ignored Tychus and addressed the medic who had just turned off the "searchlight": "The order you received was to return after treatment or to follow us?"

Judging from the situation of Howe Fortress being besieged from all sides, it is normal for medical soldiers to have to rush around. It is best to have her help in the next actions. If not, Tychus can barely use it after he is healed. .

"Well... I only received the order to come here to treat the wounded, but there is no follow-up." The medic turned his head and thought for a moment: "I can follow you until I receive the order from the letter."

Renault nodded and stretched out his hand towards her: "We are the 'Devils of Heaven' special forces team. I am the captain James Renault, and he is Tychus Finley. Nice to meet you."

"Angela Kyrielight Ziegler," the medic stretched out his hand to shake Renault's hand: "I'm glad to meet you, too."

"Hey, you know what? I really want to open up friendly damage right now." Tychus, who was repairing his power armor, gave Raynor a middle finger.

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